
Chapter 457 Li Changle’s Choice !

Chapter 457 Li Changle\'s Choice !

Liu Yong\'s heart churned with an uneasy mix of hope and dread. As he read the disturbing news, he couldn\'t help but wonder if it was nothing more than a hoax, a fabricated tale meant to deceive and stir chaos. His thoughts raced as he contemplated the dire consequences such an event could have on humanity.

It didn\'t take long for Liu Yong to return home after finishing his day at the office, where he found Li Changle already settled in the living room, engrossed in a television program.

Seeing the early return, Liu Yong remarked, "You\'re back unusually early today, not like your usual self."

Li Changle responded casually, "Well, there was a school exam today, and summer vacation is just around the corner."

Liu Yong sighed, "Time is flying by; summer vacation is upon us."

Li Changle smiled and suggested, "With the official summer vacation just around the corner, we should plan something fun. How about a little trip?"

Always the adventurous spirit, Liu Yong readily agreed, "Certainly, that sounds wonderful. Do you have any particular destination in mind, domestic or foreign?"

Li Changle\'s eyes gleamed with anticipation, and she replied, "I\'ve been thinking about it for a while, Brother Yong. How about a self-driving tour to Tibet?"

Liu Yong\'s face lit up excitedly, "That sounds like a fantastic idea! Tibet it is, then."

Liu Yong had the luxury of not being overly concerned about Global Enterprise Group\'s affairs; they mostly ran themselves. Taking some time off for a leisurely trip wouldn\'t pose any issues.

On the other hand, Li Changle rarely had the opportunity for extended breaks. Yet, she was accessible and eager to embark on this adventure with Liu Yong.

After a pleasant dinner together, the two settled in to watch the evening news, and it didn\'t take long before they stumbled upon a news segment that left Liu Yong utterly stunned.

It was an international news bulletin, a brief report lasting less than thirty seconds. The news was concise and to the point, revealing that a colossal sea creature had attacked and severely damaged a merchant vessel in the Atlantic Ocean. The television screen displayed a harrowing image: a massive ship listing ominously, enveloped in dark plumes of smoke as it sank beneath the turbulent waves. From Liu Yong\'s rough estimation, the ship\'s cargo exceeded 10,000 tons.

The idea that such a behemoth had attacked and sunk a ship shocked both Liu Yong and Li Changle. Li Changle questioned with disbelief, "Brother Yong, can this be real? Are there truly sea monsters in our oceans capable of sinking such massive vessels?"

Though initially skeptical, Liu Yong had encountered similar news earlier in the day on his phone. At the time, he\'d dismissed it as fabricated by unscrupulous editors. However, this evening\'s news broadcast repeated the same story, and Liu Yong conceded, "I believe it is real. This is an official news report; they wouldn\'t publish false information."

Her amazement growing, Li Changle murmured, "My goodness, it\'s unbelievable. To think that such colossal creatures could lurk beneath the ocean\'s depths."

The news report offered no descriptions of the creature responsible, only footage of the ship\'s disastrous fate. Liu Yong, too, was left pondering the true nature of the mysterious menace.

Now gripped by curiosity, Li Changle inquired, "Brother Yong, could it be that there are unknown sea creatures hiding beneath the ocean\'s surface, creatures mankind has yet to discover?"

Liu Yong contemplated momentarily before responding, "The ocean remains a realm of mystery and uncertainty. Human ocean knowledge is far from comprehensive, much like our understanding of the moon. It\'s entirely plausible that sea creatures exist beyond our current knowledge."

However, Liu Yong knew he couldn\'t divulge all he knew about the enigmatic world beneath the waves. For instance, there was the trench in the Indian Ocean teeming with massive white fish, the trench close to the spaceship wreckage housing colossal octopuses, and the recent encounter in the South Pacific Ocean between the Overlord and a colossal black beast measuring nearly 300 meters in length and weighing over 2,000 tons. Liu Yong pondered whether this new incident in the Atlantic Ocean was related to the colossal black monster he had heard about.

But these thoughts were mere conjecture, as the news hadn\'t provided specific details about the attacking creature.

Li Changle\'s curiosity eventually subsided, and she changed the channel to a lighthearted variety show. At the same time, Liu Yong continued to wrestle with questions about the ocean\'s uncharted depths.

The next day arrived, and Liu Yong arrived promptly at the Universal Building, determined to handle a few critical matters in preparation for his upcoming trip. He intended to ensure he could take an extended leave without compromising the company\'s operations.

A knock at the door heralded the arrival of Qiu Yang. Liu Yong welcomed him, stating, "Mr. Qiu, I\'ll be away for more than ten days and entrust the company\'s affairs to you during that time. If any significant matters arise, feel free to contact me."

Qiu Yang nodded in acknowledgment, though hesitation marred his expression. Finally, he spoke up, "Boss, there\'s something I\'ve been concerned about since yesterday when I saw that news report about the ship attack in the Atlantic Ocean. They claimed it was a sea monster. I can\'t help but wonder if our ships might encounter something similar."

Global Shipping Group, a subsidiary of Global Enterprise Group, boasted substantial scale and a vast fleet of large vessels. Their ships traversed all oceans, visiting ports worldwide. The implications of such an attack on their fleet were profound.

Liu Yong reassured Qiu Yang, saying, "I believe the ship attack was an isolated incident. There\'s no need for undue worry. Furthermore, our ships are primarily concentrated in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, not the Atlantic."

Qiu Yang nodded, still burdened by unease, "I hope it\'s just a coincidence."

The two engaged in a brief discussion about work-related matters before Qiu Yang departed.

Liu Yong had the utmost confidence in his team\'s ability to manage the company\'s affairs. He had implemented clear protocols and contractual templates for the graphene-aluminum battery venture, enabling Qiu Yang and his colleagues to operate smoothly.

Around eleven in the morning, Liu Yong left the company premises, opting to take his high-performance sports car for a drive. He intended to prepare for his upcoming trip, including granting Chen Hu some well-deserved time off to relax.

Liu Yong navigated the bustling city streets effortlessly, arriving at a massive shopping complex within 20 to 30 minutes. It was one of Huahai City\'s largest malls, offering an array of shopping, dining, entertainment, and even travel agencies.

Li Changle, busy shopping and awaiting Liu Yong\'s arrival, sent him a message: "Brother Yong, I\'m at the Dior store on the third floor."

Glancing at his phone, Liu Yong promptly made his way to the third floor, where he found Li Changle immersed in the world of luxury fragrances.

With a warm smile, he said, "That perfume is lovely, Changle. You should get it."

Li Changle\'s face brightened with

Delight as she made the purchase. She then took Liu Yong\'s arm, suggesting, "Brother Yong, let\'s pay a visit to a travel agency."

Contemplating the idea, Liu Yong responded enthusiastically, "That sounds like a terrific plan. We should definitely go and explore."

Li Changle added, "But I don\'t want to be part of a tour group. The schedules are always so rushed, with early mornings and quick photo stops at the scenic spots."

Liu Yong reassured her, "Don\'t worry; we won\'t be joining any tour groups. We\'ll do it our way."

Li Changle\'s eyes sparkled with anticipation as she grasped the full extent of Liu Yong\'s intentions.

They wouldn\'t follow the group, and Liu Yong had a unique plan.

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