
Chapter 249 249: Progress!

Chapter 249 249: Progress!

Thanks to Brunhild\'s information, she said it\'s very unlikely as the jump from stage seven to eight was something that needed a lot of energy, power and time to prepare.

Even my evolution jumped to needing nearly billions of blood essence... and some strange item that was only listed with "????"

Alexander was standing on the pure white snow—ahead of him were more than a hundred vesta, all fighting against mutants and zombies, working together even better thanks to the countless battles they fought each day.

"I should probably reward them somehow once we arrive..."

He was able to start smiting the stage six enemies in order for his vesta and women to fight safely, and suddenly, clearing the frozen mutants became a lot easier.

The vesta evolved into level five\'s overall—there were only a few more stage fours left, but he found that at stage five, they would be given a choice on what path they wished to evolve into.

After Alexander started smiting stage six enemies, they began to advance much faster than before.

"Alex, can I fight?" A beautiful female werewolf who was now much softer when she was beside him no longer showed a hateful glare or angry responses; Sylvia had spent the entire time beside Alex since they began fighting in these frozen trenches to remove future dangers, and slowly, her hatred shrank, it didn\'t vanish the death of her brother and how brutal it was still haunting her...

Yet she would no longer desire her own heart and the fact he was the one her body and now mind desired. 

Her eyes looked at him, standing resolute, flicking his wrist each time one of the vestas was in trouble, blowing apart mutant limbs so she didn\'t get wounded, a blood spear travelling too fast for her to track properly.

Sometimes, when Sylvia cried at night after having nightmares of her brother\'s death, she found herself curled up in front of a fire in Alexander\'s arms, his hands either stroking her hair or combing her with an expensive brush.

Thus, over the past two weeks, she had begun to lower her guard and fall for him... Now, it was her own body that yearned for that violent and vicious sex once again.

"Go, show me how strong you\'ve become." He smirked, looking at her eager eyes, before his hand traced along her round, juicy rump, giving it a loud slap before Syliva shot forward and entered the battle.

I was expecting you to ask for a reward before you left... silly girl. If you just asked me, I would give you what your body desperately desires.

Alexander laughed slightly, watching Syliva rip apart stage four and five mutants and zombies with her bare claws, using the training he gave her to dodge their attacks and respond in kind, slicing open their necks and then moving on to the next enemy.

It seems the daily training with the girls who ask for it is paying off... though sometimes I forget my new strength and almost kill them when I get excited...

He had started to fight against the women who requested it in the morning as a form of training. 

The number one women who came were Ayami and Sylvia, mostly fighting them both at once, but sometimes the scent given off by their races during combat with him is one of lust and seduction, and their battles tend to end with one of them getting bitten or almost torn apart due to the tension and Alex becoming overly excited.


I didn\'t think becoming this strong would make me so horny! It\'s like everything excites me!

He sighed slightly, rubbing the back of his head as Syliva ripped apart three stage four zombies with her sharp lycan claws, showing how far she had come and how strong she was compared to the weakling who he defeated.

"I like how she\'s learned to transform only at the moment of attack..."

"What do you think, Himari?" Alex asked the short one who was standing quietly beside him, who seemed to be innocent, but he noticed her sniffing his scent several times—since the ritual, when he increased to stage seven, she became a little more clingy, but he didn\'t mind. If anything, he was waiting for her to ask for something more, like Sylvia. 

It was fun to him, waiting for them to approach him... He even left the door open for the past three nights while he was sleeping with Amy so they would be more stimulated by her voice and how crazy she became in bed.

In honesty, Alexander was partly using these warm and bright women to help forget the dark future that was heading their way... getting to the north was only half of the fight... Once the third wave hits, it will be the end of all creatures below stage four... They would die almost instantly as the world is swarmed with undead.

Himari blushed slightly, turning away as Syliva transformed back into her human form, panting heavily after ripping apart more than ten enemies alone without anyone\'s assistance.

"She has gotten stronger... though I wish she wouldn\'t transform back every time... She looks weird naked..."

Alexander raised an eyebrow, hearing Himari\'s honest response; ever since the ritual, his senses increased massively, making him hear more and understand more about those around him.

Is Himari jealous of her body? Is it the breasts, ass or abs? I\'m not sure... 

"Himari looks nice naked..." He whispered to change the subject.

Instantly, Himari\'s face turned crimson as she heard his words, covering her mouth as she couldn\'t believe Alexander was so blunt when complimenting her on being attractive...

Syliva walked back covered in zombie blood, her fur coat gone as she approached him; she wanted to hug his arm and feel his warmth, but Himari was right beside him.

Alex smiled, seeing her expression, raising his arm so Syliva could stand beside him and touch his muscular chest as he held her waist, allowing her to rest after fighting so hard. 

"Are you already tired?" He asked, with a soft voice, not judging or praising.

"Mmmm... this morning you were too harsh... kicking me in the pelvis, now it\'s all sore and bruised.."

"Want me to kiss it better?" Alexander smirked, kissing Syliva\'s cheek softly and tenderly, causing Himari to turn away and try to ignore the scene.

"Yes... please..." Sylvia responded honestly, hugging him tightly, forgetting about Himari, who was standing nearby.

"Oh, finally going to be honest with your needs?" Alexander asked, whispering into her ear softly.

"... Yes..." Syliva responded softly, closing her eyes as she felt his lips kiss her neck softly, feeling a slight pain as he bit down on her flesh, leaving a small mark...

"Come to my tent tonight." His whisper sounded, causing the werewolf to blush and turn away, with a bright red face and a wide smile on her lips.

Himari listened carefully, biting her lip slightly, wishing Alexander would bite her as well... but she wasn\'t confident like her sister or Sylvia...

Maybe... Maybe I should ask... She thought to herself, trying to build up the courage as Alexander let Syliva go as she seemed to want to fight to hide her embarrassment.

Alexander seemed to want to increase the distance they made today as he stepped forward with his wings unfurling from the back—he shot into the air as his shout resounded across the frozen plains.

"Let\'s continue forward!"

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