
Chapter 124 Alex's Importance

"That kid is really awesome, Dad!"

Glen with a hint of excitement in his voice.

Glen is the type of person who would normally go for a skydive just to seek excitement.

He\'s like a wild man that likes anything that is thrilling.

You can probably imagine him as that fun uncle within the family that everyone usually uses as a bad example to kids.

Anyway, another thing that Glen likes to do is fight.

That\'s also the reason why Glen took up the post as the captain of CPS.

Yesterday, when he learned that Alex defeated a monster with a hundreds of gap in level, he couldn\'t help but feel his blood boil.

Now that Alex has become the topic of the talk, Glen can\'t resist opening his mouth and talking about his admiration for Alex\'s strength.

To his words, Rolando nodded in agreement.

"Alex is indeed a very amazing kid. Although I already know that he has a lot of potential, I didn\'t expect that it would be this abnormal."

"To think that he\'s already capable of leapfrogging between Tiers, sigh…"

Rolando could only sigh to express his amazement.

Rose looked at her two older brothers and said, "Is he really that incredible? Did he really defeat that 4-Star monster on his own?"

"Haven\'t you seen the video?" Asked Rolando.

Rose shook her head, "No, I was busy with something these past few days that I didn\'t even have time to look at the internet."

Hearing that, Glen took out his phone and played the video on it before handing it to Rose.

"Here, watch it first and you decide whether he\'s incredible or not after."

Rose took the phone from Glen and started watching the video.

On the side, Kris also took a peek at the video on the phone with interest.

Even though she has already seen it earlier, she still can\'t help but take a look.

From the angle of the camera, Alex was clearly captured.

Although because of their fast movements, most of the time, nothing can really be seen.

Only when they paused and stopped for a few seconds were their figures captured by the camera.

After fighting for a while, the scene finally came to the point where a powerful lightning from the sky hit the Devouring Clown before the screen suddenly turned dark.

That\'s where the video ended.

Rose, who just watched all that, seemed to take a few seconds before she came to herself and said, "Woah… that kid, he\'s really powerful!"

She turned to look at Rolando and said, "You\'re saying that this kid is only a new Tier-1 player?"

Rolando nodded without saying a word.


Rose quietly muttered.

Rose finally realized just how perverted Alex\'s strength truly is.

To be able to fight with hundreds of gaps in level and even defeat it, that is just too monstrous!

For some reason, Kris can\'t help but feel happy seeing that Alex was being admired by everyone in her family.

Jonathan once again noticed her abnormality and this time, he said, "Kris, ny granddaughter, why do look so happy?"

"Ah! N-nothing, grandpa!"

Kris was startled and hurriedly replied.

Then she sat down properly on the chair and made a poker face like nothing happened.

Jonathan and the three looked at her weirdly before sighing and shaking their heads.

Jonathan and the others are not blind nor stupid.

They have also been through being a teenager that\'s why they can see it even with their eyes closed.

Kris is starting to get some feelings for Alex.

In the end, the four can\'t say anything about it and just sigh.

Shaking their heads, they decided to just ignore Kris for now.

Jonathan looks at his sons and daughter and said, "As you can see, Alex is someone with such great potential."

"Even though he is currently only a Tier-1, from his pace, we can already expect that it won\'t take long before he reaches Tier-9."

"That\'s why, like our original plan, we should continue having a friendly relationship with him."

After saying that, Jonathan looked at the reaction of the three and saw them nodding in agreement.

Of course they would agree.

There\'s a player that has great strength and potential right in front of them.

It would be stupid if they didn\'t agree.

Plus, they already have a favorable relationship with Alex to begin with.

It\'s just natural for them to want Alex on their side!

After that, Jonathan nodded and said, "Good. It seems like we all agree that Alex is important for us."

"Now, let\'s think of a way how we can strengthen our relationship with him."

With that said, the four started brainstorming ways to get a better relationship with Alex.

Kris didn\'t join their conversation and just sat there silently.

From time to time, she glances at them when hearing the ideas that they come up with.

Finally, she thought, \'Maybe it\'s good if I also start thinking of ways to get close to Alex.\'

And just like that, the lights in the Raven Family\'s Manor didn\'t go off until the morning came.

After a relaxing sleep, Alex woke up feeling light.

Stretching for a bit, Alex got up from his bed and started his morning routine.

While cooking his breakfast, Alex turned on the tv and a morning talk show/news show was being broadcasted.

And just in time, the news that was being played was his video of killing the Devouring Clown again.

Without hesitation, Alex turned off the tv and just focused on cooking his breakfast.

When he finished cooking, he brought his plate of eggs, bacon, and rice to the sofa and sat there.

Alex didn\'t start eating immediately.

Instead, he fell into a thoughtful state.

Thinking about what will happen now that a video of him has already gone viral on the internet.

"If I left the house right now, there\'s a high possibility that people who watched the video will recognize me."

Thinking of that, Alex remembered the group of people back in school.

In the end, Alex can only sigh and start eating.

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