
Chapter 11: Awakening. (1)

The metal that makes up the hilt has yet to be discovered. It is also unknown how a sword hundreds of years old is in perfect condition, without signs of corrosion or weathering. Alchemists and wizards have examined and compared the world’s rarest metals, but nothing like the Holy Sword exists.

‘One more weapon similar to this monstrosity, and we’re in trouble.’

The Holy Sword is also an ego sword. It does not speak, but it chooses its wielder. Those not selected by the Holy Sword cannot even draw it from its scabbard. Why such a weapon would choose Elroy as its master is a mystery.

‘Come to think of it, I don’t know as much about this sword as I thought I did.’

I only know part of the whole story of the Holy Sword’s origins. Perhaps the author didn’t think it was necessary, and the original story only described the power of the sword when it was awakened and the story of the holy sword as it was known to the world.

‘At least they explained the sword’s different abilities.’

If Arjen hadn’t vowed to use the holy sword left behind by the hero after his death, I would have been in serious trouble. If he had said he didn’t need it and returned it to the Holy State, I would not last long, stumbling around with no idea what to do with the Holy Sword.

‘…Though most of it is inaccessible until I awaken it.’

I smiled bitterly and tapped the hilt of my sword. According to the original story, the Holy Sword has three stages. Originally, Elroy failed to awaken the true form of the Holy Sword. When I grabbed it, nothing happened.

“Well, it’s only a few weeks of hard work.”

In fact, the conditions for awakening the Holy Sword are not clear. I can only guess it depends on the user’s strength and the trials they overcome.

Since it’s a sword with an ego, there is no specific quest or method to awaken the sword. In the original, it was unlocked at just the right time when Arjen was in dire straits, but without Daphne helping me, I was not ready to risk my life.

So, I can only swing the sword. Fight enemies, overcome trials, and hope that the Holy Sword is watching over all this. Hopefully, it will do so sooner rather than later.

“… It’s a lot darker than I thought.”

I lifted the torch. I’d come to undergo another round of torture in a deep, vast cavern, the so-called ‘ant cave.’ It is said to be infested with monsters, and the occasional rare material can be found during exploration, making it a great hunting ground for adventurers of skill.

Though I doubt any adventurer would be foolish enough to come here alone.

‘Enough stalling. Let’s get going.’

I was about to charge into the cave, torch in my left hand and holy sword in my right, when I felt a movement behind me and quickly turned around, sword outstretched.


I heard someone yell in surprise. I turned to see a party of three adventurers. As I lowered my sword, they patted their chests in shock and began to study my face. ‘This is going to be an awkward situation.’

“Hey… isn’t that the Hero?”

“See, I told you so….”

A fist landed on the heads of the chattering adventurers. Letting out a short scream, the two adventurers clutched their heads and squatted away from the clenched fist.

“…Excuse us. My party members were excited. I hope you’ll forgive their rudeness, Hero.”

The polite party leader was a tall woman. Her black hair in a bun and bold, revealing attire made her look like a Barbarian woman warrior. True to her image, the leader wielded a hatchet and a circular shield.

“I don’t mind it. I would have done the same if I saw someone I admired, so you don’t have to apologize.”

Was my answer strange? The leader blinked, coughed, and cleared her throat.

“Thank you for your understanding, but what are you doing here, Hero?”

“…I came to train.”

I said, nodding toward the entrance to the dark cave. I had lit the torch too early.

“Well, why don’t you come with us, if only for a little while?”

The male adventurer rubbing his head, spoke up first, and the female adventurer next to him nodded, her eyes twinkling in agreement.

“We won’t be too much of a disturbance, we’re just here for some treasure hunting, and I thought it would be nice to have a strong adventurer to go with us for a while… Why don’t you join us just to the first safe zone? Our leader is strong, but she’s nothing compared to you, right?”

The two adventurers approached me, getting all over my face, so I took a few steps back. Meanwhile, behind them, the leader remained silent and still. The male adventurer, noticing my gaze on the party leader, smirked.

“Well, our leader is actually a fan of yours, and I thought she’d be thrilled if you could accompany her on this one just once….”

“H-hey, what nonsense are you talking about?”

“B-boss pl-please, can’t breathe here….”

The leader grabbed the other two adventurers by their necks, her face red. The leader sent them behind her, then glared at them fiercely before turning back to me and bowing her head slightly.

“I’m sorry, we must have bothered you. You should just go ahead and continue your training.”

I stared at the adventurers in silence. The leader was sneaking glances at me while pretending not to be, and the other two adventurers were looking at me expectantly. I knew I should go in alone to train and wouldn’t have time to hang out with them for too long, but I couldn’t refuse their offer outright.

“No, I’d like you to accompany me for a while.”

“Really? Are you sure?”

When I said that, the male and female adventurers’ faces turned bright red simultaneously, and the party leader’s eyes widened. The two adventurers behind her high-fived and let out a small squeal of triumph. I’m not in a hurry anyways, so keeping some company is fine. Also, I have no clue what dangers lurk ahead, and it would be nice to have a couple of people with me in case something happens.

“In exchange, I’ll take care of every monster we encounter.”

“That would be great, and if you need a porter, I’ll carry all your stuff.”

“There is no need. My luggage is fine and….”

Now that I look at it, the female adventurer looked like a porter, while the male adventurer was a scout with light armor. I lightly push away the female adventurer who was trying to grab my backpack and head for the cave entrance. The three adventurers followed behind me like ducklings following their mother.

‘…I hope they aren’t trying to trap me.’

No one would try to kill the Hero in the first place. I shuddered, briefly recalling the conversation I had with Bishop Andre yesterday. Just then, the female adventurer approached me and cleared her throat. She wasn’t very tall but didn’t look like she had trouble carrying her pack.

“I suppose we should start with introductions. My name is Robin, the thief behind me is Harvey, and this is…..”

Her gaze flicked to the leader, who swallowed dryly and walked over to me, extending her hand. The corners of the leader’s mouth twitched as she shook my hand. She was trying hard not to smile.

“I’m Rhea. Thank you for the favor, Hero.”

“It will only be for a short time, but I look forward to working with you.”

At my words, Rhea nodded firmly. It was like looking at a recruit ready to go into battle. I shined my torch into the anthill and stepped forward.

It was cool and damp.

That’s all I could feel as I stepped into the opening of the anthill. The smell of fishy water, wet stone, moss, and mold on the rock wafted through the air. The cave is red from the reflection of the torchlight on the still water.

At the entrance to the anthill, a passageway as wide as the city hall leads gently downward. Maybe we were not far enough, but as we continued, there was no sign of life. However, I moved with the utmost caution as the lights and sounds of the outside world slowly faded behind me.

“You’re so strong, yet you don’t neglect your training.”

Rhea, who was now walking beside me, said. I glanced back to see Robin and Harvey flirting and talking with each other. Looking at Rhea again, she was staring at me– Elroy, to be more specific. Somehow, the admiration in her eyes made me feel a little uncomfortable.

“No matter how powerful I am, I must get stronger.”

I replied evasively.

“Whatever comes, I must defeat it, for I must never lose.”

As I spoke, I glanced down at my holy sword. The power to crush everything. If I can’t awaken its first level, I’ll get oxidized before I can even get near the Disaster, let alone take it down. I let out a sigh mixed with laughter and looked up. Leah was staring at me with a blank expression.

“Did I answer that too seriously?”

“…No. That was a really nice answer.”

I don’t know what the original Elroy would have thought. I thrust the torch forward, trying to shake off my thoughts. The anthill was the same everywhere I looked. Except that the increasingly narrow passageways looked like the esophagus of a giant creature.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

The sound of water dripping from the stalactites was still coming from somewhere. The sound of the group’s footsteps echoed in time with it.

“When the path narrows like this, we’ll eventually reach the fork ahead.”

Harvey was the first to speak, unable to bear the silence. When I turned, he scratched the back of his head.

“I’ve been here a few times. I haven’t searched every corner, but I remember the paths I’ve taken.”

True to his word, a fork appeared as the passage narrowed, barely wide enough for the three men to pass. An icy cold wind blew from both paths. I was told monsters appeared whichever way we took, so I went to the left passage. The passageway gradually widened, revealing a large opening, much more expansive than at the beginning.

“From here on out, we’ll start seeing monsters, so we’d better be on our guard.”

With that, Harvey increased the brightness of the lantern he held. Tap, tap, tap. There was a sound like a thin cloth stepping on wet rocks. It sounded like someone walking across the pool in socks, which is not exactly what you want to hear in a cave.

“That way.”

Harvey pointed the lantern in the direction of the sound. The tapping was getting louder and louder. I gripped my holy sword tighter, feeling the unmistakable presence moving toward me.


Robin’s voice was filled with disgust. Stumbling out of the lantern light was a giant, eyeless salamander. Its entire body was white as if it had lost its pigment from never seeing the sun. A flash. The salamander took another step toward us.

“Hero, what is that?”

I jumped forward, not explaining what was before us to Harvey. The salamander was agile for something without eyes but slower and weaker than the ashen bear. I slid across the slippery stone floor, slicing through the salamander’s legs with my Holy Sword.


I heard Robin’s dazed muttering. I jumped out of the way of the rolling salamander’s body and slashed at its neck and torso, trying to avoid being crushed. The salamander was cut into four pieces and scattered around the cave. Its dismembered body still wriggled like an octopus.

“Let’s go.”

They nodded quickly, not wanting to look at that gruesome sight.

We continued onward. I slashed the creature that appeared, and Rhea helped from time to time. Harvey picked up the occasional amethyst from a hidden corner of the cave, and Robin stuffed everything into her backpack.

“The deeper we go, the more monsters we’ll find, and the stronger they’ll be.”

Despite the warning, I did not sense any monsters around us. There is nothing alive for at least fifty paces. The inorganic silence made my gut tingle subtly. I stopped in my tracks and turned around.

“… Something’s wrong.”

Harvey and Robin blinked in confusion, but Rhea nodded stiffly as if she understood me.

“There are no monsters, not even a trace of them.”

I frowned. There was no reason to risk it now. It’s not like there won’t be another chance. I glanced down at my sword and turned away.

“Let’s head back; securing our escape route in advance can’t hurt.”

‘Did I just raise a flag?’

Seeing the ominous looks on the faces of the three adventurers, I turned on my heel. My eyes passed by the path where I’d defeated the monster and froze as I reached the opening, where the way widened again. It was clear, without a single corpse. Harvey looked around, the corner of his mouth twitching.

“…But how did the body decay so quickly?”

“It didn’t rot away.”

I left the torch in Robin’s hands and gripped the Holy Sword tightly.

‘Am I not a transmigrator? Did this happen in the original?’

Click, click, click.

Harvey didn’t even bother to lift the lantern this time. The sound was so familiar we didn’t need to see it to know what was lurking. The blood drains from their faces. I turn to face the wall where the creature is hanging from.

“… seriously, fuck my life.”

A spider, the size of a house, had built a cobweb where the exit was and was clicking its claws.

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