
Chapter 560.1: Unquenchable Fury (1)

Chapter 560.1: Unquenchable Fury (1)

Sia’s world was highly resilient.

Origin Level 1 transcendents couldn’t hope to inflict too much damage on the world. Not even the Race Sovereigns or beings worshiped as gods were able to influence the natural cycles of the world.

Yet, the most important natural cycle of the world had just been disrupted in a split instant. The cause of this disruption was a single word muttered from a youth’s mouth: Mother.

When that word was relayed to the silver-haired woman in the far distance together with all of the information Edavia had transmitted, the Mother Goddess suddenly felt an unprecedented flow of emotions that shook the world and the beings living in it.

Time and space suddenly seemed to lose all meaning as unimaginable pressure crushed down on every living being. It was the feedback from the Mother Goddess’ overwhelming wrath.

Soaring dragons plunged to the ground. Fearless giants dared not to straighten their spines. Demonic beasts fled in terror. Evil gods shivered in the shadows.

All beings, no matter how powerful, were forced to lower their heads in this very instant, for none could withstand Her wrath. Even the silver moon had turned blood-red, casting an overpowering brilliance reminiscent of a second sun.

The evicted sun tried its best to fight back from the horizon, but no matter how it scattered its warmth, it was unable to faze the incarnation of the Mother Goddess’ boundless rage.

A shattering sound could be heard as the setting sun was forced down the horizon, leaving the Blood Moon the sole dictator of the sky. The Mother Goddess’ silhouette disappeared amidst the night sky with a flicker.

“What did you do?!”

Inside the monochrome world, Death God Pritzer furiously roared at Roel, but the latter only responded with a disdainful smile. Roel didn’t have to conceal his emotions anymore, for things were going to end very soon.

The Mother Goddess had previously warned him not to forcefully breach the seals, and Her warning was not just an empty threat. She had directly linked the third seal to his soul, making it impossible for him to breach.

Upon realizing that, Roel knew that the only way he could overcome this crisis was to ask for help, so he staked all of his mana to bet that Edavia wouldn’t want to see him die just like that.

Divine Domains symbolized a god’s greatest authority, and this temporally silenced world had been further reinforced by the Savior under the setting sun. It was nigh impossible for Roel to break out of it even if his powers hadn’t been sealed, but there was still a glimmer of hope that he could at least get an SOS message out through Edavia.

Frankly speaking, Roel had no way of knowing whether Edavia had delivered his SOS message or not, now that his mana had been completely depleted. However, another question had arisen in his mind.

Why did I, in that very instant, shout out ‘Mother’?

Blood was still flowing out of the glaring wound that nearly severed Roel at the waist, but this question felt more important than the plight he was in. He was confused, yet he seemed to have understood something from it.

There was just a single word of difference between ‘Mother Goddess’ and ‘Mother’, but they represented two entirely different concepts.

Did I make a mistake in my moment of fluster? Or did I instantaneously make a subconscious decision to do that so as to win over the Mother Goddess?

Roel seriously pondered this question as his vision began blurring from the excessive loss of blood. It could have been the threat of death that encouraged him to put down his reservations, but he suddenly grasped the answer to that question at this very moment.

Maybe, unknowingly, I have already begun thinking of her as my mother.

He thought back on the time he had spent with the Mother Goddess, and the silhouette of the Mother Goddess slowly overlapped with the silhouette of his mother in his previous life.

Their appearances and personalities were as different as heaven and earth, but the earnest love they carried for their child was identical. This was also what Roel had been deprived of in this life from a young age.

His eyelids grew heavier, and his body turned colder.

In his blurred vision, he noticed that the Death God was making no attempt to approach him, choosing instead to witness his death from afar. After all, there was no reason for him to rush inside this temporally silenced dimension. All he had to do was to wait for his death.

“…It looks like I won’t be able to last till Her arrival.”

More and more blood trickled out of Roel’s body as his life approached its end. He lamented under his breath, feeling a tinge of disappointment that he couldn’t see Her one last time.

All of a sudden, his cold body was wrapped in something warm. Someone had embraced him.


Roel gathered the final remnant of his strength to open his eyes, only to see a Mother Goddess that was very different from usual. Her reservations and dilemma when facing him were nowhere to be seen. She tightly held onto him with trembling hands, Her face stained with tears.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry… I arrived late… I’m sorry…”


Roel wanted to say something in response to Her hoarse cries and self-reproachful words, but he realized that he didn’t even have the strength to move his mouth. Crimson mana enveloped his body, and his injuries began to swiftly heal. It was amidst this light that he passed out.

As Roel peacefully drifted off to sleep, the Mother Goddess who was on the verge of losing Her mind from self-reproach turned her gaze toward the fleeing Death God.

From the moment the Mother Goddess descended to embrace Roel, all that went through Death God Pritzer’s mind was ‘Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit’ as he unhesitatingly made the decision to escape. His pride and honor as a god shattered before the supreme being known as the Mother Goddess. He dared not to even maintain his true form out of sheer fear.

As the deceased spirits fled in all directions inside the monochrome world, the sorrow in the Mother Goddess’ eyes transformed into blazing wrath.

“You despicable rats! How dare you…”

With the Mother Goddess’ roar, an intense silver explosion blasted forth from Her and dyed the monochrome world white. She had opted for the most violent method to deal with this Divine Domain, and that was to utterly destroy it.

A loud creaking sound could be heard as the dimension was pushed to its very limits. The Death God’s Divine Domain was as weak as a house of cards before the Mother Goddess’ might after having lost the Savior’s reinforcement. The shattered dimension scattered into the surroundings as specks of mana.

The dissolution of the Divine Domain returned color to the world, but the Mother Goddess’ wrath couldn’t be quelled with just that. Her immense mana pulsation only continued to intensify.

Her might spanned over large swathes of land, triggering earthquakes and natural catastrophes of untold magnitude. Even the stars in the sky lost their radiance before Her wrath, as they buried themselves in the darkness of the night.

Her rampage triggered even the Moonsoul Tower’s defensive mechanism. The tower that wouldn’t have shaken even under a god’s prowess quickly cloaked itself with a saintly white glow like a frightened child begging for its parent’s forgiveness.

“W-what’s going on?”

“It’s the Mother Goddess’ mana! What’s going on?”

Exclamations could be heard all over the Moonsoul Tower.

Horrified crowds paled before the familiar yet foreign mana pulsation. Deafening alarms sounded in all of the cities surrounding the Moonsoul Tower, as alarmed citizens rushed out onto the streets and prayed fervently toward the Moonsoul Tower and the Blood Moon for the Mother Goddess’ forgiveness.

As if answering her worshipers’ frightened pleas, the quaking earth and spiraling sky slowly calmed down, but what took their place was another phenomenon.

The Blood Moon slowly split apart to reveal the Black Moon, which looked reminiscent of the moon’s shadow.

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