
Chapter 125 Aftereffects And The Discovery Of A New Type Of Goblin

"What was that?" The question rang in everyone\'s head as they saw the thunderbolt hit the statue.

The impact was so strong that it sent reverberations through the whole floor while a shockwave was sent in all directions. The shockwave was even greater than before and caused more destruction than ever.

The whole team had their eyes opened as they saw the statue obliviate into nothing. However, the worst was yet to come as right after the impact came the force of collision that was distributed into the surroundings.

The whole team saw the shockwave spread everywhere and destroy everything in the surroundings. Even the corpses of goblins that the whole team had killed before fighting the boss were destroyed.

Not even a speck remained of them while all the rocks and other objects turned to dust. The shockwave was just the start and the whole team understood it.

Therefore, escaping from the shockwave caused by the impact, the whole team ran away while Sirius put Ray on his shoulder as he ran ahead of everyone else.

After the shock wave spread everywhere, the surrounding temperature increased and continued to increase until it reached a level where the walls of the dungeon started to melt.

"It\'s hell in itself," Elina muttered out loud, her expression pale as fear evident in her eyes.

Listening to her, everyone turned their eyes to the one who caused it all; Ray. Seeing Ray unconscious on Sirius\'s shoulder, they didn\'t know what to think.

"I guess that is the reason why he is the captain and not us. Seeing this, I can now say that he might be the strongest among all the first-year students," Emma said, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

"No time for that, there is more. The shockwave is over but the temperature has increased and there seems to be a small electric discharge in the air. The worse is yet to come, so we should prepare for it," Sirius spoke, his voice serious and stern as he took the responsibility of leading the team while Ray stayed unconscious.

"Okay," Everyone nodded in agreement as they started to put up defenses in a bid to counter the aftereffects caused by the collision of Ray\'s attack and the goblin\'s self-destruction.

"Also, before doing that. I need you guys to check if he is fine," Sirius said to Elina and Emma as he lay Ray on the ground and asked them to do a full diagnosis.

Aliya used her healing magic to heal Ray while Emma sensed his pulse and used her aura ability to check where the injuries were and if there were any internal energy.

After a while of sensing Ray\'s aura, Emma stood up and spoke,

"Some internal bleeding here and there but all is fine. He fainted due to excessive consumption of mana. Let him rest for some time, he will be fine after he recovers his mana,"

With that said, Aliya healed his injuries while the whole team countered the explosive heat and the deadly electrical discharge in the air as it continued to increase in intensity.


In Another Dungeon Instance,

Nia stood in front of her team as they encountered a horde of goblins spawning in every direction.

"Everyone, Circular formation," Nia shouted out loud as she commanded her whole team to change their formation.

The formation changed as the whole team circularly surrounded Nia while leaving small gaps between each member.

Then, Nia used her light magic to make a protective dome that covered the whole formation. After that, Nia used her spell,

[Light Goddess\'s Fury: Light Arrows]

Using this spell, arrows appeared in front of Nia as she aimed them through the small gaps left by her teammates. After aiming the arrows, Nia let them all go with the arrows raining on the goblins endlessly as Nia continued to use her mana to produce more and more arrows.

This formation allowed the whole team to clear a hefty number of goblins as the goblin horde slowed down by a bit.

"Open up and kill them all," Nia shouted as everyone unsheathed their weapons and moved out.

The formation opened and the whole team expanded as everyone started using their attacks to massacre the remaining goblins.

Nia stood back as she looked for any strong goblins trying to sneak up on anyone.

As she stood back and observed everything, she saw a greenish-black streak passing through the battlefield and blocking attacks here and there as it headed towards Zest.

Perplexed by the strange phenomenon, Nia called Zest as she shouted,

"Zest, use your ability and make as many copies as you could make and surround the greenish-black flash that is heading in your direction.

Zest nodded as he made a large number of copies of himself and spread them out in siege as he waited for the greenish-black flash to come by.

Soon after, a strange flash appeared in front of Zest as he attacked a goblin. The flash rushed in and blocked Zest\'s attack and escaped from the other side.

However, just as the flash escaped,


A dull sound rang as the flash collided with a copy of zest that held a long shield in front of him. The flash panicked and tried to escape in another direction but just before,


It collided with another copy of Zest that also held a long shield in its hand. The flash escaped again but the same thing happened and not long later, the flash was completely surrounded by multiple copies of Zest that had long shields in their hands.

With the flash captured, Nia came by Zest\'s side and spoke,

"Good work, now we need to capture it," She praised Zest and started to use her light magic to cast a spell,

[Light Goddess\'s Prison:- Sphere Of Light]

With that, a sphere of light levitated in her hand as it expanded to the size of the flash. Nia raised her hand and directed the sphere of light towards the flash. The sphere of light went forward and enveloped the greenish-black flash that was constantly colliding from one shield to another.

With the flash captured in the sphere, its speed reduced as it came to a standstill.

With it immobile, Nia and Zest got to see what it actually was. The flash was a goblin just like all the other goblins. Though, it was different. The goblin was only two feet tall, with its green skin having black spots all over it.

"A new type of goblin," Nia muttered, her expression cold as she took out her Academy badge and scanned the goblin.

After the badge scanned the goblin, it displayed the goblin\'s information.

[Scan Complete: Goblin identified],

[Type:- Speedy Defense Goblin]

[Description:- A goblin rarely spawned in the lower floors of the dungeon and is common in higher-tiered dungeons. This goblin has a smaller height than other goblins while lacking attacking power of any sort. It makes up for it by having tremendous amounts of defensive power as its thick skin allows it to block attacks from various attacks. Whether magical or physical. That along with its speed allows the goblin to support the whole horde by itself]

Looking at the description, Nia sighed in relief as she spoke,

"Good thing we countered this troublesome fellow before it could cause more harm. If not, it would have become a pain in our heads,"

With that said, she looked around and saw that the goblin horde had been defeated. Seeing this, she announced,

"Collect the loot and rest for half an hour. We move after that,"

After that, she looked at the captured goblin and compressed the sphere of light. The sphere continued to compress until the pressure turned the goblin into mush.

With the goblin dead, an item appeared as loot,

Nia looked at the item and analyzed it,

[Analysis: Speed Boots]

[Rarity: Uncommon]

[Description:- Boots that allow the user to enhance their agility by 5 percent while stamina consumption is reduced by 2 percent]

[Special Ability: Limited Flash Boost]

[Description:- This special ability allows the user to increase their agility by 15 percent at the cost of increased stamina consumption by 10 percent.

Note:- This ability has a two-hour countdown and can only be used for 5 minutes]

Reading the description, a smile formed on Nia\'s face as she stored the boots in her inventory.


An announcement rang on everyone\'s academy badges stating,

[Announcement:- New type of goblin discovered by the team leader of team number seven.

The goblin\'s description has been updated on everyone\'s academy badges. Please access your badges to have a look.

Plus, the team leader of team number seven will be awarded accordingly. The academy encourages every student to give it their best to achieve the best rewards]

With this announcement, a competition started between the students as they hurried to complete their floors to discover new types of goblins and obtain as much points as they could.


A/N:- Hello everyone, I hope you all enjoy the chapter.

Also, I will upload one bonus chapter in the coming week.

For more bonus chapters, don\'t forget to gift the novel as much as you can while also voting it with power stones and golden tickets.

Have funn!!!!

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