
Chapter 368 Ray’s Fight And The Yagdrassil’s Descent

Chapter 368 Ray’s Fight And The Yagdrassil’s Descent

"Here we go," Ray said to himself and then raised the staff straight into the air. His eyes looked at the gleaming top of the staff which was filled to brim with energy and not just any energy. Ray knew that it was the life force of many beings in the forest, whether sentient or not and he respected that.

These beings had expressed their everything for the sake of the forest and it was all in Ray\'s hands now.

"Well, being a hero isn\'t my job but it is what it is. For the sake of my loved ones, I infuse a part of my life force into you and ask you to eradicate this abomination from this forest for once and for all," Ray screamed, his eyes shining with power as his will resonated with the will of the forest.

The life force stored in the staff whizzed while the Yagdrassil staff itself also shook lightly. Communicating with him and aligning with his thoughts.

Ray smiled wryly as he knew what it meant. The staff had accepted his sacrifice and it was now the next part which Ray had to do,

"O\'great tree of ashen. The world connector of the nine realms, The great Yagdrassil; I call upon you and your powers, help me eradicate this sentience borne from the corruption that defiles the world as it breathes," Saying those words, the staff in his hands shook even more while a connection was formed between him and the staff. The connection made Ray shudder as he felt someone tapping onto his life force.

However, Ray didn\'t stop them. He knew it was necessary and thus allowed the newcomer to do so as they wanted. As for who this unseen and known newcomer was, Ray could only hope for the best and put all his chances on it being the Yagdrassil tree.

While that happened, he realized a few other things as well. As more and more life force was sucked from his body, the surroundings changed as an illusory figure appeared in the open void.

The figure wasn\'t humanoid or so but in the shape of a huge tree that surpassed everything. The tree was so huge that its top wasn\'t even visible if one looked with all their might as it seemed to extend even above the skies.

Slowly, the figure descended and with the descent of the figure, the malevolent tree and its spirit changed their ways. The spirit consciousness went all out and reached out to Ray. It wasn\'t just greed in its eyes anymore but another emotion as well and that was fear.

The man was fearing everything as soon as it saw the Yagdrassil tree manifest itself while screaming at the top of its lungs,

"Who the heck taught this backwater monkey the method to summon the Yagdrassil and why the f*ck did the Yagdrassil accept his summon. F*cking as*hole, I will kill you!!!"

The very next moment, Ray was sent flying through the air, coughing up blood as he felt his organs shake from the impact.

Mid air, his wings started flapping as he slowly came to halt but the damage was already done. His chest had caved in and he had difficulty breathing but it was nothing a little magic couldn\'t solve.

Sadly, Ray didnt know magic yet and neither did his affinities had the capabilities of doing what he wanted to do right now. Hence, he did what he could and used his barrier ability to form an air barrier in his lungs and slowly provided himself with air.

Doing so, he didnt stop and swung both his hands in the air as two whips of electricity were formed in his hands.

Holding the whips, he looked at the figure and smiled, "Seven more minutes. Lets have some fun until then,"

Saying so, he exerted a bit more pressure on his body and let his bloodline energy run amok. His body suddenly felt energetic as unimaginable power coursed through every fibre of his being.

Smiling, he disappeared from his position and appeared right above the figure and swung the whips down at the man and disappeared once again, appearing where he stood previously.

The whips were gone and instead, there was a spear in his hands. The spear was ragged from the edges while a great energy surged through it. From afar, it looked cracked and seemed to be on its last legs but in Ray\'s hands it differed.

The spear was made from his Void Shards and the power that it held far surpassed any weapon Ray had ever wielded. Not to mention the special attribute Ray held that allowed him to mix various abilities he had with the spear and amplify them further to attack his enemy.

This was Ray\'s weapon of choice and given the maniacal smile on his face, Ray was ready to show the enemy why this spear was special.

On the other hand, the spirit of the tree looked at Ray and then at the shallow cut on its shoulder. Looking at the cut, he seemed to be intrigued and spoke, "So much effort and all it did was cut me?" Saying so, the cut was healed the next moment and the man was cracking his knuckles; getting ready for an attack.

"Hehe, lets see if you can handle me," An armor manifested over the man as it kicked the air and rushed at Ray.

Within a second, the man was upon Ray and the vey next moment; a shockwave spread through the air.

The man and Ray were in the air, the man\'s fist and Ray spear were both in contact, seemingly struggling for superiority but none came out on top. The next second, the man and Ray both flew back and then again they sped up and collided, leading to another shockwave to spread out in the forest but once again it ended in a stalemate.

And again they retreated and attacked, the same happened and then they went on once again but no results came either. Then another and another time they attacked but all attacks turned into stalemates.

While the two battled their hearts out, another battle went on in the same place. It was between the tree and the Yagdrassil.

The tree had long discarded the other nuisances and had focused all its efforts on the Yagdrassil and the staff that hovered in the air.

Its branches had extended and opened up as much as they could and all attacked at once at the staff. It seemed as if the tree knew that if it destroyed the staff, it would be the end of its misery. After all, the staff was the link to the Yagdrassil and it was through the staff that Ray had called upon the Yagdrassil.

However, in the midst of all this; the tree had forgotten why Ray hadn\'t acted alone. The beings that it thought of as nuisances were the ones that actually posed a problem for it.

Within the tree; Aella suddenly opened her eyes as she looked around herself. Her eyes wandered everywhere and then stopped at Elina\'s panicking figure that ran around her, trying to gain her attention.

Aella looked at Elina and raised her hand. As she did, she glanced down at her boy and saw various hair like structures attached to her body. This shocked her even more and caused her to panic even more but she remembered what she had been told before waking and so she calmed herself down and used the last bit of power she had to stand up.

On the outside, Elina saw Aella\'s reaction and sighed in relief, "Finally she is up," She muttered and then thanked Emma and after that, she hurried herself.

Using the powers she had gained from the devil residing within her, Elina\'s eyes turned black as she started using her spells,

[Cursed Embodiment: Matter Corruption],

As she said those words, a dark energy emanated out of her hands and then made its way towards the ball of fluid in which Aella was.

The ball of fluid was protected by a strange membrane. The membrane was not only strong but also resilient as no attacks either from inside managed to do something to it but Elina trusted her spell.

The spell allowed her to corrupt any sort of matter and weaken its composition to the point that even a single touch would turn it to dust but there was an issue with her spell; it took some time to corrupt the whole part of matter and given the situation outside, Elina didnt have that and so, she counted her chances and tried her best.

While she did so, she sent her orders outside, to her brother; Tim. Tim had been standing guard outside and informing her with everything and since the situation inside was somewhat under her control, Elina believed that Tim would be more useful somewhere else.

"Tim, listen to me closely," She said to him through the mind link.

"Yeah, Im here. Tell me what it is?" Tim asked, worried something must have gone wrong.

"Go out and Fight you f*cking moron. Who do you think you are to act as my protector. I am a grown up now and I\'m well on my own,"

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