
Chapter 402  The Dean’s Whereabouts

Military camp,

At the edge of the city ruins, the military had set up a whole camp to not only accommodate the soldiers but to also devise the plans for further battles.

Slowly, a tattered figure approached the camp. In its hand was a crudely made staff dripping with blood. The figure\'s whole self was also full of blood and grime and no one knew if it was the figure\'s blood or someone else\'s.

"Halt!! State your purpose," a guard on duty declared, raising his gun at the figure but the figure didnt stop at all. He continued to walk forward without caring for the soldier at all.

Seeing this, the soldier narrowed his eyes as he screamed again, "I will say it last time, Halt and state your purpose or I will shoot," saying so, he loaded his gun and focused it at the man\'s head.

Only to see that the man had a badge in his hand, focusing on the badge, the soldier looked at it jus for a second before his countenance change.

He put his gun down and stood straight and saluted, "Sir, welcome back to the camp," saying so, he stayed in his position firmly.

"Good work soldier, keep on with your duty," the man said as he patted the soldier\'s shoulder and continued to walk forward.

"Dont stop the man coming through at any cost," the soldier said in his com and went on with his duty. As for the man drenched in blood, he continued to walk as if nothing had happened and soon, he reached the camp\'s entrance.

"Hmm,that was a good walk," he thought and then waved his hand. Suddenly, a pile of corpses fell on the ground in front of him, the corpses fresh as if they were just killed and the condition they were in wasn\'t to be spoken of at all. Most bodies were turned to mush in various places and the blood stained them to the extent that each corpse was dyed crimson.

Seeing the commotion, a few people came over but seeing the man, they said nothing and just went on with their work.

On the other hand, a few other soldiers came. Wearing aprons and gloves, they started to cut the corpses and take them away. These were the butchers in the camp and the corpses would be their food for the next few days.

Though, it was mystery to most, that how they would turn the mushed up meat into something edible.

"You know you shouldn\'t have gone to such extent. You almost scared some newbies to death and the corpses, are you not tired of eating stew or minced meat again and again. Next time you bring some food, make sure to do some clean kills so we can have some good pieces of meat," a man came as he said.

The man was Silent Light and currently, he was resting in the camp to heal his injuries and also recover his mana. In the last battle, he had exhausted all his mana to kill off a Celestial Demon.

"How\'s the wound?" The man asked.

"Good enough, though I wish I had your vitality and healing rate," Silent Light commented and went on to chat with the man as he asked,

"Why did it take you so long this time?"

"Well, I found a group of kids and stuck around to watch them," the man answered.

"What?" Silent light\'s eyes opened wide in surprise as he spoke, "Abraham! Are you an idiot? They were to be rescued and you went on watching them, have you lost your mind somewhere?"

"No, its not like that. It\'s just that they wont be needing to be rescued and will be good on their own. They are quite talented," Answered Abraham.

"Thats more of a reason to bring them back, they would be trained and become helpful to us all," Silent Light spoke, clearly in anger at Abraham\'s choices.

However, Abraham stayed silent and continued to smile, "You should learn to think more,"

"What do you mean?" Asked Silent Light, now confused as well as furious.

"Im not a fool to discard them but their powers and abilities are suited to the wilderness and the streets are training them well. Instead I was thinking of increasing the challenge by a bit so they could get stronger before appearing before them and personally training them. I want to recruit the under my banner, I feel that a team is needed for the future," answered Abraham as Silent Light slowly understood what Abraham was implying at.

Looking around himself, Silent Light tugged at Abraham\'s arm and then continued to walk towards the mission center.

It was the place where one would pick up a mission to complete and upon completion, gain merits from the army which could be exchanged for various things like added benefits, rank increases, weapons and to an extent, even rare artifacts.

"A mission for two," Silent Light said to the receptionist and put forward his badge. The two hurriedly registered for a common resource gathering mission and went out of the camp.

Once in the wilderness, Silent Light took out a small sphere before crushing it as a barrier was erected.

"What are you going for?" Silent light asked once he was sure that they were completely isolated form the rest of the world.

"The Supreme Commander sent me a message," Abraham answered, his expression glum as a sadness was reflected in his eyes.

Seeing Abraham\'s expression, Silent light grew silent and asked,

"What did he say?"

"He told me that the army is going to take some sever measures and a lot of changes will happen. Also, other cities are in an even worse condition than us, so probably, there will be refugees coming in and the situation would become even more chaotic,"

"That\'s not good at all. Did he tell why other cities fell?" Silent Light asked.

"He told me that the things went bad once the ocean attacked because unlike our shore, their shore had different species and they weren\'t willing for talks like ours," Abraham answered and then continued,

"Not just that but also that the other cities had much worse breakouts and because of lack of Celestials, they could only escape,"

"Any news about the casualties?" Asked Silent Light, his expression turning solemn by the moment.

"Uncountable, last time they counted them, the number had crossed ten million," Abraham spoke and then added, "But thats another matter. There is another issue and that\'s food. We don\'t have enough to feed the survivors and the army will soon recruit people and things will go worse,"

"So what do we do?" Asked Silent Light and said, "We wont be deserting. Thats against what Prometheus asked us for before leaving,"

Hearing Silent Light\'s words, the two reminisced about the time the dean had left. He had specifically told them to stay in New York City and make sure that this city stayed tall and he also asked for them to try and keep making contact with his disciple. Apparently, there was a solution there but recently, they couldn\'t build the bridge connecting to that place due to lack of materials and man power.

"No, I want to do something else. We will keep on doing what the army command wants us to do and the Supreme Commander told me that he would specifically assign us missions to help the people as a whole. I have a plan and he supports it," said Abraham.

"What is it?" Silent Light asked, feeling that at least there was some sort of hope with Abraham\'s plan.

"We recruit talented people, train them and arm them. Then, we secretly build the spatial bridge and using it, we make contact with the dean\'s disciple and as far as the last communication attempt told us, the head nurse and some other key members are there too. Apparently, the dean had left something important there. That thing would help us tackle the whole situation and allow us with not just the food problem but also with the refugee problem,"

Hearing Abraham\'s idea, Silent Light couldn\'t help but praise Prometheus\'s foresight as that man had made plans so far ahead that they were still helping them out right now when the guy himself was not present here.

"Im in on the plan and even though it seems hard to achieve, Im sure we will be able to do it. Did the Supreme Commander say anything about Prometheus, has there been any contact with him? Do they know where he is? How he is?" Asked Silent Light.

"Hmm, he told me," Abraham said and turned silent for a bit. Him turning silent made Silent Light even more anxious as he asked again, "What happened? Tell me,"

"Well, there hasn\'t been any contact with the dean but his life stone with the Supreme Commander is still intact so we can atleast confirm that he is alive,"


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