
Chapter 126 - Neft, The Loser Necromancer

I was tempted to change my Pact and Totem, but at the same time, it might be better to wait. Whatever these things were, Kali was worried that we were going to have trouble with them.

I walked forward with Kali mirroring me, and the forest started to get darker. All the light was being blocked out by the trees that hung overhead, but even being as tall as I was, didn\'t make it easier.

Once we were roughly about the area that I had seen the eyes, I put up a hand to stop Kali. There was no point in going any further, and if we did, then we wouldn\'t be able to catch one if it tried to go around.

"I don\'t see them anywhere, and they are nearly as big as us!" Kali said as she looked around, but I was studying the ground.

This world was full of so many strange things. More than once, Grovel had surprised me with an attack from below.

I studied the ground ahead of us, and at first glance, there seemed to be nothing wrong with the area. Nothing, no massive footprints, or anything broken, and that was also what gave it away.

I put a hand up and waited for Kali to notice, then I signaled for her to move back slowly. Together, we took steps backward but moved at a snail\'s pace.

As we did, I bent down and picked up the broken trunk of a fallen tree. As I stood up, I pointed to my eyes and then the area behind us in a sweeping motion, and Kali nodded.

While she was keeping watch, I gave that area a quick sweep, just to make sure there wasn\'t anyone else around. I didn\'t think that all three of them would be in the hole, but I guess that it also depended on the skill level of the person controlling them.

After being as sure as I could, I tossed the massive log at the area. As it flew through the air, I prepared myself, lifting my massive leg in the air, concentrating on channeling my Earth Force Pact into my foot.

I timed my foot to slam down right after the log did, but I tipped over backward in surprise as the ground erupted. I hit the ground hard, but it had no effect on me with my Earth pact on, but I was hit with more than just dirt and debris.

Chunks of flesh, rotten and horrible smell, or at least most of them were. Strangely I was getting the smell of some kind of solid pine scent, like Pinesol, that cleaning product my mother always used.

After everything cleared, I looked around to find Kali slowly shrinking back down, and all the chunks were falling off of her. That was mighty convenient, but I was also highly disturbed about what had just happened.

I am no rocket scientist, but this rotting flesh makes me think of a Necromancer, and now I could see why Nushi hated them. I got up and started to look around, but I saw nothing, and I could still see the village from where I was.

"Go back, and make sure that one didn\'t sneak around, okay? Make sure to tell me if you see one, don\'t go after it alone," I told Kali as she finally pulled back into her girl form.

Kali nodded up to me and then started to move on, rolling vines at an incredible speed. I shook my head in wonder and then turned back to the hole in the ground.

I would have to ask Lani and Kali about the other Demon Lord, but for now, I needed to see if I could confirm the dead.

I started to walk over to the hole and nearly pissed myself as a voice started talking not far from my head.

"Smarter than you look," a deep and growling voice said to me as I jumped back, knocking over a tree.

I stumbled but then steadied myself and then looked towards the sound.

Up in the tree, I had been standing beside, there was a massive purple-haired bear face of a sort but uglier. It had a slight resemblance to the Gnolls, but it was more brutal looking but less crazed, if that made any sense.

"Are you the Demon Lord Neft? Or just another loser that practices Necromancy? Or Both?" I asked as I walked over to the head that was jammed in the tree.

"Ha! You think you\'re funny, Skin Bag! You are lucky, that is all! The body eruption should have been more than enough to kill you!" The detached head said to me in rage, but I was barely paying attention to it.

I was smelling the head, and sure enough, it had that same smell.

So, to cover up the rotting smell, Neft perfumed his zombies, and it looked like he tried to blow me up with some sort of trick. I would have to keep that in mind, but now it was time to try to trick this idiot blowhard.

"Pretty stupid of you to ignite all four at the same time," I said off-handedly as I turned from the head and walked to the hole in the ground.

There was nothing there, so I would have to rely on my estimation of this Demon Lord\'s intelligence. Neft seemed like the type that would love to correct anyone he could just so he could rub it in their faces.

"Four? You idiot, there were only three!" The head rages from behind me, and I nodded my head.

"Good, so we did get them all. Okay, umm, it was a talk," I said, and then I turned back around and walked away from the stunning head.

I only got about two steps before he started up again. Neft must have had to have a little temper tantrum before hopping back on the horn to yell at me hehe.

"You just wait! Now that I know you are here, I will be sending more things tomorrow! Mex has the champion, eh? Well, it won\'t matter once I kill you! No one will be leaving this island until Doa says so!" The head screamed at me, but I rounded on it and then grabbed the massive head by two handfuls of cheek fur.

"Or maybe I just come and see you today? You and I can have a little talk, Demon Lord to Demon Lord, since Mex made me the ruler of this region, that means you are stepping on my lawn. I don\'t know about you, but I don\'t take kindly to strangers trespassing on my property. Prepare yourself!" I shouted at the head, then tossed it into the air and kicked it into the forest.

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