
Chapter 235 - Something I Didn't Want To Stop, You Don't Have To Yell

"Thank you! She didn\'t even think it was Mex at first, but then Nixi started to make fun of him. I think that she will be happy to change like me; I think she was getting jealous that I was spending so much time with the others," Veronica said to me, and I nodded.

"I am going to take care of Jessabell, and then I have a date with Beeno, but maybe tonight we can all get together and do something? I feel like we all have been going nonstop, and it would be nice to have a break, right?" I asked, and Veronica smiled and nodded before kissing me again.

"Sure! I am sure that everyone would really like that, so I will get everyone to help get it ready!" Veronica said, and I turned back to Jessabell, who was still with Nixi and Kimera, but Beeno grabbed my hand and pulled at it.

"That Rank E demon over there like me is the one that I was talking about!" Beeno said while almost crushing my hand.

"Yes, that is Nixi, Mex\'s Great x six grandmothers," I said with a smile, and Beeno released her death grip from my hand, and I had to shake the feeling back into it.

"Oh, x what?" Beeno asked curiously.

"She is the sixth and the oldest in a long line of grandmothers to Mex," I said, but then Nixi\'s irritated voice interrupted me. .

"I am not the oldest! My mother is still alive, and Deslantia is also still alive," Nixi declared, but Kimera started to push her away from Jessabell, giving me a small smile as she did, and our eyes connected.

For the brief moment that our eyes met, I felt a spike of sexual tension that pulled between us like a bowstring. The moment was over in a heartbeat, but it was like I had closed my eyes, and the world seemed to freeze.

Before I could make anything of what happened, the two women were pushing into the group. Whatever that had been, I wanted to know more, but that was the same for all the Demon women.

Soon they would all be different monsters, and I would have more new flavors to try out. Now, I had the Minostien that no longer seemed scared of me to help.

Something had changed about Jessabell since the last time I had met her, and this was my first time really getting to see her. She was beautiful, and the four breasts looked like they could be all kinds of fun, but this wasn\'t the time for that.

"So, this is the first time that we actually get to see each other in person," I said as I walked up to Jessabell; Beeno waited back about ten feet.

"Yes, I am glad that you have made it back so fast. From what I have heard and learned from the other girls, you might be able to help me with my problem?" Jessabell asked me, and I smiled at her.

"I can\'t promise that I can fix the fear, but I will try my very best!" I told her, and Jessabell nodded with a small knowing smile.

"I know it\'s not a guarantee, but anything at this point is better than nothing. I just don\'t want to have to go back into the dark again. Is there anything that you need me to do?" Jessabell asked.

"Not really; I just need you to think about what you want to do after this. I think if you know what you want in your mind, my Rancher System will help you achieve that," I explained, and Jessabell nodded and closed her eyes.

"Jessabell, the beautiful Minostien, do you accept my help to take care of you?" I asked but still held my choice neutral, waiting for her answer.

"Yes, please," Jessabell said, and I nodded and closed my eyes.

I concentrated and forced raw energy to flow through my body at a rapid rate, churning a storm up inside of me. I wasn\'t sure if it would help, but it was worth a shot, and I screamed the confirmation in my mind.


[Hey! You don\'t have to yell!]

Jessabell burst with light, and Demons everyone cried out and reared back from the burst of light.


Jessabell started to shrink down, but as the light cleared, I could see she was still about four inches taller than me. Other than that, not really much had changed, but I was curious to know if the fear had disappeared.

I did feel wrong about blinding almost every Demon insight, but they would be fine after a little while. I was curious how Jessabell was able to function, considering how she had been the last time that I had seen her.

"Nixi cast a spell on her," Nushi\'s voice said from behind me, and I turned into a kiss.

"Hey! Since when could you read my mind?!" I asked after pulling my lips from Nushi\'s, getting a slight shock as we parted with static electricity.

"Don\'t worry, I can\'t actually read yours no matter how much it frustrates me. I could just tell that you were probably wondering about it. I can\'t read your mind, but I am still a woman, and we have always been able to read men\'s minds," Nushi said with a mischievous grin, but then I gave her my own.

"Probably good because if you could see what I was doing to you in my head right now, you wouldn\'t be smiling like that, hehe," I said, and Nushi blushed.

Then Nushi narrowed her eyes at me, and I could feel the air start to charge as her horns started to crackle. Knowing my life was in peril, I dove at Nushi and grabbed her as I attacked her with a flurry of kisses.

Not expecting it, my attack smothered the fire that was starting to build up before Nushi could explode at me. As fast as I started, I stopped and whipped back around to Jessabell with a straight face, like nothing had happened.

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