
Chapter 30 Lightning

While eating the pizza, Aizel was thinking about what kind of magic and elements he should experiment with using his imagination power.

After finishing the pizza, he prepared to put the magic to the test.

"I\'ve read so many novels and watched so many animes that I can easily imagine the various types of elements, skills, and spells."

"My all-time favorite element has always been lightning, so I should start with that." Aizel pondered this while picturing a lightning bolt on his fingertip.

He intended to begin with a needle-length lightning bolt as a test. Small sparks of electricity began to appear on its fingertip and a small lightning bolt of light blue with a tinge of white formed. His heart raced as he looked in awe at the tiny lightning bolt.

He fired the lightning bolt at the tree, and it went straight through it, leaving a small hole in it.

"hehe amazing, can\'t wait to try something more difficult." Aizel looked up at the sky, visualizing the numerous lightning bolts striking the ground one after the other.

However, he was met with severe needle-stabbing pain in his head, indicating that his mental core is currently unable to perform that skill.

"As I suspected, the power must have limitations and drawbacks. It must be because my core is cracked; I must improve my core, just like any other mage must improve their core\'s grade; perhaps then it will work." While attempting the same thing with different elements, Aizel reflected.


A young woman strolled through the forest with a katana on her waist, just like Aizel was practicing alone in the forest, She had short golden hair that reached her shoulder, bangs on her forehead that covered one eye, and another deep blue eye scanning the surroundings.

She was dressed in a white and gold armored leather suit that looked quite luxurious. She definitely appeared to be from a wealthy or noble family.

"Today is a good day since I finally have some free and alone time, and it\'s time to hunt those fucking monkeys." She thought to herself, feeling relieved to be away from the endless obligations and responsibilities of her family.

She knew that she had been born into privilege and luxury, but all she wanted to do was explore the world and live her own life without being held back by the expectations of those around her.

She began to walk slowly, hiding behind bushes and trees. She knew she was in their territory, and a whole herd of monkeys will arrive in an instant if they know someone is in their territory.

These monkeys were intelligent monsters, capable of reasoning and even laying traps for hunters.

She cautiously made her way through the forest, aware of the dangers that lurked around her.

After a half-hour search, she discovered a small group of monkeys. They were two meters tall and black, and they resembled monkeys from the Aizel world in every way except one. They had four arms rather than two.

"One, two... seven of them, and none of them appeared to be mature." The young woman was getting ready to hunt them down.

The monkeys were hanging and playing on the tree\'s branches, and the young woman began lurking in the shadows to get under them quickly.

The woman tapped her foot on the ground as she flew straight toward them like an arrow.

Before the closest monkey could even grasp what was happening, she quickly drew her katana, beheading him from the body.

The other monkeys, shaken by the sudden and unexpected attack, began shouting and started attacking the woman.

The woman silently waited for the monkeys to attack her as she stood next to the corpse on the branch of the tree.

The first monkey approached her and punched her in the face. The woman simply avoided the punch by turning her head sideways and slashing upward to cut the monkey\'s arm.

The monkey screamed in agony, but before he could do anything, his head was rolling on the ground.

The woman charged towards the surviving monkeys, dodging their punches and tails and counterattacking by slicing their arms and heads.

The group of seven monkeys was dead after a short while, and the woman examined the carcasses before placing them in her storage ring. As she stood up, she finally let out a sigh of relief before sheathing her katana.

"Now I need to find more small groups like this and quickly eliminate them." She thought while tapping her foot on the branch as she moved so fast around the different branches of the tree that it appeared like she was flying through it.

She noticed a commotion after a few minutes of traveling. Many different groups of monkeys were rushing in one direction.

"Some idiot must have disturbed the herd of monkeys; now it will be difficult to hunt them in such large groups." The woman clicked her tongue in dissatisfaction while following the monkeys from behind, maintaining a safe distance from them.

She finally arrived at the scene of the commotion, and what she saw just blew her mind. She has never seen anyone fight so many monkeys on their own in her entire life.

"Who is this monster."

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