
Chapter 138 Magic Artifact: Roaring Armor

Aizel and Grandmaster Gogo stared in awe and dread at the pure black armor, admiring its terrifying design and intricate silver pauldrons. After a brief pause, the old man shook his head, as if recognizing the danger contained within the artifact.

"Why didn\'t it react?" the old man thought.

"Little Aizel, go and place your hand slowly toward the armor."

Aizel nodded while keeping his gaze locked on the black armor.

His footsteps echoed in the still chamber as he approached the magical artifact slowly.

Finally, he stood in front of the armor, the only sound breaking the silence being his breathing.

"Please don\'t bite me," he thought.

He took a deep breath and reached for the chest, his fingers twitching with excitement as he made contact with the cool, smooth surface of the black armor.

Aizel braced himself for a quick reaction as his fingers made contact with the dark armor, but nothing seemed to happen.

The old man Gogo stared on, bewildered, mirroring Aizel\'s bewilderment.

"Grandmaster Gogo, are you sure it isn\'t broken?"

"What bullshit are you spouting. A magic…..

Aizel\'s gaze was fixed on the armor as the old man replied when the armor began to vibrate suddenly, and before he could react, it disintegrated into a dark liquid that ran over Aizel\'s body.

The liquid solidified in a matter of seconds, returning the armor to its previous form.

"Now that\'s handy," Aizel said.

"Did something happen?" Is the armor draining your blood or controlling you?" the old man asked hurriedly.

"Nothing for now."


Aizel\'s attention was drawn to the armor when it made a sharp whirring noise. He noticed that little blade fans had appeared near the ribs on both sides and had begun whirling at full speed.

He felt a peculiar strength surge up in his chest as the armor emitted jet smoke from small holes that developed on the shoulders, ribs, and legs.

He noticed the gaping crevasse in the center of the armor was now shining with a deep blue light. The sound of more fans running heightened the tension in the room.

"Quickly moved back old man," Aizel shouted.

As the armor roared to life, the old man stepped away, keeping a close eye on Aizel. He was standing by, ready to step in if necessary.


Aizel looked up at the ceiling, fighting to hold back the roiling power within him, and heaved a sharp breath.


A blue-colored fire breath came out of his mouth that contained enough power to break through the ceiling and surge high in the sky, lighting up the whole sky in dark blue flames.

It sent shockwaves everywhere as the old man watched the mesmerizing yet dangerous blue flame in awe.

The powerful attack originating from the armor drew the attention of not only the old man but also Vespara, who was out shopping for food in Felgura City.

The armor\'s remote display of power attested to the might of the magical artifact. Vespara couldn\'t help but smile when she realized Aizel had passed the test.

Aizel\'s blue flames steadily faded until they were under his control, leaving the chamber filled with searing heat.



The spinning blades kept whirling, spewing smoke from the vents and cooling the armor, thus reducing the power surge inside Aizel\'s chest.


"That was fucking awesome, I really felt like a real dragon who can burn a city with just one breath attack."

"Hey! You are not going to throw out any other attack like this now, right?"

"Oh, yes, don\'t worry. I think the armor was greeting me."

"Is this how he greets, why didn\'t greet me like this? Well forgot it,"

"By the way, I can\'t store this in my storage ring because it\'s an artifact. Do I have to wear this all the time and remove it and place it somewhere when it\'s not needed?" Aizel asked.

"Oh, that\'s easy! I still remember the enchantment that I placed.

"Just simply imagine your armor turning back into a liquid and make it float towards your left hand."

As Aizel nodded, the armor reverted to a pool of black liquid and smoothly floated toward his left hand. It quickly compacted and was shaped into a sleek black steel bracelet that fits his arm perfectly.

"Awesome! That\'s almost perfect, and hardly anyone will notice it\'s a magic artifact."

"Ohoo… I made this armor for my Vespara but never thought she would reject it just after seeing it." The old man sighed.

"Why did she reject this? This is so powerful, I can feel its power,"

"She said it doesn\'t suit her personality,"

"Well, I can imagine that."

"Listen, little Aizel. We don\'t know how much more power the armor has. Only use it when your life is in danger.

"Just imagine that instead of breathing the breath from your mouth, what if it could have burst out from the armor itself? It could have burned everything in the area, leaving nothing.

"I would have been safe because I am strong, but what if normal humans or the people close to you were present? Do you get what I am trying to say?"

"Of course, Grandmaster Gogo. I will make sure only to use it when my life is in danger." Aizel replied.

"Good, now it\'s time for you to leave as we have a guest for quite some time who is not showing up."

Aizel anxiously sought out with his mana sense, trying to detect some evidence of the visitor, but he came up empty-handed.

"You can\'t sense it. You are weak for now. Come, I will teleport you far from this place, and then you can head back."

Aizel nodded as he followed the old man to the magical circle. When the old man produced a pink crystal, Aizel found himself in the middle of nowhere, far from the deep valley. He couldn\'t help but wonder how far he had gotten away from the valley.

"At least should have dropped me where I could find a horse or something. Now I have to use magic all the way to go back.

"And where the fuck I am?"

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