
Chapter 398 The real motive

Chapter 398 The real motive

Aizel once again started to trail behind her quietly. He was still clueless as to where they were actually heading.

Within a short time, he found the answer. In the garden behind the castle, a small pond revealed itself.

Adorned with numerous flowers, the pond stood out with its white hue, resembling milk rather than water.

"What\'s this?" He asked.

"This is my personal bath. From now on, you can use it as well," Rias said, as she quickly removed her gown and stepped inside the pond.

[Phew, those hips really don\'t lie]

Shut up, Sekki."

"Did you bring me here just for a bath?" Aizel asked, looking a little pissed.

"This is not just a bath; step inside and feel the magic of it," Rias said as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the milky sensation all around her body.


Aizel took off his clothes and walked right into the milky pond, though he was a little hesitant. In an instant, a magical feeling engulfed him and made his mind completely clear.

Clarity prevailed, bringing a sense of calm and tranquility, akin to floating in the vastness of the sky.

"Take a bath here, and afterward, get back to your training. You will notice a big difference, and I am sure you will be able to achieve what you are trying to do," Rias commented.

Not gonna lie, this is amazing." Aizel thought.

[Master, let\'s drain this pond to the fullest]

That\'s the plan."

While submerged in the enchanted pond, Aizel and Rias savored its magical energy. The time passed invisibly for Aizel, who was now in a state of profound mental clarity.

The enchantment of the pond had sharpened his perception, giving him a fresh clarity that would allow him to master the magic circles more quickly.

As he opened his eyes, he realized Rias had departed during this time.

What do you think about her Sekki?"

[Even though she is treating us well, I don\'t trust her. We are basically her slaves, it\'s just that we have complete freedom in this Kingdom]

Hmm… I don\'t mind living here and training without anything to worry about. But I miss Kids and Daisy. I wish I could have just let them know that I will be alright,"

[Yes, as soon as more days pass, they will start to get worried.]

Damn it, I need to get stronger.

[Master, if you do help this bitch queen, then you will be declared an enemy of the Felgura Kingdom.]

[What if they go for Daisy and for the kids? Do you think Vespara will be able to handle the situation alone?]

Don\'t worry about that. We will find the solution later. For now, getting stronger is more important. The strength and power rule everything."

Aizel swiftly donned his clothes and returned to his room.

He did not squander his newfound clarity of mind and dove headfirst into practicing the Arcane magic circuit.

The results were evident — heightened focus, improved mana control, and the concurrent creation of magic circles.

That\'s how he spent the week—wake up, eat his meal, and delve into his practice.

In the evenings, he would dip in the milky pond before returning to his training.

During those days, Rias only joined him once for a bath, respecting his focus on mastery. Aizel felt himself getting closer to mastering the first step as the week flew by at this pace.

But at the beginning of the next week, he found himself traveling with Rias somewhere else.

He was dressed in royal clothes and was sitting beside her in the carriage. However, he was wearing the mask to hide his face.

Rias has informed him that he has to join her on a short trip.

He didn\'t want to but alas, he had no choice.

"At least tell me where we are headed," Aizel spoke.

"There is a deal that I have to make. I thought you should tag along with me and get some fresh air."

 "The Queen making a deal on her own? Isn\'t that all your kid\'s job to do?"

"I like to go outside once in a while. And now you are with me; consider this a date with me, young war god." She smiled and said, her head leaned on Aizel\'s shoulder.

"Believe if you weren\'t that powerful, I would have smashed your face right now," Aizel replied.

"My my, it feels good with you like this."

Continuing their journey, the carriage eventually stopped. Rias and Aizel disembarked, finding themselves in the heart of a jungle.

With Aizel\'s hands in her own, Rias led the way deeper into the dense foliage.

A man in a hood approached Aizel and Rias.

Aizel identified him as an elf the moment he showed his face. Given his past experience with Vespara, this aroused his interest.

It made him wonder about the nature of Rias and Vespara\'s involvement with the elves.

There is really something going on," he thought.

Before leaving, the elf quickly finished his business with Rias. Aizel and Rias then turned around and headed back to the carriage.

"I have done this type of meeting before. What are you guys plotting?" Aizel asked directly without any hesitation.

"With whom?" Rias asked, gripping his hand tightly.

"I ain\'t gonna tell,"

"Uhhh.. I guessed who it was. I would have liked to tell you more about this but you are still not 100% loyal towards me," Rias teased him as they stepped inside the carriage.

"Fine don\'t tell me, it\'s not like I am dying to know,"

"Believe me, it will concern you more," Rias said with a mischievous smirk.

It only made Aizel more curious to know about this.

This bitch is playing hard,"

[Master, just let her do what she wants with you. At least she is hot]

I swear, you are soon going to experience something special,"

[NO MASTER! I was just joking. I won\'t do it again]

What do you mean by loyal? I already agreed to be your slave and will help you defeat the Felgura Kingdom."

What more do you even need from me now?"

Rias licked her lips as she gazed at Aizel\'s body.


"Chill out; you can\'t do that."

"My my, you know I can have my way with you anytime. But that would be boring," Rias replied with a giggle.

"Well, as you already know, I have lost 20% of my land to those morons. They have already started the transportation process.

"So you want to attack them and don\'t want to let them have it?" Aizel asked.

"I can\'t do that. The bet was made in front of everyone. This will only create more ruckus between us and the Zulivan Kingdom.

"Instead, I am planning to get rid of the entire Felgura Kingdom all at once," Rias said it with a devilish grin on her face.

"And elf, are they going to support you?"

"They are just helping us to deal with some stuff and evidence."

I know Vespara also wants her revenge against the King. She might be planning something with elves against him."

[Master, how about letting Vespara join this bitch queen to get rid of them? Vespara wants to kill the kings and nobles. This bitch queen wants to do the same.]

Hmm.. I need to think about this more."

"Ohh and by the way, you are sleeping with me tonight."



The castle loomed overhead as Aizel returned, immersing himself once again in his magical practice.

The prior remarks made by Rias had been genuine, nevertheless. Aizel stood in Rias\'s luxurious chamber as darkness fell.

The room was furnished with expensive pieces and had elaborate paintings on the walls, creating an atmosphere of pure luxury.

Warm light streamed into the room from a glistening chandelier that dangled from the ceiling.

At its heart was a spacious and attractive bed, and positioned at its center sat Rias, a queen in a gown who was both captivating and alluring.

She awaited Aizel\'s presence with an inviting look, creating an atmosphere charged with unspoken desire.

"I am telling you not to overstep your bounds,"

"Don\'t worry my war god. I don\'t want to force anything on you."

Aizel went over to the bed and sank into its soft embrace. Rias mirrored his actions, swiftly embracing him from behind.

"Hey, no touching,"

"Still," With that said, Aizel suddenly wasn\'t able to move.

He was able to feel her large boobs touching behind his back.

"This isn\'t what I signed for," Aizel said. At least he was able to speak.

"Don\'t worry, my war god. I just want to sleep with you like this. I finally have you in my arms." She whispered as she smelled behind his neck.

[wooo, the bitch is getting horny slowly and slowly. Good luck, master, I will take a nap in the meantime]

Fuck you Sekki,"

"You might think I am cruel, but I am not. Believe me, help me and you can have everything you want.

"I know you want to live a peaceful life with the kids and with that woman. I know you want to get stronger.

She slowly licked his ears from behind.

"I will make you more powerful. You and I will ultimately rule the whole Xelgar together."

Her right hand slowly started to go inside his pants.

"We all will live like one big family together,"

Meanwhile, Aizel was simply listening. It was like her words were doing something to him. That\'s how he spent his night with her, sleeping together.

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