
Chapter 245 Yes And No

"Yes," I said as Tallia helped me get my shirt over my cat ears. "I just don\'t like the cloak and danger with you. I thought that we were done with all of this," I said with a sigh.

"Just trust me, and go be the Cat God that everyone loves and that I love," Tallia said as I wrapped my arms around her with my tail as well.

"Mmm, fine. Twist my rubber army, why don\'t you?" I said with a sigh and then kissed my beautiful goddess. "I love you too. Now, send me to go get Elfinia first. I really wish that my own Astral Energy would charge up faster so I wouldn\'t have to keep asking you to make portals for me."

"That reminds me, don\'t forget to go spend some time with Cancer and Scorpio. I am sure that the others there could use some guidance as well. I know that Aries will probably be in a bad mood after the beating I gave her," Tallia chuckled, and my eyes went wide.

"You kicked the shit out of little Aries?! Ho! She is going to be so pissed! Man! I really wish I could have seen that! Yeah, you are right! I should definitely go do some ass-kicking up there! Okay, I know, I am stalling!" I said as Tallia looked like she was about to bite out of me. "Alright, I am going!"


Tallia watched as Galio left, then the portal closed, and she let out a long sigh. She really wasn\'t sure if this was a good idea, but telling him the truth about things in Torrian would not have done any good. That would have made him run there alone, and things would escalate quickly.

"Hello? Tallia, is he gone?" Goldy asked as a portal opened, and she peeked out.

"Yes, I just sent him off, but I am not sure if this is a good idea. I really need to deal with things in Bramma right now, but Torrian is more of a problem," Tallia signed as she took a seat in one of her chairs. The golden Dwarf Goddess walked through the portal that closed behind her and to the other seat beside Tallia.

"Yes, I know about Torrian, and I am worried about them. I think that it is good to send the Cat God there, but do you really think it wise to send him with so many girls? That place is dangerous, and the people there are pretty two-sided about people. I have heard about strange happenings that have been going on there. Sacrifices, kidnappings, and worse," Goldy said with a shake of her head. "I don\'t like the idea of sending him in there alone."

"He isn\'t alone. He has Claire, Elfinia, and those two other girls he is always seen with. I am sure that they can handle themselves," Tallia said with a shrug as she thought about it. "Although I have to admit that it does seem risky."

"Well, you are the one who originally wanted to take over all of these places by yourself after all," Goldy teased, and Tallia gave her an annoyed look. "Sorry, but it is true! You know Galio well enough now, though; I think he will figure out what is going on up there pretty quickly."

"That is what I am worried about. I don\'t want the situation to escalate any more than it has to. We have enough on our hands as it is," Tallia said with a sigh.

"Yes, Bramma is a problem that we need to deal with soon," Goldy agreed and then patted Tallia\'s knee. I know that you have had the most trouble out of all of us to consolidate your hold as a Goddess, but I think that Galio will help you with that. While we all know that he can be a bit of a hothead, I think that he cares deeply for people. I think that he will put others first before he tries to solve things with his fist. There is actually a certain someone that is interested in seeing Galio. If you want, I can ask him to join them?" Goldy offered.

"Oh?" Tallia asked, raising an eyebrow. "Who is this person that you speak of?"

"Well, yes and no," Goldy said as she leaned forward and clasped her hands together on her knees. "This person isn\'t really a person per se, but more like a God herself."

,m Tallia thought about it for a moment before realization dawned on her face. "The Creator? Isn\'t she mad at me after what happened?" Tallia asked with wide eyes.

"No! Like I would be caught talking with that soul monger. No, I am talking about Titania! She heard that Skylar is staying with Galio now and is really interested in seeing him!" Goldy exclaimed, and Tallia nodded in realization but then gave Goldy a look.

"Do you remember your time with Galio? Like before you came to this island?" Tallia asked suddenly. "You know that all of us are connected to him, but you, the Goddesses, even more."

"No, I don\'t remember much. Just snippets here and there before I woke up in the middle of a battle with two hot girls fighting over me," Goldy said dreamily with stars in her eyes before blinking as she realized what Tallia was asking. "Oh! No, I don\'t remember anything about him, though."

"I think it is important that you do. I am not sure why, but Galio needs all of us to remember who he really is," Tallia said as she stood up and began pacing in front of the golden-haired Goddess. "Do you think there is any way we can get Titania here? If what you say is true, then she could at least help Galio with his memories."

"Oh! Yes! I know that Titania would love to see him again too! Maybe if we asked her nicely?" Goldy suggested. "Titania loves nothing more than a good party or grand gesture."

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