
Chapter 145 - 145: A Missed Opportunity

All the evening he had been focused on Master Yoshida and the death aura around him. In fact, it would be more exact to say the death aura he was radiating.

it wasn\'t unusual for a Master of a big family to have a death aura surrounding him, as they had certainly done their fair share of murders, and killings.


Even Master Takeshiba reeked of death aura, that even seemed to create some kind of fog around him, for those who were particularly sensitive.

But the case for Master Yoshida was different, as his death aura didn\'t seem like something that had been gathered around him, but more like it was created from him.

But despite all that death aura around him, his life source seemed much more powerful than any other person around him.

While Eric didn\'t have enough data, and experience to decide by their life force about their possible level and strength, he could still make some simple comparisons from their size, and brightness.

And the one coming from Master Yoshida was by far the brightest and the largest. It seemed like an impossible thing, but it was true.

All those nonsense about him being a sick person at the end of his road, were clearly bullshit, as he was probably going to live longer than any one of these idiots.

But he couldn\'t blame that much either because even he was almost fooled from the acting of that man, as he truly seemed to be sick beyond saving.

He placed those thoughts at the back of his head as soon as he heads them, as the most important thing at the moment was to understand how he was able to do it.

But only one thought passed through his mind that could explain this situation, a Massacre! Only that could explain this amount of death aura around him.

Even that wasn\'t enough, as the death aura seemed to be radiating from his body, which meant that Master Yoshida had somehow cultivated with that type of aura.

He had turned that aura, that energy into his own, into a part of his body. This was the first time that Eric was seeing something like this.

Still, that wasn\'t worthy for him to fully concentrate on it, the reason he was doing that was that he was trying to comprehend more of the laws behind it.

Since he had gained enlightenment with the death laws, and understood its use, and potential, he had decided to not save any efforts in perfectly understanding them.

Surely it would take a lot of time, and effort, but he was confident he would be able to do it, and once he achieved it, then who would be able to stand in front of him.

He would be able to kill people with a thought, or one move of his finger. Who would so stupid as to now want that kind of power?

For that reason, during all this time, he had been in a kind of awake meditation, as he tried to understand better the death aura, death, and its laws.

He clearly didn\'t care about what was happening around him, as he had almost cut any possible contact with the outside, even though his face just showed simple emotions.

Still, he was unable to completely concentrate on that, as he could feel a lot of killing intents directed towards him.

And especially three of them, who seemed to be wanting to completely erase him from existence, as their pressure, and form was almost tangible.

Those three killing intents were so strong that completely destroyed his focus, and he wasn\'t able to do what he needed to do.

Clearly angry at these idiots for ruining him such a good opportunity, he opened his eyes and started having a look at them.

The first two were clearly those two idiots who objected a moment ago and were clearly against this engagement.

But the third one was someone he wasn\'t able to recognize, in fact, he didn\'t even seem to be part of the big families.

He was clearly some kind of Young Master as he was able to attend this party, but Eric didn\'t remember of any possible contact, or meeting he could have had with him.

Still what caught his attention more about this guy was the fact that his killing intent was more sophisticated than the other two blatant fools.

This person was able to cover his killing intent with a look of indifference and casualty, and people like him were obviously not simple people.

He was able to catch his attention, so Eric just looked towards him and gave him a light knowing, and understanding smile, that clearly shocked his counterpart.

Seeing that he wouldn\'t be able to concentrate right now, Eric decided to try and arrange for an opportunity later, as he concentrated on his engagement with Takeshiba Aika.

Everything seemed to have happened so suddenly, but it was all part of his plans. Only with the help of the Takeshiba surname would he be able to quickly develop his forces.

No matter how good, strong, and smart he was, in the society he lived it would take a long time to develop by himself, from a little nobody.

For that reason, the quickest way was to marry in the high society, and then become the husband to the all family, and not only to his Takeshiba Aika.

Of course, what happened during the introduction earlier had clearly boosted his motivation, as he would make sure to make these people regret their words.

Especially his eldest brother-in-law, and that mother-in-law of his. He had been able to notice even his sister-in-law\'s reaction, but that was more directed towards Takeshiba Aika than himself.

But even she couldn\'t escape from his claws and clutches as he would make sure to make the Takeshiba family members his most loyal slaves.

At the moment that he decided to concentrate more on his engagement, as he pulled Takeshiba Aika closer to himself, to show his resolution, Master Takeshiba ruled out the objections.

Of course, this situation seemed to have angered and displeased the big families, but they weren\'t able to leave, fearing public opinion.

As much as the body needs the head, that much the head needs the body.

Still, that didn\'t stop them from having dark and gloomy faces, like they had eaten their own shit, or even worse.

But while most of them were forced to control themselves, and stay here watch this big joke take place, there were people who couldn\'t bear it, like Young Master Shiba.

He just looked for one last time with a wrathful look, reeking of killing intent towards Eric, and then left the venue in big strides.

But he wasn\'t the only one, as he was soon followed by Young Master Yuzuriha, and that other guy, as they left with the same noise as he did.

Seeing the actions of their children, Master Yuzuriha, and Master Takeshiba\'s sister, wanted to apologize about their behavior, but they were immediately cut short from him,

"Don\'t bother, I am well aware of my actions, and my decisions. It is good for the couples that only those with good intentions, pure heart, and dignified conduct stay to congratulate them."

Then turning towards the big crowd of wealthy people he said in a solemn, and fake sorry voice,

"Everyone I would like to apologize to you for the displeasing situations that arose tonight, and for spoiling your fun with our discussions!

But now there will be no more, so let us enjoy the fine wine, and the good food, as we congratulate the couples.

Let the party continue!"

With that said the music started once again, as the two couples entered the dance floor and started dancing gracefully beside each other.

It was a truly beautiful scene, as all the people participating were looking at their graceful movements and shiny faces.

Even Takeshiba Aika who seemed angry, and displeased earlier, at the interventions, and the claims about her, seemed to have forgotten everything and was just enjoying the dance.

But while Eric and Aika were radiating in happiness and love, the other couple seemed graceful but a bit rigid, and not as fluent.

Well, that was a show of clear difference between an engagement happening with love and one happening through interests, at least in the eyes of the crowd it was like that.

Of course, all this time none of them had stopped from chatting and whispering to the people by their side.

After all, with everything that happened here tonight, surely the next day would be buzzing with rumors and claims, as the media and the portals would have their big day.

After the dance, the couples took their places, as they saw the party happened, Master Takeshiba came personally to introduce Eric to a large crowd of Masters\', Young Masters\', Misses, etc.

In fact, there were so many that Eric was starting to get a headache just from greeting them all, but he still didn\'t show any displeasing on his face, as he greeted each and every one of them.

A lot of attentive people were able to notice, that even though Eric had greeted so many people, his conduct, behavior, class, and finesse never disappeared.

As a matter of fact, they had to accept that what he was showing was in a way even better than them. He had a special unique aura to him, that kind of made them want to bow in front of him.

There was no way someone like him was just a poor guy who had lived in the rotten neighborhoods before.

People living in those places weren\'t able to even understand what finesse and class were, and even less to act with those in mind.

Yet no one doubted Master Takeshiba\'s words either, which left only one option. Eric must be some kind of genius…

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