
Chapter 279

At Sanctuary, Balin\'s Royal Company was making good progress. This however only made Balin more skeptical.

As they continued further inward Ray would tell him of traces he found of orcs, be they footsteps or signs of living creatures. As this dungeon appeared to have very little species diversity, things like droppings or food leftovers could only belong to goblins or orcs.

After less than 30 minutes of steady progress, Balin and the others finally came across definitive signs of life.

"We are at the center now Sir" Siar said after showing him the map he had been writing along the way. As the person in charge of the scouts, he was the one most experienced in tactical map writing as well as the one receiving all of the information.

Balin nodded before shifting his gaze back towards the ugly building in front of him. It appeared to be made solely of rock and dirt and had no real door to speak of. It allowed one to see plainly into its dark interiors.

That was also something very strange for Balin.

"These orcs… aren\'t they too advanced?" The size of the settlement had already made him harbor some doubts but, seeing was believing and the technology of the orcs made his doubts become a certainty. These orcs were too smart.

"I agree Sir" Ray who just returned from giving the perimeter another glance around came in and said in agreement. They were both inspecting the basic forge and the way it was carefully made.

"Any ideas?" Balin decided to ask before shifting his gaze towards some empty stone carts lying around.

Ray stopped to ponder for a bit. Considering everything there was only one real conclusion that could be made.

"Someone or something gave them this knowledge" Ray responded as Balin spotted some metallic dust residue inside of the carts.

"It does seem so…" He concluded with narrowed eyes. Orcs on the outside were not dumb by any bounds but they definitely were not capable of mining and crafting weapons.

The architecture of their homes was also not to such an exaggerated extent. The comparison made Balin feel that this wasn\'t a settlement of orcs and closer to an archaic human civilization.

"Let\'s keep moving" Balin told Ray finally satisfied with his snooping. He would have to write up a mean report on the various anomalies inside but for now, pressing forward was more crucial.

Ray nodded and some of the squad captains who were loitering near the smithy\'s entrance parted to make way for him and Balin.

As the sun\'s rays radiated into his helmet Balin could not help but reconsider the danger that the dungeon posed. The knowledge that it was passing onto its monsters was unnatural and there was no way for them to be certain that whatever was further in would be any less human than themselves. That was a scary notion.

From what point do you stop killing monsters and start eliminating an innocent species? Balin did not know, he could not know and he did not want to know. He had to draw a clear line between his duties and his beliefs.

If he became fixated on such a question he would lose his life and that was something that he couldn\'t allow to happen. There were many things his master had left him in charge of.


The earth was frozen solid. Shel could no longer move so wantonly. The slippery ground could easily cause her to lose her footing and fall not just on to the floor, but also to Vorgarag\'s mercy.

"Vorgarag... Do you still remember when we were younge-" Shel\'s words were interrupted.

"So now I\'m Vorgarag?" Vorgarag asked with a ridiculing smile. Had she not said that he was a fake? What was it now then? Was she going to spout some crap about friendship all of a sudden?

"I- You were our leader!" Shel shouted before gripping her chipped orc iron axe and charging at Vorgarag\'s not so distant figure.

She swung wildly at Vorgarag who unlike before, did not cast any spells. It wasn\'t necessary.

"Ed took that position" Vorgarag said without a shred of lament, he was completely alright with that turnout. It was something that he and Ed had discussed in detail when he was first revived.

"But…!" She took another swing, Vorgarag only took a side step. The axe missed by a not so narrow margin and dug itself into the frosty ground.

"YOU were OUR leader…. Hah, you were the one we grew up with" Shel said in between labored breaths. This all sounded like sentimental gibberish to Vorgarag but he also had to admit that Shel\'s words had been effective. The proof was that she was still living.

Even as Shel continued to pant with each swing and strain her muscles in a vain attempt to reach him he could not cut her down. He could not pierce her heart or twist her neck.

He could only continue dodging her futile swings while for some reason feeling deep resentment towards her. It was a resentment that he could not pin the origin of and one that drove him to his current situation. It was bizarre.

Vorgarag only looked down at her as she finally slipped and fell to her knees thanks to the icy floors.

Growing up he had interaction with most of the members of his tribe and he learned many things from his master. These interactions paved the way for his future, and those teachings paved the way for his people. He was a good leader.

"We\'ve all overstayed our welcome" Vorgarag said feeling a slight panging headache.

The orcs of the angakok tribe were dwindling in both quality and quantity and eventually, his people would fall. The orcs continued to live shorter and shorter lives and he who was already looking for a disciple to take the mantle knew that his death was not going to be too far off.

"That\'s true… Kill me" Shel said in agreement though her thoughts were different. Vorgarag who should have been dead had certainly overstayed his welcome and she who could no longer lift a single muscle had similarly overstayed her welcome.

The entire battle had worn her out. From start to finish Vorgarag managed to control the field and they eventually even moved away from the raging fires that somewhat evened the playing field.

Vorgarag only continued to stare at Shel feeling… unwilling? He couldn\'t quite say it was so but he certainly felt… regretful? But what was there to regret?

His memories were clear, not muddled. So why was he in a state of tumultuous emotions? He had long since concluded that the source had to be his body.

"This is a goodbye then" Vorgarag said grabbing away her axe which Shel was using to prop herself against. This made her fall looking pitiful in the process.

Vorgarag heed this no mind as he brandished the axe ready to finish this once and for all. His head buzzed with the feeling of something being wrong but his hands never stopped holding the axe. His grip on its hilts instead only tightened.

He lifted the formidable weapon and while ignoring the pangs of pain he swung.

"Argh- I missed…" Vorgarag exclaimed in surprise. The headache was being a real headache. To think he\'d miss so blatantly. Even if he was in a more sickly body it had to be near impossible for his skills to deteriorate so drastically, no?

So he lifted it once more and this time, blood did flow.

"Aaaargh!!!" Shel\'s pained bellow reached the depths of the cavern. The sudden pain was not something she had experienced and it was all for good reason. The axe dug into her shoulder dislocating her arm.

Blood splattered and fell onto Vorgarag\'s aged face and rather than disgust his face flashed a smile. He now suddenly felt much better. The source of earlier frustration felt somewhat sated, he was feeling better.

So he took another swing.

"Aaar- Argh-!" Shel screamed this time more reservedly. Vorgarag cast a wide grin looking down at her mutilated arms. Her muscular appearance was iconic and admirable even among the other female orcs. This was a tragedy for Shel.

At the same time, there was this concurrent thought in Vorgarag\'s head. This notion that maybe he had gone insane. That if continued to hack away at her limbs there existed a chance he might have lost it.

But chances weren\'t to be trusted, Vorgarag was still preparing himself for a third scream. So he lifted his axe for a third hack...

"Aaaarg- Urgh!" Surprisingly, the scream was his own! The axe flew right off his hand, well to be more precise, his hand flew right off his forearm with it in tow.

Fortunately, the sharp blade of wind only managed to get one. Unfortunately, that was one more than he was willing to spare. He glared towards the origin of the attack and was not surprised to find Sharog followed by a bunch of other orcs.

"Hahahaha…" Vorgarag laughed realizing that there wasn\'t any way out of this anymore. The numbers were against him.

"Sh- Shel!!" An orc exclaimed in surprise seeing the bloody spot atop which lay Shel\'s body.

Vorgarag decided that retreat was the best option in situations like. Of course, that was easier said than done. Enemies blocked the entrance, and the only other possible location was sealed off by ice.

Sharog who also noticed Shel\'s body and its severely injured state could not help but feel overwhelmed by anger and frustration.

A tornado of raging winds blew towards Vorgarag as a result and as a simple form of retaliation Vorgarag cast forth a hail storm. The limited amount of air he controlled could not compare to Sharog\'s ultimately leading up to the vortex of bursting past without issue.

"Whoever you are, I\'m putting an end to you!" Sharog declared with certitude.. If she could not do then the others behind her could help but there was no way for Vorarag to leave this situation alive.

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