
Chapter 24 - Blood Heart Body Transformation

In a simple definition, Serums are concocted to contain a type of effect in which it gives a sudden increase ones heartbeat by giving a sudden jolt to the heart which therefore spikes up the rate of heartbeat.

Therefore, with even more velocity, the hearts would propell the blood at an even faster speed.

Whereby circulating and pumping warm red blood through the heart which would then pass through the Genome,

Xenografted into the subject\'s body.

The blood that emerged from the second \'Heart\' afterwards, wasn\'t the same as the one that entered it in the first place.

The blood that emerged always had a tinge of blackness within, turning it into a dark red colored blood if one could see through the body with a microscope. Proving the blood had changed somewhat.

After which, the dark red blood is then propelled and circulated through the veins, blood vessels and arteries, then right into the body system, wherever the blood pass, it would continue strengthening and transforming the body positively.

And it also expand the meridians, and blood vessels, making them stronger with time.

Towards the bones, tissues, muscles, cells, etc. The entirety of the subject\'s body would be transformed steadily, following the increase in the number of circulation the subject\'s heart could propell.

A normal human being can only circulate his bodily fluids and blood through the entire body 3 times in a single minute.

That is the limit the heart of a regular and healthy human could achieve.

The limit the heart could implement without the assistance of the Genomes nor the gradual process of transformation made along side the body as blood is being pumped into the system is only 3 times in a second.

But for a newly made Spryer, the amazing fact is that their hearts could propell blood throughout the entire body five times in a minute. And that was only when the subject\'s Xenograft was just performed.

The numbers of circulation would increase progressively as long as the subject is involved in an intense activity which could make ones heart, beat faster than it normally would.

For example, exercises such as jogging, running, sexual activities. Basically any activity that helps increase the circulation of one\'s blood and heartbeat.

Which means a Spryer could achieve five complete blood circulations in the body in just a minute, almost twice the amount of a regular person.

Making them superior to humans. And that was without performing any exercises yet. They could increase the amount by performing specifically intense activities.

The Vials made by the \'Generic Association contains some type of Serum that had been concocted using special techniques and specific measurements which is exclusive to only the \'Generic Association.\'

The main function of Serum is that it is used to spike up an increase in one\'s heartbeat sharply. Which would in turn increase the velocity of one\'s blood circulation.

It is only recommended to students who are wickedly rich and also impatient or think their rates of improvement were slow. So they get some from the institute with enough Gyno points

Meanwhile, after being Xenografted, there must be an external stimuli that would help force the body to accept the foreign object.

Which is where the institute\'s initiation or basically test come to place.

The combat lessons instructor would help with the problem. Giving them the external stimuli which in David\'s instructor case, fear.

Meanwhile, the instructor smirk in a bewitching manner as she looked towards her students. Their faces, filled with fear and wariness as they glanced down between their bodies and the instructor.

So they get some from the institute with enough Gyno points

Meanwhile, back to the instructor. Instructor Aella smirked slightly as she watched her students fearful expression.

"Alright scardy cats, listen up! That attack of mine was only an illusion. You all fell into my illusion when you stared into my eyes. The moment you all stared into my eyes, was the moment the illusion started." The instructor explained.

Although the illusion wasn\'t at all perfect since she needed them to stare into her eyes at in point in time, it was still enough to draw in the attention of the freshmen to the scene she had wanted them to see. But to do that, some of her actions has to be done physically, or the it would be broken by these weak students of hers as their might be doubts appearing in their hearts which would be a huge disgrace to her.

So to say, the part where she jumped 15 meter into the air and also, the part where the bone blades grew on her arm was also very real and the part she slashed her blade towards the students were all real.

It was only the transparent arc wind that was an illusion. It was impossible to create something like that in her current stage.

Upon hearing her words, the students all heaved a long sigh of relief they aren\'t dead. David especially.

He had just came into this science fictional fantasy world, and he hasn\'t even seen many things, tasted any foods, ride any cool cars, he wasn\'t in a hurry to leave as of yet. Not now, not ever.

If he died when he had just come to this world, he would regret it extremely.

When he was still blaming himself for not committing suicide if he knew he would be coming to this world.

David eyes spun as he thought.

He glanced around, to notice, he wasn\'t the only one who was fearful of losing their lives.

The other students were also relieved to hear that it was all an illusion.

While some students who are elites also felt relieved nut refused to show it in their expression.

They remained stoic, giving the impression that they weren\'t moved, even in the face of death. But the instructor could see right through them.

For example, a student\'s hand was trembling unconsciously and even when he tried to control it, and cover it by crossing both his arms, the instructor still noticed it.

Another couldn\'t help his feet from tapping. Channeling his fears towards the physical to help calm himself down. Other elites were also like that.

After David was calm enough, he couldn\'t help but think back to the stunts he had just performed just a minute ago.

His eyes couldn\'t help but widen in astonishment and surprise. Diving backwards was a very simple thing to do. But the maneuver he pulled towards the end.

In which he had twisted his body as if it was elastic or like a spring board where one pulled back towards one side building potential energy and then fire at an extreme speed towards the opposite direction due to kinetic energy.

It was an amazing feat.

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