
Chapter 183 Missions For The Disciples

As my words reached their ears, a wave of curiosity and excitement washed over them.

Their eyes sparkled with anticipation, and the room seemed to crackle with their collective enthusiasm.

This was a rare occasion for them as they had never been given any missions, and this would be their very first. 

As such, they were brimmed with eagerness and excitement.

Aren\'t they cute and adorable?

I couldn\'t help but smile seeing their reactions and I know that they wish to prove their loyalty to me as much as they can. 

Well, the missions that I\'ll be giving to them won\'t be random ones. 

Each of the missions I had in mind was tailored and made specially for them. 

"Alright, my dear harem," I began, catching their attention with a slight clearing of my throat.

At that moment, all eyes were locked on me as I began, "First, let\'s delve into the matter\'\'


Upon calling her name, Elizabeth promptly replied with a nervous yet unwavering, "Yes, Master!"

Her visible apprehension was hard to miss, her body trembling slightly.

A gentle chuckle escaped my lips before I proceeded with my instructions.

"Elizabeth," I explained, aiming for clarity, "your mission entails taking charge of conquering the nearby cities\'\'

\'\'You\'re free to use any means necessary to achieve this goal."

The task was straightforward and direct and I allowed her to use any methods to conquer all of the cities nearby, and it was up to her how she would achieve it. 

Though the desire to conquer all the cities at once was strong, I realized that it would be more practical to divide our forces.

"Yes, Master! I promised not to disappoint you!" Elizabeth declared with fervour.

\'\'I know and I have faith in your abilities," I assured her with a reassuring smile.

Continuing, I added, "Rest assured, I\'ll provide you with the necessary resources\'\'

\'\'Additionally, you\'re welcome to choose a handful of disciples to assist you\'\'

\'\'This would be an opportunity for them to explore the world"

"Thank you for your unwavering support, Master!" Elizabeth replied enthusiastically. 

"Fresia," I called out next, turning my attention to her.

Unlike Elizabeth, Fresia exuded a calm and seductive demeanour, offering a flirtatious response.

"Yes, honey?" As enticing as her charm was, I had to remain focused on the task at hand.

"Your mission, my dear Fresia," I began, emphasizing the importance of the task, "is to recruit as many Elders as possible."

I continued, acknowledging our current problem.

"Considering our vast number of disciples, the numbers of Elders are not enough\'\'

\'\'Hence, I\'m entrusting you with the responsibility of addressing this issue\'\'

\'\'I don\'t have any specific requirements for the kind of Elders you recruit, as long as they are devoted to me."

"As part of your mission," I elaborated, "I\'ll provide you with the necessary resources, and you may also select a handful of disciples to assist you."

At present, our shortage of Elders posed a challenge, and even though our disciples were overpowered, they still needed the guidance that Elders could provide.

Fresia replied with a resolute smile, saying, "Yes, honey, I won\'t let you down."

Her commitment to the task was evident in her serious demeanour.

"Megan and Crista," I called, and to my amusement, both of them responded in unison with a heartfelt, "Yes, Master!"

Their synchronized response was quite adorable, and I couldn\'t help but smile as I continued.

"For the mission I\'m about to entrust to you, both of you will be working together," I explained.

My decision to pair them stemmed from their shared pasts, having endured the abuse of their parents.

This mission was designed with their unique backgrounds in mind.

"Given your similar experiences," I continued, "I\'ve chosen to assign you the task of recruiting all the orphans you encounter outside of the cities."

I paused to ensure they understood the gravity of their mission, and both nodded in agreement.

However, I felt it necessary to provide further context.

"While there are cities, there are also small villages," I elaborated, "and within those villages, there are children, especially girls, who require our assistance."

I urged them to be vigilant.

"Hence, recruit as many children and orphans as possible, especially those you believe need to be saved from the ongoing abuse of their parents."

"To facilitate your mission," I added, "I will provide you with the necessary resources. You may also select a group of disciples to accompany you on this journey."

In response, Megan and Crista both exclaimed, "We won\'t let you down, Master!"

Their resolution was evident, and I had every confidence in their ability to carry out this vital mission.

I have a strong desire to provide assistance to these young girls to the best of my abilities.

I wish to see a future where all the world\'s female children find happiness within my sect, and I couldn\'t help but look forward to it. 

\'\'Eva\'\' Turning my attention to Eva, I called her name, and she responded promptly with a respectful, "Yes, Master!"

As I looked at her, I couldn\'t help but be tempted by her fox ears and tails, but I restrained myself, knowing the importance of the task at hand.

"The mission I have for you, Eva," I began, noting her adorable curiosity as she tilted her head, "is a relatively straightforward one\'\'

\'\'Your task is to recruit all of your kin, as many as you can find."

I wanted to leverage her unique connection to her kind for the benefit of our sect.

"I will ensure you have the necessary resources and provide you with disciples who can assist you in this mission," I assured her.

Eva responded promptly and eagerly with, "Yes, Master!"

It was essential to me that our fox habitat thrive with popuplation, and having a substantial population of fox women was undoubtedly a delightful prospect.

After all, who could resist the charm of fox women?

"Delilah," I eventually turned my attention to her, noticing her nervousness as she replied with a stutter, "Y-Yes, Master."

Her timidity tempted me to tease her, but I restrained myself with a throat clearing before continuing.

"Your mission," I stated clearly, "is to recruit married or widowed women who are enduring various forms of mistreatment from their husbands."

My objective for this mission was straightforward, to offer these women a chance at a better life.

"Do you think you can handle this?"

I looked directly into her eyes, and without a trace of doubt or hesitation, she responded, "Yes, Master, I can. I won\'t disappoint you."

Her declaration was accompanied by a genuine smile, and I couldn\'t help but return the warmth.

"That\'s excellent," I replied. "And don\'t worry about manpower\'\'

\'\'I will provide you with the necessary support and disciples to assist you in this mission."

She nodded in understanding, and I could see the determination in her eyes.

As the meeting continued, I turned my attention to Stelia, who awaited her mission with a sense of anticipation.

"Stelia," I called out, and she responded promptly, "Yes, Master," with a mix of eagerness and curiosity.

"Your mission," I began, "is to recruit women who have reincarnated from the realms of immortals or from above."

Stelia\'s selection for this mission was no accident, it was precisely because she herself had been reincarnated from the immortal realm.

Her unique background made her well-suited to connect with and recruit these women, as she could understand their experiences on a deeply personal level.

"Do you think you can accomplish this, Stelia?" I inquired, studying her closely for any signs of hesitation or uncertainty.

However, her response was satisfying. 

"Yes, Master, I can do it. I won\'t let you down," she affirmed with confidence.

"Excellent," I replied with a nod of approval.

"You have my trust. And just like the others, I will ensure you receive the support and assistance you need for this mission."

At one point, Crista had revealed that her mother was from the Immortal Realm, and with teary eyes, she wanted me to help her find her mother. 

And of course I would help her but not any soon. 

"Lydia," Eventually, I called out, and she responded attentively, "Yes, Master," her gaze filled with curiosity.

"Your mission," I began, my tone grave, "is to recruit women who have suffered greatly - those who have been enslaved, kidnapped, brainwashed, or forced into situations against their will, including those who have unwillingly become involved in cults with sinister intentions."

This mission was particularly challenging, as it involved reaching out to women who had endured unimaginable hardships and traumas.

Lydia\'s empathy and compassion made her a natural choice for this task, as she possessed the sensitivity needed to connect with these survivors and offer them a path to healing and empowerment.

"Do you believe you can take on this mission, Lydia?" I asked, understanding the gravity of the task.

Her response immidiate.

"Yes, Master, I can do it. I won\'t rest until I\'ve helped these women find freedom and a chance at a better life."

I nodded, deeply appreciating her commitment.

"I have faith in your ability, Lydia. And, just like the others, you will have the full support and resources necessary for this mission."

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