
Chapter 74 part2

Li Wei Yang noticed but acted like she wasmoved and hurriedly replied: “Mother, Wei Yang made you worried.”

“Wei Yang ah, not only was I worried, Mother wasdying with fear, afraid that you would encounter danger!” Da furen’s mouthshowed a trace of coldness and the venom from her eyes gradually vanished. Itwas fine if Li Wei Yang came back alive or without harm, it was inevitable toescape death for staying out overnight!

Li Wei Yang was startled and she slightlyfrowned. With her cleverness, she had already sensed the implied meaning fromher words. But she actually stayed naïve and said without any defense: “Motheris so nice to me, Wei Yang thinking about me, feels sleepless at nights!”

She originally thought she would panic butdidn’t think she wouldn’t reveal a trace! Da furen bit her teeth and sneered:“Servants said the guards that were with you all died, you were also capturedby someone, come let Mother see if you’ve been injured?”

Li Wei Yang gently smiled and said: “Mother,Wei Yang was not injured, look.” After she finished speaking, she turned aroundand smilingly said to Li Xiao Ran, “Father, Wei Yang is impious, for making youworried too.”

Da furen thought she was pretending to staycalm so she coldly continued to rub salt on her wounds: “Wei Yang, if you haveany grievances, don’t endure them by yourself, tell Mother, Mother willdefinitely do something for you.”

Grievances? Li Wei Yang coldly smiled. Shestared at Da furen’s repulsive face and felt that there was nothing much to sayto this beastly woman. She spat out coldly: “Mother’s anxiousness is unfounded;Wei Yang was not injured.”

Da furen peered into her eyes and wanted to continueto attack but she realized her eyes were coldly staring at her. It felt like aninvisible chill as if a figure being worshipped in a temple of the wilderness,making one terrified. At this moment, Li Wei Yang suddenly smiled, making Dafuren feel that her laughter was flowing towards her heart like icy water. Sheinvoluntarily hit back and the momentum weakened.

“Wei Yang, are you really okay? Then, how did youcome back?” It couldn’t be that the kidnappers let you come back, Li Xiao Rancouldn’t help but ask. He didn’t want to hear Da furen continuously say thosewords, he must know the ins and outs of this matter so that he could make themost appropriate arrangements!

Li Wei Yang understood Li Xiao Ran’s meaningbut she didn’t immediately respond. She only lightly smiled and suddenly actedas if she thought of something: “Oh yes, Father, today, I have to trouble youto prepare a gift on behalf of Wei Yang to greatly thank Seventh Prince andPrincess Yongning. If it weren’t for both of their Highnesses, Wei Yangwouldn’t be able to return!”

Da furen’s expression changed and she quicklysaid: “What did you say?”

Li Xiao Ran also suddenly stood up, his facerevealed astonishment.

Li Wei Yang raised her brows and innocentlysaid: “How does Father not know? Ai-ya, look at me who only talked with Motherafter surviving from an attack, I actually forgot to talk about the importantmatters. Yesterday, we didn’t know where this group of people came from thatcame to snatch our carriage. The guards desperately protected Min De and me butwe were outnumbered. Seventh Prince coincidentally passed by and lend us ahand, he was very heroic! After forcing the criminals to retreat, SeventhPrince seeing that Min De was injured, he deliberately sent us back to PrincessYongning’s residence to tend to his injury. The princess allowed us to stayovernight and even sent a physician to Min De. I was fortunate to encounter mylucky stars, if it weren’t for both of their help, Wei Yang wouldn’t be able toreturn home safe and sound!”

Hearing this, Li Xiao Ran was suddenlyoverjoyed: “Seventh Prince saved you?”

Li Wei Yang nodded.

“And Princess Yongning took you in?”

Li Wei Yang continued to nod.

“All of this is true?”

Li Wei Yang smiled: “Father, what is wrong, Icame home in Princess Yongning’s carriage!” Speaking this, she sweetly smiledat Da furen: “Luckily I survived, if I was really captured by bandits, howwould Wei Yang dare to come back, I would have ended my life to keep myinnocence, Mother, I’ve came home safe and sound, why is it that you don’t looktoo happy?”

“No, this is impossible! You must be lying, howcould it be that you disappear for a night yet nothing happened!” Da furensaid, losing her demeanor.

People often say, the greater the hope is, thegreater the disappointment will be. Da furen thought that she could take thisopportunity to get rid of Li Wei Yang completely yet she didn’t think she wasstill able to return with any harm. She was too lucky that it was difficult forpeople to accept!

Li Xiao Ran’s face suddenly changed color:“What are you saying! Shut up!”

Da furen was stunned and her expression turnedwhite. She realized she had lost her demeanor.

Li Xiao Ran was anxious after he became furious butnow it had all turned to joy. Seventh Prince saved Li Wei Yang and she stayedat the princess’ residence overnight, the impact of these two pieces of newsgreatly exceeded the news of Li Wei Yang’s disappearance.

But he still had his doubts because everythingchanged too quickly, making others not know what to do.

Li Wei Yang seemed to know what he was thinking andsmilingly said: “Yes, the princess said it was because of the banquet that Iencountered such frightful event so she gifted be this silver hairpinspecifically to console me.” Saying this, she pointed to the valuable hairpin.

This time, Li Xiao Ran gave a long sigh of relief.This was real --- it was very astonishing! Afterwards, he glared at Da furen.

Da furen was surprised and the mysterious foghad disappeared from her eyes, she forcefully smiled: “Wei Yang, you are really--- fortunate.”

Li Xiao Ran also smiled and tranquilly said:“Wei Yang, your Mother was just too happy.”

Da furen must be very disappointed that she wouldn’tlet go of any opportunities to send her to her death. Her heart was as venomousas snakes, she was very vicious! However, Li Wei Yang smiled, wasn’t she alsolike that?

“Yes, Wei Yang, Mother was too happy, forgive me.”It was as if cotton were stuffed into Da furen’s throat, her words wereunnatural.

“Mother, you don’t have to be like this, this wasluck bestowed to me by the old Heavens, no one can stop this.” Although Li WeiYang was saying it modestly, her words still carried thorns.

Li Wei Yang’s eyes were as dark as the water in thewell as she looked at Da furen. It was like the ghost stream of the DeathValley haunted by blue flames.

“Of course, this matter, I was fortunate tolive. If Seventh Prince didn’t pass by last night ---“ Li Wei Yang calmly said:“I’m afraid I would have died in the wild and feasted upon by dogs.”

Hearing Li Wei Yang’s words, Li Xiao Ran felt thatthis was the truth. To be honest, he originally felt that Li Wei Yang’s deathwould affect the family’s reputation and felt that she was bad luck. But now,she was simply very lucky. Pondering upon this, his facial expressions changedand this was all noticed by Li Wei Yang.

Li Xiao Ran didn’t forget to ask: “Where isLao furen?”

“Father, rest assure, Wei Yang will report toLao furen immediately.”

Li Xiao Ran nodded his head as he watched Li WeiYang leave. Afterwards, he turned his body and glared at his wife. He couldn’tbelieve that she was this intolerant and was being a vicious woman. She wasobviously the mother of the residence yet she always seeked ways to trouble thechildren of his concubines. Li Xiao Ran didn’t demand her to treat his otherchildren as if her own but at least pretend to on the outside. Seeing herexpress her resentment made him felt chills down his back. No matter how Li WeiYang was, she was still his very own flesh. Da furen actually wished thatsomething would happen to her and tried to use this opportunity to get rid ofher, this absolutely made one felt bitterly disappointed. He cudgeled his ownbrains in the court so that he wouldn’t reveal his true intentions yet he wouldhave never thought that his virtuous wife was secretly wrecking his reputationbehind his back, it was utterly disappointing!

He coldly made a humph and without waiting forDa furen to explain, he flapped his sleeves and directly left! Walking up tothe door, he suddenly stopped: “Don’t forget to prepare a gift!”

Da furen was stunned and her face was filledwith resentment yet she helplessly said: “Yes.”

Li Wei Yang first went over to Lao furen’sresidence to pay her respects and told her what had happened. After, shereturned to her own residence and Bai Zhi finally relaxed: “Xiao jie, luckilyyou are clever, you first went to Seventh Prince’s residence and asked for hishelp in arranging everything.”

“Da furen would certainly not let go of thisopportunity, so how could I let her get her way.” Now Li Wei Yang had confirmedthat helping Tuoba Yu out earlier was the right move. He was one who wouldreturn favors to those who helped him and additionally, the results wereinstantaneous. Before returning, she washed and dressed herself and eventhoroughly prepared so it was difficult to spot anything unusual.

“Da furen was basically trying to rob during afire ......”

“She was always this kind of person ......”

At this time, Mo Zhe suddenly reported: “Xiaojie, Qi Yiniang came!”

Li Wei Yang was stunned.

“Mother ......”

“Wei Yang ......” Qi Yiniang rushed over, tightlyembraced Li Wei Yang and burst into tear.

Li Wei Yang couldn’t cry nor laugh as shewatched her weak mother. She didn’t know what to do for a moment. Bai Zhi whowas on the side busily rushed over to hold onto Qi Yiniang and carefully said:“Yiniang, don’t worry, didn’t Xiao jie returned safe and sound?”

Qi Yiniang’s eyes were swollen, revealing howworried she was. Once she heard of this, she immediately rushed over.

Li Wei Yang gently explained to her of what happenedand the version she told her was similar to the version she told Li Xiao Ransince she didn’t want her very own mother to worry.

“So that’s what happened......” Hearing that it wasbecause she stayed overnight at the princess’ residence, Qi Yiniang let out asigh of relief.

She originally thought Li Wei Yang wassuffering from grievances......

“Originally, Xiao jie was determined to return ......”Bai Zhi smilingly said.

“But it was difficult to turn down such generosityfrom the princess......” Mo Zhu added.

Li Wei Yang only laughed: “It’s actuallynothing much, it’s just that the princess felt that it was because of attendingher banquet that I encountered a traumatizing experience, she felt bad......”

“I originally wanted to send someone home toreport this but it was already getting late. Instead, I was afraid it wouldstartle Lao furen and others ......” Li Wei Yang said as she watched the sadnessthat still remained on Qi Yiniang’s face and felt a bit guilty, “It’s my fault,I’ve made mother worried.”

Qi Yiniang had tears in her eyes, she noddedand smiled. She let out a sigh after expressing joy. Watching the streaks ofblood in Li Wei Yang’s eyes, she felt uneasy: “It’s because Mother is useless,I’m unable to protect you.”

A hint of warmth flow through Li Wei Yang’s heart.

Frankly speaking, she always had this alienatedfeeling towards Qi Yiniang. Even though she was her birth mother, she passedaway early in her previous life. She was also not raised by her side so theiraffections weren’t deep. In this lifetime, she actually didn’t know howinteract with her so she didn’t know what to do. But today, seeing that shesincerely cried for her, Li Wei Yang felt ashamed of her alienation towardsher.

Her expression was warm like jade yet it was brightlike stars.

“Mother, I’ve told you this, I will protectyou from now on.”

Qi Yiniang watched her daughter, her emotionswere intensified: “Wei Yang, don’t go against Da furen, she will harm you.”

Tan shi was a weak woman, she wished for nothingmore now but for her daughter to stay safe and marry into a good family. Dafuren was ruthless and she didn’t want anything to happen to Wei Yang.

“Mother, as long as one lives, one will encountercountless twists and turns. No one knows what would happen the next day. I’vechosen this path, no matter what hardships I encounter, or even danger, I wouldnever step back. Since I’ve already prepared thoroughly, you don’t have toworry. Moreover, even if I want to retreat, others won’t allow me to retreat!To live openly and heartily, there is nothing to be afraid of......” She wasn’tafraid of living nor dying but Da furen was different, which was why she woulddefinitely be the winner.

Qi Yiniang was absent-minded and suddenly thoughtthat Wei Yang’s stubbornness and determination exceeded what she thought ofher.

“Wei Yang......” She had decided, “Mother woulddefinitely support you.”

To hear such words coming from the weak Qi Yiniang......Li Wei Yang couldn’t help but smile and felt delighted, this feeling of havingfamily by the side was wonderful.

The news of Li Wei Yang encountering an attack andwas saved by Seventh Prince was spread throughout the capital, making thearistocratic ladies jealous. Everyone was saying Anping Xianzhu was very lucky;a carriage being attacked was very rare, she was even saved by the Emperor’sbeloved prince. Of course, there were other rumors, even to the point wherepeople felt suspicious about the unexplained appearance of the bandits. Evenmore, all of the bandits died so they thought Li Wei Yang deliberately plottedthis to get closer to Seventh Princess. These rumors spread everywhere yet theLi family wasn’t too concerned about them because after all, compared to awoman losing her chastity, this was simple matter. No matter how violent thestorm was, the involved parties, Tuoba Yu and Li Wei Yang didn’t respond. Thetwo didn’t even interact since that day, this matter was popular for a whilebefore it became old news.

After hearing about this, Li Chang Le originallythought Li Wei Yang was doomed yet she never imagined that she was able to turncalamities into blessings. She was very furious yet was helpless and couldn’thelp but feel unhappy.

Tan Xiang noticed her pale complexion andurged her: “Xiao jie, since all the flowers in the garden have bloomed, whydon’t we go out and take a look?”

Li Chang Le coldly looked at her, making Tan Xiang frightened:“Your maidservant is ---“ She had good intentions.

Li Chang Le saw lights of the spring season.Recently, her headaches became more and more painful especially when Li WeiYang was strolling past her, making her even more infuriated, “Whatever, let’sgo.”

Li Chang Le bought Tan Xiang and others to thegarden and saw a beauty sitting at the distant octagonal pavilion. She couldn’thelp but frowned: “Who is that?”

Tan Xiang took a look and carefully replied:“That is Lao Ye’s newly married Jiu Yiniang.”

Jiu Yiniang? This was Yun Ji, the woman Fatherbought back without telling Mother beforehand? Li Chang Le watched from afarand frowned. Yun Ji was a Changzhou native and she heard she was in Chineseopera. Father actually bought back such a lowly woman, was he insane?

Li Chang Le bought Tan Xiang as she unnoticeablywalked towards Yun Ji. The maidservants on the side wanted to alert theirmaster but was frightened by Li Chang Le’s cold expression.

Yun Ji lifted her head and realized Da Xiaojie hadcame, she quickly stood up.

Li Chang Le lightly smiled, squinted her eyes,and smilingly looked at the thing in her hand.

In Yun Ji’s snow white hand was a small brocadepouch. On it, a pair of twin lotus flowers were embroidered and on the side wasalso small jades. Although workmanship was exquisite but from one glimpse, thematerials were cheap and it was also old.

“This small pouch is very beautiful.” Li Chang Lelightly smiled yet she didn’t show change of emotion since she started becomingsuspicious.

Yun Ji was actually very alarmed since shesimply wanted to enjoy the scenery. Who would have known that the sceneryevoked old memories that she unconsciously took out a small pouch that shealways had with her. She thought her own maidservant would alert her but no onetold her about Da Xiao jie’s arrival! She didn’t know what Li Chang Le had seenbut ----- a small pouch didn’t mean anything! She tried her best to smile andfeigned calmness: “Yes, this is sewed by my mother, I’ve always had it with melike a protective talisman.”

Li Chang Le was a very sensitive person, shestill felt that it was a token of love gifted by a man ----- this hypothesissuddenly made her feel excited. She then inhibited this excitement and lightlysmiled: “You’ve already married into our family, we are family now, there is noneed to be restrained.”

Yun Ji, seeing that she wasn’t going to furtherquestion her, quickly hid her small pouch from sight.

Li Chang Le deliberately pretended to notnotice and actually harmoniously smiled: “Jiu Yiniang, the distance fromChangzhou to here is very far, do you think of home?”

At the very young age of ten, Yun Ji had left homeand traveled around with the drama troupe. Her impression of her parents wasblurred so it was difficult for her to miss her home. As an actor, she hadalways been looked down on by others. Then, she was sent to Minister Lou’sbanquet to perform and Li Xiao Ran took a fancy to her and bought her back. Butafter coming to the Li residence, not one person thought highly of her; everyonecalled her a lowly actor behind her back. But this Da Xiaojie was different,she actually smiled sincerely at her. So for a second, she was amazed and didn’tknow how to respond to her.

Li Chang Le switched the topic: “But you are verybeautiful, Father would love you dearly, you will never have to sell yourperformance and live scantily.”

Hearing those words, Yun Ji onlybitterly smiled, which meant she didn’t really accept her supposedly goodintentions.

Li Chang Le lightly smiled and then they continuedto converse about other topics, diverting Yun Ji’s attention.

After half an hour of conversation, Yun Ji began havinga good impression of this Da Xiaojie. When she was departing, she even set up atime to talk with her again next time.

Watching all this, Tan Xiang felt the situation wasweird. Da Xiaojie seemed to be an amiable and easily approachable person but inactuality, she was an arrogant person. Jiu Yiniang was of a lowly background,Da Xiaojie actually happily chatted with her? This was really weird!

Watching Yun Ji’s silhouette disappear fromthe garden, Li Chang Le lightly smiled, stood up and said: “Let’s go.”

Tan Xiang, seeing Li Chang Le smiling, couldn’t helpbut lowered her head.

Li Chang Le entered Da furen’s residence and spokewith her for half an hour. When she came out, her face was full of smiles. AsTan Xiang watched, she felt more terrified. Each time Da Xiaojie showed thissmile, it always meant someone was out of luck. It was just that --- who wouldit be? If it was just Jiu Yiniang, it was not enough to make Da Xiaojie thishappy......

Half a month later, Da furen sent someone tosummon Li Xiao Ran over. Li Xiao Ran just returned to the residence and said hehad something urgent to do in the book room. Da furen had been waiting untilthe night settled and she still hadn’t seen him yet. Da furen ordered someoneto summon again. After waiting for him for a while longer, she finally saw himenter through the door. She personally walked forth to help him take off hisjacket. She watched his expression and smilingly said: “In two days, it will beJiu Yiniang’s birthday, I was thinking we should liven up things for her.”

Li Xiao Ran looked up and coldly glimpsed into Dafuren’s eyes.

Da furen felt anxious inside yet her face still hadon a delightful smile.

Li Xiao Ran couldn’t spot anything odd,rejected Da furen’s hand, and calmly answered: “I understand, I have otherbusiness, you should rest early.”

“Lao Ye, I’ve prepared sweets, you should try some.”Da furen eagerly said.

Li Xiao Ran shook his head: “No.” After he was donespeaking, he turned to leave and went to Jiu Yiniang’s residence.

Lin Mama felt uneasy as she looked at Da furen. Dafuren coldly laughed and revealed a sharp smile. The goods on the table hadbeen left untouched for a while, now the sweetness had mixed with the air andbecome cold.

On the other side, Bai Zhi whispered to Li Wei Yangabout everything that happened in the Li family in the past few days. Followingher Xiaojie’s orders, she reported matters big and small, including Da Xiaojieand Jiu Yiniang’s friendly conversation and news that Da furen will be preparingfor Jiu Yiniang’s birthday celebration.

After Bai Zhi was done reporting, shecontinued: “Xiao jie, with what’s happening, it seemed like Da furen isstarting to draw Jiu Yiniang over to her side.”

Li Wei Yang gently smiled and shook her head: “Asthe family’s mother figure, if she can’t take control of her husband’sconcubines, then she would think of ways to get rid of them. Si Yiniang and LiuYiniang were already difficult to deal with, now that Father is favoring JiuYiniang and doesn’t even care about giving her face, do you think Da furenwould let Jiu Yiniang continue to live?”

Bai Zhi was stunned and then said: “Xiaojie’smeaning ---“

“Simply a Jiu Yiniang is certainly insufficient tosatisfy their appetite. If they were able to implicate a thorn in their flesh,then it would be perfect.” The candlelight shown on the blossoming crabappleson the wooden window, creating a shadow on Li Wei Yang’s face, making it seemlike a veil on her face.

Lin Mama solemnly walked past the corridor assunlight shone on the courtyard’s walls, making them gleamed. She couldn’t helpbut frowned. The maidservants on the side watch her hurried past with a fewstrong Mama following behind her.

“Where did Lin Mama go? Why was she in a hurry toleave?” The young maidservants whispered to one another.

“Don’t you know, Jiu Yiniang is celebratingher birthday, Da furen wants to personally plan her celebration! All theantique plates, fabric and silk ..... everything are bought out, Furen treats JiuYiniang very good!”

“Yes, Si Yiniang’s face turned green, LiuYiniang also left her doors closed and didn’t step out! Jiu Yiniang’s treatmenthad never before been seen in the Li family.”

“Who told Lao ye to favor Jiu Yiniang! You alldidn’t see but she is dearly favored, she rested in her residence for almosthalf a month. After Jiu Yiniang married into the family, she is like half amaster and hasn’t touched her Chinese opera clothing. But because Lao Ye favorsher, he made a new set of opera clothing for her and she sang for Lao Ye behindclosed doors!”

“What! You didn’t know!” Another youngmaidservant quietly said, “I heard from Zhou Mama from next door that JiuYiniang wasn’t someone ordinary. She is young and beautiful and even know howto pleasure men, how would you all understand!”

As Li Wei Yang walked past the garden, all the youngmaidservants shut their mouths and stood there gazing at one another.

Li Wei Yang lightly smiled and said: “Dispersethis, be careful of Lin Mama hearing this and punishing you all.”

The young maidservants became joyful and quicklydispersed. San Xiaojie was a good person, she usually wouldn’t berate themaidservants, unlike Wu Xiaojie, who would snitch behind their backs.

Li Wei Yang watched as Lin Mama’s silhouette disappearedfrom the corridor. She couldn’t help but frowned, she didn’t know this time whatDa furen was planning for organizing a large-scale celebration for Jiu Yiniang.

Perhaps,she was thinking too much ......


Translator: Erica

Editor: Panisa


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