
Chapter 99 Who Dare To Stop Me

“That was quick, and earlier than my usual time!” Wu Xin jumped from the bike and said in a somewhat pleasant surprise, “Thank you. But I don’t know your name yet.”

“My name is Qin Chao.” Looking at the ‘cow’ girl before him, Qin Chao was a bit hard to understand about something. ‘How could a high school student who can study in such school, went to work in KFC?’ He mused.

“M, brother Qin Chao, thank you for the ride. Since we’ve known each other, that means we’re destined to meet. I hope we can meet in the future! Goodbye.”

Wu Xin talked like her Master, waved her hand, swung her ponytail and ran to the school.

Qin Chao looked at her beautiful silhouette and can’t help but have some dark thoughts.

‘This little girl, Wu Xin, is something.’ He thought. After Escorting-The-Beauty mission has ended, it was time for him to report to Liao Dongkai’s Mansion.

Thus, Qin Chao put away his bike and went to an intersection to stop a taxi.

“Dude, where to?” The driver was a middle-aged man, who has put on a music from a radio inside the car.

“Master, do you know Liao Dongkai’s Mansion?”

“Yo, man, an outsider!” The driver started the car with a smile.

“How do you know?”

“If you’re a local here in Dongchuan, you should know the whereabout of this Liao Dongkai’s home.” The driver seemed to be very talkative and said to Qin Chao while he drove.

“Little people like us, even if we work to death, cannot afford such a luxurious place. I passed several times with my eyes set straight. It is covered with castle-like walls and can be considered as one of our Dongchuan’s skyline.”

“This Liao Dongkai is that rich?” Qin Chao can’t help but asked.

“Of course. He engages in real estate, using the housing to squeeze out the money earned by the ordinary people, how could he not have money? But he also suffers the hardship of the well-off; Liao Dongkai has many enemies. I often heard a one or a couple of bodyguards who died on duty protecting his family. So, you see, becoming a bodyguard for him, although you will be rewarded handsomely, your life will always be on the line. Tell me, making money like a flower (who bloomed then die) like this, who is the idiot that will do this job? By the way, dude, what are you going to do in there? Visiting?”

“I’m going to apply for a bodyguard job….”


This driver did not try to say anything anymore. The music on the radio seemed to run out of a good collection and started to broadcast a fairly sad funeral music. It seemed they like to see Qin Chao off.

‘Danger? How dangerous could it be?’ Qin Chao said to himself in the backseat. ‘The more dangerous it is, the more I, Qin Chao, want to do it. I have to constantly challenge myself to make me more and more formidable.’

The taxi slowly drove into the suburb and, after another ten minutes, arrived at the legendary mansion of Liao Dongkai.

Qin Chao paid the fare and went out of the car to be immediately in front of this earthshaking-ly huge building.

There was a row of iron fences in the front and a tall and big iron gate in the middle of it as if separating the two world.

The world inside this gate is a long lawn path, up to hundreds of meters. At the end of the passage, there is an imposing castle-like mansion. On both sides of the passage, there are dense woods, in which, during this autumn, the leaves have yellowed, and some even turned golden.

Seen from afar, the castle is like hidden in the depths of the golden grove.

Qin Chao was standing outside the gate and suddenly remembered the driver’s words.

‘Little people like us, even if we worked to death, will never go to live in such a place. However, now I, Qin Chao, have to work here.’

Qin Chao was standing before the gate and thinking of how to get in. ‘Do I have to call Su Fei, so she can inform Liao Dongkai for my arrival?’

But before he took out his cellphone, the big iron gate before him suddenly clattered and began to move; Slowly opened to both sides, revealing the inside of that world.

“I’ll be damn. This is quite advance.” Qin Chao was amazed. He noted the camera that hung on the fence, ‘Could Liao Dongkai already knew I’m here?’

Thinking of this, Qin Chao lifted her feet and went inside.

Who knew, when he stepped on the grass, Qin Chao felt something was amiss.

This house is too quiet and seemed to have many eyes that secretly stare at him.

Qin Chao trusts his instinct. After entering the third stage of power level, his perception of danger will naturally increase.

When he continued to walk for another ten meters, as if agreeing to his instinct, a group of bodyguards dressed in a suit, each with an earpiece, suddenly leaped up from both sides of the trees.

The hands of these bodyguards held a meter long black riot baton. They’ve encircled Qin Chao in a threatening manner.

“Illegal intruder discovered.” The man who seemed to be the leader said, “inquiring immediate approval.”

Soon, from their earpiece, came the authorization.

After receiving their orders, these highly trained bodyguards immediately, viciously rushed toward Qin Chao.

“Not really a good observant!” Qin Chao put his body sideways to escape the attack from behind while simultaneously flew his fist and hit the bodyguard’s back, making him rolled to the ground.

“How could you receive a guest like this? Is this Liao Dongkai’s hospitality?”

“We naturally treat our guest politely.” The leading man coldly said, “But for the illegal intruder, that’s impossible.”

And then, while holding an electric baton, he hit Qin Chao in the face.

Qin Chao was unhappy. If his guess is right, this is an intentional arrangement by Liao Dongkai. ‘Damn it, he still isn’t satisfy with me the last time I gave Xu Feng a lesson, and now even find a group of people to test me.’ Qin Chao thought.

“Fine, in that case, I won’t be polite anymore.” Qin Chao’s voice became colder. Murderous aura suddenly floated up from his body, making him looked like a new person.

The usual Qin Chao is like your average next door neighbor. But once he became murderous, he is like a devil who crawled up from the depths of hell, mean, savage, and absolutely ruthless.

These bodyguards, who mostly came from the army, were very sensitive to this murderous look. As Qin Chao’s imposing aura turned cold, their whole body trembled, and their heartbeats can’t help but increased.

“Everybody be careful, this person is not easy to deal with!” Just when the leader gave his warning, Qin Chao already forced himself forward and threw a punch, hitting the leader on the chin.

“Crack!” A broken bone very clearly heard by everyone. That leader felt a surge of pain; His jaw bone has been broken. Like a hammer, his whole body flew high, for more than two meters, and then heavily fell to the ground, making him directly passed out.

At the same time, two bodyguards leaped from the back and, with their electric batons, pounded Qin Chao on the shoulders.

Qin Chao didn’t try to dodge, making these two electric batons landed on his shoulders with a muffled thud.

The two bodyguards, with grins on their faces, pressed the switches.

“Zzzt!” Blue spark unexpectedly shone from Qin Chao’s body. These electric batons, each has 1.5 million voltage on it. Not to mention a human, even a cow can be put down by this voltage.

But to their dumbfoundedness, Qin Chao was actually still standing there. A mocking sneer hung on his mouth, despite the electric arc jumping back and forth on his body.

How could a mere electric baton could subdue him, who once directly withstood a high-voltage electric shock from the power line?

The two bodyguards were scared silly. But Qin Chao moved at this time. He swooped forward and, with each hands holding each of their heads, smashed their heads with a loud bang to the ground.

Fortunately, the ground was covered with grass, and the soil is soft. If it were concrete, their heads would probably explode.

“Fiw!” A wind suddenly came from behind him. He immediately turned around and directly caught the sneak attack of the electric baton that was about to pound him.

At the same time, he launched his fist and pounded the attackers, who sneak on him, in the chest.

With a resounding sound of broken bones, the sneak attacker suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood and his body softly fell to the ground.

The remaining bodyguards were finally looked silly. They just held their batons, circling around Qin Chao. This man, stained by the blood of their own like a terrifying death god, has scared the courage of these bodyguards.

But the smell of the blood on his face suddenly woke Qin Chao up.

When he looked at the several bodyguards that were lying on the ground because of him, he suddenly felt a hint of panic.

‘What’s wrong with me, can I just casually kill people? These are just bodyguards, not the Skeleton’s assassins. How could I become so ruthless toward them?’ He thought.

If he increased his strength a little bit, among these four bodyguards, how could any one of them survive?

Even so, their level of wounds was unclear. If they don’t lie for 1-2 months at the hospital, they probably wouldn’t be able to stand up.

“Don’t….don’t let him in….” Their leader with the broken jaw spoke with much suffering.

These bodyguards didn’t know Qin Chao’s identity. They genuinely thought that he was an assassin. If they let him get into Liao Dongkai’s house, they can only apologize by committing suicide.

These bodyguards, although they knew they were facing a powerful opponent, regardless of this danger, they lunged their electric baton at Qin Chao again.

“Don’t come near me!” Qin Chao almost lost control of his emotion, so, he roared out, moved back a few steps and leaped into the nearby trees.

Qin Chao launched his palm and hit a thick tree next to him. With a “crack” sound, the tree suddenly broke and fell down beautifully, pressuring the nearby tree.

Qin Chao took that five-meter long tree and, like waving an ordinary stick, forced these bodyguards to flee, fearing that they would be hit by this fierce weapon.

“Who will dare to stop me!” Qin Chao roared again and again. He was like a crazy Orc, who dance with the tree in his hands to expel the ducks, and removed these bodyguards from his vicinity,

“My god, is he a monster?” These guards were scared silly. This is the first time they meet someone who can snap a tree with a palm and played it in his hand like it was just a toy.

“Fuck me. This is Lu Zhishen’s come to live!” A bodyguard repeatedly exclaimed.

(TL: Lu Zhishen, nicknamed “Tattoo Monk”, is a fictional character in the Water Margin, one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature)

“Not good, if we let him enter the Mansion, we would all be finished.” Some people said with concern.

“We have no other choice! Pull out a gun!”

“Is that okay? If the police come to investigate, then what?”

“This is the Boss’s official Mansion, who would dare come to investigate!?”

These several bodyguards were finally forced to use their last resort. Of the remaining twenty bodyguards, four of them drew out their type 54 handguns and pointed its dark muzzle at Qin Chao.

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