
Chapter 12 - 12 - Leaving S City

10 days.

That\'s how long that Zou Yue had not been replying. After that hospital incident, he dropped him off at his apartment and got to work.

Zou\'s leave applications the toughest job he had ever faced. The company usually does not give six months leave for a growing model but after a long period of begging and praising Zou Yue\'s talents the higher management agreed with a few terms.

Frowning manager Mu drove faster. \'What if he has fainted again? Or... what if he is sick and is bed ridden? Shit. I never should have accepted the company\'s arrangement,\' he silently cussed in his mind.


During those six months, he was assigned another new model to take care of. This way it would be easier to introduce this new model to the photographer Miller if in case Zou Yue really did not want to sign the new contract.

The new model was also not a no-named one either. He had been in this profession for over ten years, he had more experience and backing to get moderate gigs. As his personal manager, he had been driving him around and taking care of his schedule.

All along he did not forget to contact Zou Yue now and then.

But the model never replied though.

He rushed out of his car and ran to the closed door. He loudly knocked, but he did not get any reply. \'I knew it! Something has happened!\' he took out a spare key to his apartment and opened it up.

The inside was dark and gloomy. Something crinkled under his footstep.

He swiftly switched the lights on and glanced down at his feet. It was a chocolate cover. He flicked it off his foot and walked forward. Another cover stuck to his foot. Frowning, he tossed it to a corner as well. \'Darn, this kid is eating too many chocolates!\'

As he turned the corner to his room, he saw something that terrified him.

The entire floor of the room was filled with Ferrero Rocher chocolate covers and rose cake covers carelessly tossed about. In the middle, a dark figure sat scribbling something in his book. He had a few crumbled up paper next to him.


The dark figure scratched his head and continued with the scribbling.

Frustrated by this, the manger ran and switched on the lights.

"Ow, too bright," Zou Yue mumbled from inside his duvet that was rolled around him like a cocoon.

"What are you doing?" manger Mu walked on his tippy toes closer, avoiding stepping on any more covers. "Did you eat all of this? Oh my god, Zou, what is wrong with you?!"

Zou Yue innocently looked up at him. "I didn\'t mean to. It was just one at first and then... I kind of forgot how many I shoved inside my mouth." He mumbled and stood up. The duvet rolled down to his sheet, revealing he was half naked and in only his trousers.

Unexpectedly, the model\'s body had lost weight rather than gain any.

Manager Mu frowned. "Did you eat any actual food these ten days?"

"Yeah, had bread and Nutella,"

"Bread!! Nutella! Oh dear god, my heart is quaking." He pulled Zou Yue out of his room and sat him down on the couch in the hallway. "I really shouldn\'t have left like that. Don\'t worry, I\'ll arrange a cook for you. Aunty Helen even suggested a few to me just last week," he mumbled, as he scrambled some eggs and bacon.

"No need. I am going home on 18th," Zou casually whispered to him. His nails were filled with ink and colour pencil shavings. He sat down and chipped them off.

Manager mu glanced back at him. "Why haven\'t you been replying?"

"Oh, my phone died a few days ago and I kind of forgot to charge it. I was busy, you see."

"Busy doing what might I ask?" Mu arranged the sizzling hot egg and bacon in a neat plate and held it out to him.

With shimmering eyes, Zou took it from him and ate with gusto.

"If you were so hungry you should have ordered take out." manager mu sat opposite him and watched him eat with a sad smile. He had been managing this kid ever since he was ten years old and suddenly he had to manger some other cocky model. It frustrated him a bit, but he knew that his model needed a break. "Charge your phone? And what time is your flight leaving, Peng Peng and I\'ll come drop you off."

Zou Yue paused. "Why?"

"You said your flight was on the 18th, right? That\'s today" mu confusedly looked at him.

"Oh shit, my flight is at noon!!! I totally forgot!" Zou stood up with the egg still hanging from his mouth and rushed to his room. He found a small duffel bag and stuffed all of his essentials inside.

Manager mu walked over to his room and watched him shuffle through his cupboards and shelves. "You should at least have an alarm, for goodness sake if I haven\'t come around toady you might have even forgotten about your flight,"

Zou Yue smiled at him dazzlingly. "Sorry, I\'m not usually like this. Just I have been preoccupied with something else for a while now," he subtly tossed in a few books inside his bag and rushed to his manger.

"It\'s eight now. If we hurry we can catch your plane. Did you take your passport and ticket?"

"Yes!" Zou happily held up his passport. "What about Peng Peng?"

"I can call him there directly." Mange mu pushed him out the door and took him over to the nanny car. While driving he made a call and informed Peng Peng to come for his send of. The makeup artist was more than happy to.

"Did you pack everything you might need?" he glanced back.

Zou nodded. "I\'ve got everything." he hugged the duffel bag close to his chest.

"That doesn\'t look much,"

"it\'s more than enough." he glanced at the busy street with a small smile. "Uncle Mu, I am really happy that you are a part of my life and I\'m grateful for all that you\'ve done to me. Thank you so much," he whispered with a nostalgic look.

Today is the last day he is going to see this kind uncle after that he was not sure if he would survive the virus outbreak and the zombie outbreak. He silently bit his lips and hugged him from behind. "I\'m truly grateful."

Mu chuckled. "Hey why are you getting emotional for? You will be coming back in six months and we shall see each other then." he patted his hands.

They reached the airport sooner than expected. Peng Peng was already waiting for him near the gates.

Saying goodbye was the hardest part.

Zou Yue hugged him tight. "I\'ll miss you so much."

"I\'ll miss you brat." Peng Peng softly kissed his cheek. "Oh, how is your skin so soft," he pinched his cheeks gently.

"They are always soft," Zou went over and hugged mister Mu again tightly.

Right then, the brooding call for his flight started. He sadly let go of him.

Mu flicked his forehead gently. "Don\'t eat too much. I would like to have you start working as soon as you return got it,"

"hmm," Zou Yue agreed. But he knew that he was never coming back to this city again. "Oh I forgot," he took out two book from his bag and handed one each to them both. "Read it carefully. I know all of this might sound crazy but..., please. I want you to believe in me."

Peng Peng was about to open it, but Zou stopped him. "Read it after I leave,"

"Okay? Bye weirdo," he gently pushed him towards the check in counter.

Zou Yue waved at them with tears in his eyes. "I hope you all survive," he whispered to himself.

After his figure disappeared, Peng Peng curiously opened the book. "I think it might be a love confession. I\'m pretty sure that he has a crush on me."

"Don\'t over exaggerate," mu mumbled and opened his book as well. The first page read. {\'Survive an apocalypse volume 1,\'}

"Wow, this kid is creative. He even wrote that in six months we are going to face a zombie apocalypse." Peng peg mumbled as he flipped through the pages.

At the end of book he had written only a single line.

"Fight with might and with the information in this book.


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