
Chapter 160 - 160 - Passcode

"How did you know that zombie was there? Did you regain your vision?!" Yue glanced back with a slightly shocked look.

"Don\'t just stand there, run!" Tian crawled out from the hole in the elevator door and pulled him to the corridor to their left.

"We have so much to \'talk\'," Yue grumbled, patted Fan\'s hands hard.

"Yes, we do.." Fan Xui grimaced.

Hary, who was running behind them, swiftly caught up. "Talk about what?"

"None of your business," Fan said, without even looking his way.

"Tian~ this guy is bullying me." Hary mumbled as he sliced a zombie that rushed out from a patient\'s room.

"keep your squabbles for after we reach home. If I hear one more word from you two, I will slice your tongues got it!" she shouted, punching the zombie in doctor\'s outfit. "Seriously. You both are grown ass men act like that for once."

The two silently glared at each other.

Yue smirked widely and ran close to his sister. \'See, only my sister can control these two.\'

Soon they could spot the glass bridge ahead. But there was something else as well.

It was a huge shutter.

"Why is there a shutter there?"

This was not a part of their plan. A huge setback, because they were being chaise by at least a few dozen zombies.

Tian was out of power, Hary was low on his bullets, and he was slightly tired. His muscles were already aching from overusing his powers. If this went on, his muscles would have micro tears that will be a huge issue for his future development.

"I\'ll kick it down." Yue gritted his teeth as he sped close.

"Don\'t, that is reinforced titanium door. You will break a bone trying to kick it down. There is a smart lock on the right side just close to the shutter. We just need a password," Fan whispered.

"But we don\'t know the password,"

"I do,"

Yue glanced back. He completely forgot that Qian and he were best friends. It was highly likely that Qian Wen might have shared some security details and passwords to him.

"That\'s great news. Hary, run up ahead and input the password. I will handle you guys back," Yue fell back a little and stood there fighting them off.

Tian also stopped next to him and shot any zombies that got threateningly close to her brother.

"What is the password?"\' Hary shouted.

"Type Qianiscute,"

Hary swiftly typed it in, but the screen blinked red. "That password is incorrect!"

"Incorrect? That\'s not right. Qian uses his name for everything." Fan mumbled, glancing back.

"Fuck this, I\'m kicking it down," Hary swiftly ran to the door and kicked it with his metallic leg. Only a small dent formed on it.

Yue glanced back at this with a slight frown. "Is that the only password you can think of? Do you know his birthday or something?"

"No, he won\'t use his birthday." Fan Xui sighed loudly. "I can\'t think of anything else. That man doesn\'t have much he considers cute,"

"I got it! Hary! Type pengpengiscute!"


"Just do it!"

Hary swiftly typed it. To his surprise, the shutter rolled up. "It\'s open! Come, come!"

Yue and Tian swiftly turned back and ran to the open passageway.

"There is a switch to the right to close the door." Fan shouted.

As soon as everyone was safely inside, Hary pressed the button. The door rolled down, blocking the incoming zombies.

Tian softly panted. "Your friend, which floor is he on?"

"The top floor." Fan Xui mumbled with a slight frown.

They got to the staircase and started climbing up.

"What is Peng Peng?" Fan Xui softly whispered close to Yue\'s ear

"It\'s a name,"

"Who is Peng Peng again?"

"My friend, and someone close to Qian," Yue whispered back.

He did not know such a person in his whole life. Even Qian does not know this person. Who might he be that his dear friend even kept his name as the pass code?

"Why is Peng Peng….."

"Qian\'s boyfriend," Yue answered before he could finish his answer. He gripped onto the handgrip, pulling himself up the stairs as fast as he could.

"oh boyfriend…. What! boyfriend! He has a boyfriend?!"

Hary growled loudly. "Shut your trap. Your \'what, why and who\' questions are annoying,"

Fan just snickered. "It\'s none of your concern."

"It is my concern because you are annoying Yue,"

"Both of you shut up!" Tian once again shouted. "I just can\'t with you two bickering like old ladies!"

Hary just gritted his teeth and climbed a step faster, getting close to Tian.

Yue fell back, watching their back for any surprise attacks.

Their speed was very slow compared to the beginning.

In about ten minutes, they reached the top floor without any intervention.

There was a single zombie in here.

"I find it very strange. It feels like we are missing something," Yue whispered, starting at the door.

"It\'s okay. You will see why," Fan confidently whispered.

"Why?" Hary glanced at him with his brows challengingly raised. "Explain,"

"I thought you hate \'what and why\' questions,"

Tian just sighed, glancing at Yue. "I give up."

"I gave up a long time ago. They are both like fire and ice from the moment they met,"

"Hary does seem more snarky." She handed a protein bar. "Eat,"

"Thanks," giggling Yue shoved the whole bar inside his mouth. "Fan you mind explaining why you said that?"

"Definitely." Fan\'s arms slightly squeezed him lovingly. "This whole building is dedicated to research. Each floor has its own researcher, and each researcher is only allowed to have three assistants."

"Why didn\'t we see them?" Tian looked at him, confused.

"Because they are researchers. They rarely come out of their den. The humans, before turning, were all shut inside their own research facility. And because of the fire trigger, the doors have all been locked from the inside. Only a pass code can open it. As zombies, most of them can\'t open it,"

Hary snorted. "What kind of stupid fire system is that? Won\'t the doors have to be opened during fire,"

Fan did not answer him, rather he just gave a cold look his way.

"Fan…" Yue gently tapped his hands.

Sighing, he continued. "This is one of the few research facility in our nation that deals with virology and disease control. Most of the specimens here are very precious."

"A fire here can be a devastation loss for the nation." Tian whispered.

 "Yes, so a system was created to lock the doors down to keep the fire out. And just in case the fire started inside one of the research facilities, the individual rooms are also locked separately. Even so, we must remain cautious. Some might have left the research facility for breaks,"

Fan Xui silently gritted his teeth. When he had come to rescue Qian, This whole place was just like this. Eerily silent.

But the dangers lurked inside. The ones stuck in the rooms each developed into an ability zombie.

No one knew why. And they could not even research it because this whole place was later bombed down.

They met only one such zombie during the initial outbreak. That was one of the researchers on the twenty-eight floor. The mental ability zombie had already advanced to a level two. This was the only reason that many other rescue team members passed away so pitifully.

This was also the reason why he did not like taking the staircase. It takes time and makes a lot of sound, attracting the zombies on every floor.

The elevator vents always were easier to descend.

Hary entered the same password for this door as well, and they all crept into the hallway.

It was clean and still white, with no traces of blood anywhere.

Yue glanced back. The door behind them automatically locked from the inside. "Do you know which room Qian is?"

"This is all just a single room. It just has multiple rooms,"

Yue walked to the nearby door and gently knocked on it.

No noise was heard from the inside. "I\'ll break it,"

"Use the pass code," Fan sighed, gesturing to the biometric system nearby.

"Oh sorry, forgot," Yue simply typed in pengpengiscute and the door opened.

The inside was still bright, unlike the other rooms.

"It has a separate power source?"

"Solar power backup so that the power won\'t go out at any natural disaster," Fan whispered.

The room was filled with a lot of sealed glass test tubes. Most of which had mysterious fluids inside.

Shelves and shelves of these filled this part of the room.

"Where is Qian?"

"Don\'t know. Must be somewhere around here," Hary glance around. "We can search separately,"

"No," Tian rejected this idea. "We\'ll stick together. This place feels wrong…"

A small sound of chains clanging on the floor echoed in the room.

It was coming from ahead of them.

Loud barks and screeching started all of a sudden.

"Does he have test subjects in here?"


They walked further in. the whole place had cages upon cages of animals there. Many mammals, like monkey, bats, bunnies, and rats, were each separated in each of their cages.

The moneys screeched, gripping onto the cage.

Yue especially glanced at the rat cage. Each of the rats had a small silver tag on their legs with numbers engraved from one to twenty.

A weird premonition came to his mind.

\'This place was a research centre for virus….. That means... Trexa gran.. Was she from this place?\'

\'But I found Trexa gran in S city. This doesn\'t make sense,\'

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