
Chapter 185 - The Sword Princess

Chapter 185 - The Sword Princess

While Ren was busy hunting down bandits an unexpected visitor came to New Grenton. In a room sat the most important people of New Grenton, Iselv, Galius, Kithra, Stephan, Valdel, Lara, Rachel, and Natasha were in this room. In front of the said group was a woman with long silver hair wearing silver armor who had a bunch of swords at her side. This woman was someone Lara and Valdel met several months ago when they left the village.

Behind the woman was someone with pinkish blond hair this was also someone Valdel and Lara met on the way to New Grenton. Though she had a familiar appearance her aura was somehow different from before. Unlike before when she acted dignified, the pink-haired woman was now exuding a different kind of feeling. When Valdel and Lara heard the true identities of the two they were both surprised. Though only Valdel showed a surprised face while Lara remained her stoic self.

The pink-haired Rika noticed Valdel looking at her and she winked at him. This prompted the two holy maidens to glare at Rika.

"So you\'re the one claiming to be my third older brother?" Ashley spoke while assessing Iselv from head to toe. It was true that Iselv does resemble her father a lot. Among her brothers, Iselv looks to be the closest in physique and looks to her father.

"And you\'re supposed to be my little sister?" Iselv was also appraising Ashley. The two were looking at each other so intently that it looked like they were having a staring contest. Galius was the one to break the tension between the two.

"So why has her majesty come here? Are you perhaps here to threaten New Grenton?" The moment Galius asked this question a sudden surge of killing intent could be felt. Even in the torrent of killing intent, Ashley remained calm. On the other hand, Rika who stood behind her was smiling sweetly but her hands were placed behind her back most probably holding a weapon.

"I\'m not here to fight you guys, nor am I here to threaten the independence you proclaim. I\'m here to speak to your leader." Ashley answered while still maintaining her composure in the ever-increasing bloodlust in the room.

"Aren\'t I already in front of you, my little sister?" Iselv spoke while frowning a bit.

"You and I know you aren\'t the real leader here, my big brother," Ashley responded with a small smile on her face. The moment the group heard this they immediately knew who the leader she was trying to find was.

\'What does he want Ren for? Don\'t tell me she\'s fallen in love with him too? Maybe she isn\'t attracted to Ren and just wants to talk... No that\'s impossible! Of course, she has fallen deeply in love, I mean it\'s Ren I\'m talking about here. I really do want to eliminate her before she meets Ren but... Tsk, I already know Ren is drawn to powerful beautiful women, and I\'m sure she fits that criteria, but... Damn it! I need to test her out to see if she\'s worthy!\' Lara was once again having one of her normal inner struggles while maintaining her stoic look.

"I don\'t know where you heard that from, but there is no real leader here except for me," Iselv answered.

"Who are you trying to fool big brother? Everyone who has even a tiny bit of knowledge knows who the real leader is. Also the reactions you all had when I mentioned the real leader is just further evidence that you are nothing more than a figurehead. So tell me, big brother, will you tell your real leader to show himself as I have something important to discuss."

Even though Ashley sounded and acted calm, the truth was she was really anxious at the moment. She was able to reach New Grenton before her two other siblings got here. But now these people were delaying her from meeting Ren. She needed to speak to him before her two brothers reach New Grenton. If she\'s not able to convince Ren, the Reschbeauch Kingdom might truly cease to exist.

Looking at the resolve in Ashley\'s eyes Iselv looked at the others for confirmation. It would seem that they all agree that they should tell the truth. Even though her facade seems to be showing a calm and cool demeanor it was obvious to them she was anxious. If one wasn\'t at the same level as Lara\'s stoic look, then it would be hard to fool the eyes of the people present in the room.

If you look closely one could see that Ashley was unconsciously tapping her fingers and the frequency grew faster as the talks went on.

"Unfortunately my little sister, Ren is not present at the moment." When Ashley heard Iselv\'s answer she started to feel a bit more anxious.

"Then when do you think he\'ll come back?"

"We don\'t know, he does whatever he pleases and he could come and go whenever he wants. There is no way of knowing when he would return."

"Princess..." Rika who was standing behind Ashley looked at the princess with worry.

"You can just tell us whatever it is you want to say to Ren." Valdel stepped forward and gave his opinion on the matter. Ashley then looked at Valdel and started thinking.

\'This man is supposed to be Ren\'s best friend. I guess telling him is the next best thing.\'

"Very well, I have information than I wish to share with you." Ashley then started to tell the group about the army of the two princes that were about to arrive. She also started to explain what was currently happening at the southern borders of the kingdom, as well as the movement of some of the nobles. When Galius heard what was happening outside of New Grenton he couldn\'t help but sigh.

The holy maidens weren\'t that much perturbed by the news as they didn\'t really care about the internal affairs of the Kingdom.

The people on Ren\'s side, on the other hand, were already aware that the Kingdom would respond as such. They already made preparations for this moment.

"I see... Surely this information you\'re giving us isn\'t for free. So what do you want?" Kithra spoke to the princess.

"For that, I need to speak to Ren."

"Why is that?"

"Since none of you may give me what I want. Only he could fulfill my request." The moment Ashley said those words an immense bloodlust could be felt coming from Lara. The silent stoic Lara started walking towards the princess.

Seeing Lara approaching full of bloodlust Valdel blocked her path, "Lara what\'s happening to you?"

"Nothing is happening, I just need to tell something to the princess. Don\'t worry I won\'t kill her." After saying that Lara bypassed Valdel. Ashley seeing the approaching Lara finally stood up from her chair.

The people inside the room grew tense as Lara and Ashley were now in arms reach of each other. Valdel was ready to pounce on Lara just in case she gets violent. Rika was also ready to do the same thing with Ashley.

As the room grew even tenser than before, Lara who was looking at the princess eye to eye finally spoke.

"Follow me outside." Those were the only words Lara said as she left the room. The Sword Princess couldn\'t help but smile as she understood what the stoic maiden wanted to do. Ashley picked up her swords and placed them onto her back and on her waist. She was about to head outside and follow Lara, but then Rika held her hand stopping her.

"It\'s going to be alright, trust me." The princess smiled gently at her long-time friend and bodyguard. Once Rika let go of her hand Ashley went outside of the room and followed Lara.

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