
Chapter 204 204 - Going Toward A Ghost Dungeon

Around 5 p.m.

Sam was currently going toward Alena\'s office. Right now he is slightly tired because he just finished fighting Jeni, Elena, and Saara. This time, he only used his spell technique. Because of this, he was tired. Well, he didn\'t have that many good spells. He cannot use mega or great fireballs in a fight. He can only use fireballs, firewalls, and fire guns, these types of spells. Because of this, he was tired. This time, none of them were fighting in close combat. They were fighting from a distance, and because of this; it took him much longer to finish the fight.

\'Sigh,\' Sam sighs while going toward the office room. He wanted to rest for some time, but previously teacher Alena told him to come to her office at 5:00 p.m. and because of this, he did not get the chance to rest. Well, he can also tell his friend not to fight today, but he already promises them to fight and he cannot break his promise. His friends told him that they were also already choosing their personal teacher. The teacher informed them that from tomorrow, they will start their training. But on the other hand, the teacher Alena started to train him today. Well,l not that he has any complaints. Those other teachers did not start teaching their personal students, most likely because they were busy looking at the registration. All those teachers were not like teacher Alena. All of them are now busy looking at the registration and then also the students\' details. After doing all of these, they will decide if they want to select the student as their personal student or not.

While thinking about all of this, Sam already came in front of the office room. He did not even have to knock on the door because he suddenly heard a voice.

"Come in."

Sam enters the office room. In the classroom, he saw his sister Gloria also present there. She and Alena were talking about something when Sam entered the office room. He nodded at Gloria and then sat on the sofa. Gloria passed him a teacup.

Sometime later, both Gloria and Alena finished talking. Sam, all this time, just silently listening to all of this. His sister was talking about going to a dungeon. Alena thought this was the right decision, but she also needed to guide Sam. Because of this, she was now in a dilemma. But then Sam told her that she should go with her sister because that could be dangerous for her sister. He is also planning to go to a dungeon, so she does not need to worry about that because he can easily protect himself using his stealth technique. For some time, Alena stays silent and then decides to go with Gloria. She also knows that Sam can avoid danger using his concealment technique. So she decided to go with Gloria, but then before that, she told Sam to go toward the training area. Previously, when she was fighting with him, she noticed some flaws in him, so she wanted to give some pointers to Sam so that he could improve himself.

Sam did not say anything and just left the office room. He was going toward the training area. Gloria and Alena were still in the room. They probably needed some time because they were still talking about the Dungeon. They were probably deciding what dungeon they should go to. Well, this also gives Sam a chance to rest.

After coming to his personal training room, he changes into training clothes and then sits down in a Lotus position and uses the Energy recovery technique. This will recover his energy quickly. While he was in this position, he completely forgot about his surroundings and because of this, when Alena came to his room, he didn\'t even notice. After coming to Sam\'s training room, Alena noticed that he was busy meditating. So she went to the bathroom to change into her training clothes. But even after coming from the bathroom when she noticed that Sam was still busy meditating, she decided to wake him up.


Around 7:30 p.m.

Sam has now finally left the Royal Academy and is going toward his home. All this time, he was busy with his teacher. Sam was very happy right now because all this time, teacher Alena was telling him about the flaws in his sword technique. Sam was very surprised when she first told him about his mistake. But then he remembered that, like his teacher, Alena also mastered various things. So all this time she was telling him about his mistakes and then telling him how to improve that.

After coming back to the house, Sam went to his room. You can say that he was very tired right now. He just wanted to rest for now. After changing his college uniform to comfortable cloth, Sam freshens up and then lays down on his bed. He did not even realize when he fell asleep.


Next day,

Sam was getting ready to go to a Dungeon. Well, today he doesn\'t need to go to college because yesterday teacher Alena told him that he could go to the dungeon. Because of this, Sam was now free to go to the Dungeon on his own. Well, he also informed his friend about this, but they won\'t be able to come with him because from today their teacher will start teaching them. So they will be busy with their teacher and won\'t be able to come with him. Well, not that it did matter to him because, as you know, Sam was a solo warrior.

He already informed his mom and dad last night when he was eating his dinner that he will go to a dungeon today. His sister is also going to a dungeon today with teacher Alena. If he wants, he could also go with them, but that won\'t be any helpful to him because they were going to a C-grade dungeon and that won\'t be helpful to him because they won\'t find any early D-grade monsters. Sam was going toward a ghost dungeon because he needed the spirit crystal. At the same time, he also needed to search for the limit breaker because without the limit breaker, he won\'t be able to break through from early grade to intermediate D-grade. As you know, D-grade and A-grade were the most difficult grades. Here you also need many status points compared to the other grade and also even if you wanted to break through from early grade to intermediate grade, you will face a barrier. Because of this, he needed to search for a limit breaker. Previously, he also searched at the warrior shop but did not find any limit breaker.

So now his main plan is to collect the spirit crystals and then also search for the limit breaker. He was very close to reaching the limit of the early grade. Most likely if he asked teacher Alena, then she can easily give him that, but he wanted to search for that thing on his own.


Around 9:00 a.m. Gloria and Sam both left the house. Gloria was going toward the Royal Academy, while Sam was driving his car to go toward the Dungeon. Previously, he thought about going to the ghost dungeon that was in the central city, but teacher Alena told him to go to the then that was in Venus City. From the central city needed to travel 130 km to reach Venus City. It probably took him much time to reach there in his car, but then he could find a lot of good loot there and because of this, he was going there. Previously, he also told teacher Alena he could feel that he was very near the limit of the early D-grade and because of this, he wanted to find the limit breaker. Hearing all of this, teacher Alena told him to go to Venus city. Like the central city, this Venus City is also very big and the White Tiger college was in Venus City.

It took him 2 hours to reach this city. Well, he can reach this city in 1 hour but then there was a traffic jam. Because of this, it took him some time to reach this city. He directly went toward the Dungeon. This dungeon was also a ghost dungeon. Here you will find ghosts from early D-grade to peak D-grade. Also, the Boss monster was in early C-grade. Because of this, killing the Boss monster was very difficult in this dungeon.

After parking his car in the parking area, Sam went toward the guide of this dungeon. The guide was near the Dungeon entrance. But unexpectedly compared to the other cities here, the guide was very busy. Most likely all those warriors before entering the Dungeon wanted to know about the Dungeon from the guide. This is a good sign. But he just needs to wait some time to talk with the guide.

________To be continued_________

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