
Chapter 201 - The Flow of Fighting (4)

Chapter 201: The Flow of Fighting (4)

[Yes, my master.]

[But like I said before, you can use it only once per spirit. Please consider it carefully.]


Yong-ho alternately looked at Catalina and Kaiwan, who were in the blue water like him.

Catalina just flapped her ears, but Kaiwan strongly signaled to him that he should not take any item blindly. It seemed that Kaiwan wanted him to bring at least a dragon heart.

“Okay, let me give you my guideline.”

All the eyes of his subordinate spirits were fixed on him. The same was true of Scathach, who was seated on a chair and was eating chicken alone.

He said, “Tomorrow let me meet Sitri first. I need to pick up something I asked her for, and I also have to get her advice about the current situation. Next, let’s challenge the arena together.”

He had to find out the magic circle and materials necessary to install a magic field to detect or interfere with flying magic. In order to defend the entire southern land, he had to block the threat of the King of Gluttony first, so not only Yong-ho himself, but also his subordinate spirits needed to be much stronger than now.

“It’s a long day today. Let’s go and take some good rest.”

“See you tomorrow.”

“Good night.”

“Have a good rest.”

They said good night to each other.

Yong-ho also closed his eyes, determined to get a deep sleep this time.

<hr />

The King of Gluttony constantly wanted food. At the same time, he kept pondering over a couple of questions.

How would the master of the House of Mammon think about him? Objectively, how would he himself move?

His answer was to stay put, waiting for a good chance.

That was the best option to keep what he already possessed.

But he was not supposed to do it. If he kept being on the defensive in a chaotic situation like this, it was certain that he would be consumed by bigger turbulence and turmoils in the coming days.


The King of Gluttony withdrew his power he had activated as a test. He turned inside a huge empty space.

He noticed his royal bodyguards consisting of Death Knights and vampires. He also faced the Bone Dragons behind them.

It was time for him to take the risk, just like he had always done so since he was a Preta, the lowest demon. Now he had to bet everything to gain more power.

The King of Gluttony turned back. Looking to the south, he felt the power of Godly Energy.

He controlled the power of sin and the power of energy surging in his body.

The next day.

It was time for him to go hunting once again.

Thanks to Scathach’s blue water, Yong-ho did not fall asleep for a long time even though he was exhausted.

He stroked Catalina’s head, who was still having trouble getting up early in the morning. He then left Scathach’s mansion after kissing Kaiwan’s cheek lightly, who was half asleep.

He noticed the skull unit doing farming even early in the morning. Skull was also digging potatoes with a hoe in its hand. He wondered if Skull was not a knight commander or a famous warrior but an excellent farmer in its previous life.

Looking at Skull waving at him, he was lost in idle thought for a moment. Then he headed to the demon king’s room after leaving the Garden of Life.

“Good morning!”

“Wal! Wal!”

Yuria, who was cleaning the room early in the morning, bowed to him politely. Baduk, who was mopping the floor, thought her greeting was natural, but it seemed to be quite strange to the baby dungeon meerkat on Yuria’s head.

In any case, all three were the dungeon spirits of the House of Mammon, who were cute to Yong-ho, so he didn’t care. He briefly thought about buying a dungeon hamster.

He returned Yuria’s greetings by stroking her head and sat on the throne.

The throne also saw some different changes from when he saw it first. The stone throne, which was just rusty, had some pretty good pieces attached to it, as well as a cushion on the back to make him feel comfortable.

While gently rubbing the smooth throne handle, Yong-ho called Lucia.

Then he accessed the virtual space of the Dungeon Market.

“My dear client, I love you very much, but I can’t love you if you visit me so early like this.”

Sitri was almost buried in a huge cushion that was hard to tell if it was a bed or a sofa.

She was wearing a see-through negligee he had seen before, and a cute sleeping cap that did not match the negligee showing her maturity.

Embarrassed at the scene, Yong-ho smiled awkwardly, trying to avoid seeing her eyes.

“Uh... Is it too early?”

“Of course. You know, a beautiful woman is a sleepyhead.”

Taking off her sleeping cap, Sitri fidgeted with her fingers in succession.

A purple nightgown that appeared in the blink of an eye wrapped her negligee.

The large cushion that she was buried in also turned into a nice chair.

She quickly did a light makeup then faced him proudly.

Since he was trying not to spy on her quick change, he now said with a more relaxed expression, “I want to discuss something with you.”

Yong-ho knew early on that Sitri was Mammon’s lover. But only recently did he begin to ask for her help shamelessly like this. In fact, it was the first time he did so at the auction house recently.

Sitri narrowed her eyebrows a little as if she wanted to point it out, too, but she quickly smiled gently. She said, leaning against the back of her chair, “Hmm, it seems like you ask for my help too openly, but that is also your charm. So, say what you want this time.”

He took a breath. He then listed the gist of what happened yesterday.

Making Aamon his subordinate spirit.

Destroying the Ten Warriors of the King of Gluttony.

The King of Fury’s request for exchanges.

After listening to each of what he said, Sitri bit her lower lip instead of answering right away.

She nodded several times and finally opened her mouth.

“It seems the situation is pretty much urgent.”

In fact, she also expected that the King of Gluttony would start a war. Perhaps, the sudden movement of the forces of the King of Violence must have provoked him. What she didn’t expect was rather the King of Fury’s action. Little did she think that the King of Fury warmed to the master of the House of Mammon so suddenly.

‘Is it because of her encounter with him at the auction house?’

Sitri laughed bitterly because she recalled some memories naturally. It pleased her just to recall it, but at the same time, it made her heartbroken.

She opened her mouth again. She buried memories in her heart and faced the present.

She said to the new King of Greed, “If you make an alliance with the King of Fury, I think it’s an ideal one because she has a pretty good relationship with the King of Violence.”

As for that point, Yong-ho was guessing like her to some extent, for the King of Violence and the King of Fury didn’t show any sign of hostility toward each other even when they moved their troops toward the King of Gluttony.

What Yong-ho needed was a basis for confirming his guesswork, so Sitri’s words deepened his conviction.

Like Sitri said, if he built a good relationship with the King of Fury, he could have a large coalition covering the entire southern area of the demon world.

Sitri shook her head, watching him somewhat excited. She said with a sigh, “Anyway, you don’t have to imitate the bad side of the King of Fury, though.”

“What do you mean, Sitri?”

Sitri knew much better about the King of Fury than him. No matter what others said about her, she was one of the five directors of the Dungeon Market “from the time it was founded.” Even though she was living in near seclusion, she boasted of her considerable intelligence capabilities.

What if their meeting at the auction house was really the start of this kind of exchange?

Sitri, who sighed again, let her shoulders droop.

“Well, let me take care of your concern anyway since you are the King of Greed. Let me stop my services for you here. Shall we talk about our deal now.”

She fidgeted with her fingers with a smile then a large catalog appeared in the air.

He could figure out what Sitri would say. As he expected, Sitri said, opening the catalog wide,

“You recently asked me for an undead type spirit that could do necromancing, right? I found a suitable one for you.”

Yong-ho turned his eyes at the picture of one spirit in the catalog.

<hr />

“Be extremely careful, so you don’t make the same mistakes. Of course, the images of our king in the video will overwhelm him, but don’t forget that any of your behavior directly affects our king’s honor.”

Kirtimuka gave Gardimundi a sharp reminder with a serious expression, but as always, she briefly smiled then let her warning in one ear and out the other.

Just as she did when writing the letter in person, the King of Fury seemed tired after attempting to shoot the best images of her look in the video several times.

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