
Chapter 241 - Blitzkrieg (2)

Chapter 241: Blitzkrieg (2)

After she was done talking, she looked at the subordinate spirits of the Mammon family.

Then Kaiwan opened her mouth first. “I’ve got a question!”

She moved her lips to try to speak but found it a bit hard to say anything right away.

Scathach kindly waited for her.

After hesitating for a while, Kaiwan finally asked rather impatiently, “If Sitri is really the Queen of Sloth, why did she hide it from us so far? Why did she just seclude herself instead of reigning as the queen?”

Kaiwan couldn’t understand. She was a queen with one of the Seven Deadly Sins and Godly Energy. But why did she live as one of the five directors of the Dungeon Market rather than a queen?

Was it because she was scared of the other three kings? Was it because she might be assassinated if they knew the Queen of Sloth was alive?

Given the political circumstances, it was highly likely that the other three kings were not aware of the fact that the Queen of Sloth was alive, or they might have not known that Sitri was one of the five directors of the Dungeon Market.

Even the records on the Mammon family did not indicate that Sitri was the Queen of Sloth, so it was very possible that the three kings didn’t know about her existence.

According to various records, the Queen of Sloth always covered her face and body with a black veil and robe. As a result, it wasn’t strange at all that the King of Pride, the King of Envy, and the King of Lust regard the Queen of Sloth and the red-haired witch, Mammon’s lover as two different women. In fact, this kind of thinking was the most plausible. Otherwise, the fact that the King of Greed and the Queen of Sloth were lovers would have provoked the other kings too much. They would have thought that their romantic relationship would have stood in the way of their alliance.

At Kaiwan’s asking, Scathach made a frown. It wasn’t because her question was difficult to answer. It was because even Scathach didn’t know why.

Scathach looked at the flames of the red lotus burning in the air. Unlike Scathach herself and Gusion, who had been confined to the Labyrinth of Greed for the past one thousand years, Aamon moved in and out of the Labyrinth of Greed until recently. Moreover, he always met Sitri with Yong-ho. Maybe he might have some clues.

Yong-ho and Kaiwan also turned to Aamon.

Aamon whispered in a quiet voice, [I am not sure of her intentions, but...]

[When I saw her after a thousand years, she was different from what I used to know before.]

[On the day when the celestial door was closed, she was probably injured very much.]


[Yes, because it was a fierce fight.]

[It wouldn’t be strange if I say that she had been so severely wounded that she could not have healed even with the passage of one thousand years.]

Moreover, Sitri was with Mammon until his last moment. Just before or after Mammon closed the celestial door, something that Mammon’s 12 Spirits didn’t know might have happened.

[If I speak based on my impression of her...]

[Sitri, as she is now, is not complete. She will not be able to properly exercise her power as the Queen of Sloth.]


There was a crack in the firm solidarity of the three directors. An alien force penetrated through the flow of their mana that got united as one until a moment ago.

It was like an explosion. It was instant, but it was a tremendous power that completely pushed out the mana of the three directors.

Abrasax, who was proud of his “strongest mana” at the Dungeon Market, was more sensitive to mana than any of the five directors. The moment he faced Sitri, the Queen of Sloth’s mana, he felt it keenly.

That was the power of a true queen, equipped with both one of the Seven Deadly Sins and the Godly Energy.

Abrasax felt he was spaced out. He didn’t hear anything about her from the King of Pride.

What he heard from the King of Pride was that Sitri was Mammon’s lover and that she was a great demon who lived for a long long time.

What should he do? How should he deal with the queen in front of him?

A brief moment was like eternity. Abrasax saw Sitri in astonishment, and Bifronz tried to trigger the hidden secret weapon. Amid the chaotic situation, Orobas, the “strongest Herculean power,” left himself to his instinct as a Red Demon.

When everyone paid attention to Sitri, Orobas hit the ground.

Then he threw himself toward Samael, who had not yet escaped from Abrasax’s mana.

Their distance narrowed in an instant.

Orobas threw his punch at Samael’s eyes. He had nothing like a personal grudge against her. He just moved in a way that was most advantageous to his unique combat sense as a Red Demon. In some way, he acted, based on his cold rational judgment.

There were two options that Orobas could think of.

One of them was for him to be Samael’s ally. It was the best option.

Although Sitri showed obvious hostility toward him, Samael joined hands with the three other directors, it was four to one. Under any circumstance, they could beat her.

But the situation would be completely different if Samael joined hands with Sitri.

If that was the case, the matrix of the fighting would be three to two. Given Sitri’s extraordinary power, it was highly likely that the three directors would be defeated although they were numerically superior.

Orobas was not sure which of the two situations would unfold. Therefore, Orobas decided to eliminate the number of cases. If Samael died here, the relative superiority of three-to-one would not change anyway.

Orobas threw his punch. Even though he was obsessed with striking fast without any preparation, his blow was powerful beyond imagination. If he struck her accurately, it was clear that her delicate body would be smashed at once.

At that moment, the demon king’s power, which Samael exerted desperately, was a little faster than his punch. His fist, aiming at the center of Samael’s chest, hit her shoulders slightly. But even his missed punch was powerful enough to smash her shoulders. They were in tatters as if they were swept away by an explosion, and there were severe cuts on her body, exposed to the impact of his punch. The black wings, located behind her broken shoulders, literally evaporated.

Even the five directors did not know about each other’s power. Instead of thinking about why his punching missed, Orobas immediately prepared a second attack. Samael failed to exert her power again because she closed her eyes in severe pain. All she could do was scream terribly in pain.

Abrasax and Bifronz finally understood the situation. The two hurriedly turned their eyes toward Samael only to find Samael screaming in pain. Samael was still alive.

Orobas hastily turned around. Instead of punching her head, he slammed her in the back with his fist. His punch missed. When he turned his eyes after punching, Sitri already began to strike his chest.

This time, the eyes of Sitri and Orobas crossed. Orobas clenched his teeth, but shortly afterward, his giant red body bounced off forcefully.

Abrasax and Bifronz radiated their mana at the same time. Abrasax’s mana pressed on Samael, and Bifronz’s mana revived the mana of the other three directors and pushed out Sitri who was releasing power as the Queen of Sloth fully.

Blood was gushing all over Samael’s body, who was trembling hard. Her bloody discharge stained her white dress red.

“Kill her, kill her!” Abrasax shouted, full of malice. There was already joy in his face.

But Bifronz was different. He was breaking into a cold sweat endlessly. Now was not the time for him to waste mana on Samael.

“Abrasax!” Sitri shouted at him.

Abrasax looked back at Sitri as if he suddenly came to his senses. Orobas, who had been bounced out, also got up quickly and looked at Sitri.

The Godly Energy of Sloth was shining. The Godly Energy that found its owner paired with the Sin of Sloth, creating a tremendous mana.

Abrasax’s mana that had been squeezing down Samael waned quickly. Besides, the combined mana of the three directors who seemed to swallow up Sitri at any moment was pushed out once more.

“The Queen of Sloth!”

Abrasax was astonished. Sensitive to mana, he understood what was happening right before his eyes. That was why he was overwhelmed with instinctive fear.

His mana was weakened. His mana that overpowered Samael was not simply pushed out or evaporated. Actually, it was weakened. It then vanished. But the rate of its weakening was unusually fast. It seemed as if he was swept away by the torrent of time.

Sitri injected mana into the Godly Energy again. The Godly Energy that resonated with the Sin of Sloth released its inherent power.

‘Corrosion of the boundary.’

That was the name Mammon coined for the power. All the hostile forces that entered the boundary of this force were quickly weakened. It then perished.

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