
Chapter 354 - First Order Bai Zemin Vs Second Order Geminder

During that brief instant that a normal person could quite possibly not detect, Bai Zemin\'s black eyes met Geminder\'s strange greenish eyes; one gaze was indifferent and ice cold while the other gaze was filled with hatred as flames burned within.


The earth began to rumble and the sound became louder and louder with each passing fraction of a second. Before any of the creatures present could react, the raging hell that seemed to be being contained by unseen hands finally broke out.


A massive shockwave shot out in the form of a sphere with Bai Zemin and Geminder at its center, extending hundreds of meters in just a second.

Inac and Kreir covered their faces with both arms as they did their best to fight against the fierce pressure that pushed them further and further back regardless of how much they struggled. Their feet dug firmly into the ground, leaving deep grooves and destroying the concrete as if it were mud instead of stone.

Both of them were proud and powerful Second Order existences but just a mere resulting shockwave was enough to force them back several meters! Inac and Kreir sweated at the thought of what would happen if one of those swords fell on their bodies and when they remembered Abil\'s miserable fate the two goblin leaders finally began to feel fear, realizing the reason why even Geminder didn\'t want to face the human before them and going so far as to be willing to let him and his family go; something unheard of until now.

But the two of them suffered the least thanks to their tremendously powerful physiques.

Those who suffered the most from the clash between Bai Zemin\'s Blazing Scale Greatsword and Geminder\'s bone claymore were those Unclassified goblins who were approximately 500 meters near the center.

Hundreds of goblins that were hit by the shockwave exploded and turned directly into blood mists that soon joined each other to form a dense red cloud. Fragmented bones and small pieces of flesh flew everywhere, staining the bodies of their fellow race mates who were fortunately out of range of the shockwave.

In the center of the bloody battlefield, the red sword and the white sword firmly joined with each other as if they wanted to merge.


After the initial explosion passed, a powerful bang awakened all the goblins from their shock. However, all they did was fall into even greater shock when they saw the reason for the bang.


After enduring for a few brief seconds, Geminder\'s powerful arms that were easily twice as big as Bai Zemin\'s finally faltered. His bone claymore was pressed down with even greater power than before and the body of the main leader of the northern goblin race was sent flying like a kite whose string had been cut.

The veins in Geminder\'s arms seemed to have broken out as his muscles exploded. Blood spurted uncontrollably from his mouth and as he flew backward unable to control his own body, Geminder left a trail of blood wherever his body passed.


The building that had previously been cut in two by Kreir\'s attack in a moment of showing his arrogance was now completely demolished as Geminder\'s body slammed into one of the walls.

Geminder continued to fly for another two hundred meters, killing several goblins that were in his path in the process before finally falling heavily to the ground, leaving a thick trail of dirt and debris.

"G- Geminder..." Inac\'s eyes went wide as he stared in utter shock at the goblin and the existence he most respected since gaining a sense of self.

Kreir couldn\'t believe what he was seeing either.

In the past, he had experienced how terrifying Geminder was firsthand and had also seen it once, in a burst of rage, annihilate a large human force at the edge of China\'s territory. However, that same Geminder had been sent flying like a rag doll and harmed to such an extent for not being able to take a blow from the human before them.... Kreir felt as if his senses had shut down as he watched the scene before his eyes.

Slowly, Kreir turned his head and looked at the human he had earlier taunted and even dared to threaten. He shuddered as he realized that in stark contrast to Geminder\'s miserable appearance, that human wearing black armor and carrying a huge sword had actually not even moved an inch from his original position.

"How can this be possible..." Inac muttered again in shock.

How great the difference in Strength between the two of them had to be for Geminder to be sent flying like that?! Even now, Inac and Kreir could only sense the power of a First Order existence from Bai Zemin\'s body!

The front of Bai Zemin\'s hair was considerably long after not receiving a good cut in quite some time. At this moment, several strands of hair partially covered his eyes so it was not easy to discover what kind of expression his gaze had.

Without saying a single word, he lowered his Blazing Scale Greatsword and let it fall to the ground before starting to walk towards Geminder with leisurely steps. The heavy but at the same time sharp sword crafted from hundreds of hard and tough scales left a ridge with every step he took and the sound of the ground being pierced was the only sound that could be heard.

Geminder felt as if his head had been struck by a huge hammer weighing several tons and his brain seemed to have turned to mush. With extremely unsteady steps, he struggled to get to his feet. This caused the injuries on his arms and most of his body to widen, spurting blood at faster rates than before as his monstrous natural regeneration struggled to counteract this.

The main leader of the goblin race shook his head to shake off the dizziness that assaulted him and an involuntary grimace of pain appeared on his face as his greenish eyes looked with slight surprise at the human walking ever closer.

"Ke... Kekeke..." Geminder chuckled as he felt the incredible murderous intent of the human before him released despite his seemingly casual appearance. "In the end... You are a human after all..."

Before Geminder had a chance to utter another word, Bai Zemin raised his head slightly and looked at him with his right eye. His mouth moved softly and he muttered words that the top leader of the goblin race failed to make out or hear.

But what happened next reminded Geminder that the human being in front of his eyes not only had incredible physical capabilities, but also possessed strange magical abilities!

Geminder suddenly felt an enormous amount of Mana and Magical power assaulting the inside of his body, aimed directly at his heart. The anger he felt at Kurano and Abil\'s death was forced to subside as fear set in. Hastily he sent most of his Mana to fight off the invading attack.

Unfortunately, Geminder was a pure warrior and his active skills were all to boost physical attacks, which he had practically activated all of them in his previous attack.

Just as Lilith had said before, 99% of melee warriors had no talent or great magical abilities. Geminder was not one of those rarities who managed to enter that meager 1%.

Cough! Cough! Cough!

Geminder managed to deflect the internal magical attack from his heart to other parts of his body after consuming basically 95% of his Mana reserve. However, although he avoided immediate death, he was unable to prevent several of his internal organs from receiving critical damage. As a consequence, the proud goblin could not help but stagger backward while continuously coughing up several mouthfuls of blood along with small pieces of flesh belonging to those damaged organs.

The Unclassified goblins went berserk with fear and roared before rushing forward. However, Bai Zemin didn\'t even look at them and with a fierce swing of his hand backward along with the consumption of another 300 points of Mana, he created over a thousand blood threads extremely thin and hard to notice with the naked eye.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!...


The blood strands streaked across the skies and danced across the battlefield as if they were arrogant and powerful dragons. All the goblins that crossed their paths could not even comprehend what was happening before their bodies were ripped to shreds.

Some were decapitated on the spot, other goblins were cut straight from the waist down and when their upper halves fell to the ground the beasts cried out in pain, others were simply cut diagonally while others lost their limbs and could only fall to the ground writhing in pain.

As he walked closer and closer to a collapsed Geminder, Bai Zemin\'s face turned as pale as a sheet. However, his steps did not falter at all and he continued to manipulate the blood to make his enemies\' lives become their own hell and to make them wish they had never shown themselves in his presence.

At this point, Bai Zemin\'s Mana had now fallen to just over 100 points. This was the consequence of using around 400 points to cause fatal damage to Geminder\'s internal organs, added to the previous consumption of the skills he had activated to kill the two goblins named Kurano and Abil as well as the creation of that huge blood sword.

Previously, Bai Zemin had planned to kill all the goblins slowly, taking several minutes to perform this feat. That way, he could save at least 60-50% of his Mana for emergencies. However, after hearing Geminder\'s words earlier all those spare thoughts flew out the window without a trace.

Angry like he had never felt before in his entire life, Bai Zemin completely unleashed himself without any intention of holding anything back. His only desire was to wipe out all the creatures around him, but before that he had to do something about the anger bubbling up inside him or he might end up suffocating to death.

Geminder slowly raised his head as he felt a shadow looming over him. His beastly eyes met the eyes of the human who was currently looking down at him without even lowering his head.

Before Geminder could even say anything or plot an attack that would bring him back into the ring, Bai Zemin fiercely struck with his right leg directly impacting the burly goblin\'s jaw.


Geminder felt as if hundreds of stars twinkled in his vision. Indistinctly, he felt his body flying out of control as well as the sound of lightning and thunder, but at this point the pain he felt had made it too difficult for him to think normally.

With Second Order Lightning Movement still active, Bai Zemin transformed into a black shadow and with the 900+ temporary Agility points he currently enjoyed, he appeared behind Geminder\'s body flying backward.

Bai Zemin released his sword and dropped it heavily on the ground. Then, he nimbly caught Geminder\'s body with both hands and mercilessly increased the gravity x15 as he slammed his knee upwards and forced Geminder\'s body to fall.

If this attack connected, it would be a miracle if Geminder\'s spine didn\'t snap into two pieces!

* * * * * * *

A/N: As Gryzmot reported yesterday, my health has not been good recently and that is the reason why I have posted 1 chapter per day during 2 days.

I will try to compensate for that, 3 caps today and maybe tomorrow as well. No promises about tomorrow tho.

Thank you very much to everyone who voted for Blood Warlock with Golden Tickets! <3

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