
Chapter 235

Chapter 235: Chapter 105

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The alliance between the God of Wealth (now the Goddess of Wealth) and Void Mask was totally beyond the expectations of the Gods. Except for the Goddess of Bumper Harvest, who said, “I knew those two had a relationship.” The other Gods were surprised, including those who were good at tricks and strategies.

The direct consequence of the incident was that the Goddess of Bumper Harvest began to work hard on finding helpers, or allies. She always felt that Void Mask and the Royal Crown had a problem with her. Their alliance must have aimed to make some trouble for her.

“If a person is sick, they should take medicine. What if a God is sick?” Sui Xiong sneered after he got the information. Then he said grumpily, “Should I give Her some brain damage pills? If he takes them three times a day three tons at a time, the pills may take effect and she may be saved.”

“What are brain damage pills?” asked Javier, who provided the information.

“Pills used to treat the damaged brains of people who always have foolish thoughts.”

“Oh? Is it equivalent to relieving frenzy?”


“Is the cost high? If not, we’d better produce the pills in large quantities for sale. I remember the potion for relieving frenzy is very expensive.”

“It is troublesome to produce them.”

Javier sighed. “Forget it. To tell the truth, I still feel that it’s fun to make money now. Especially if I help my followers make money themselves. Their religious faith will go up in a straight climb.”

“I remember you told me before that faith is not a deal,” Sui Xiong said. “The time I discussed whether or not it was fair that people believe in a God for protection, right?”

Javier smiled, squinting. “Now I see that you were right! You are a real nettlefish sage!”

“Nettlefish sage... Who made that nickname? Too bad!”

“Compared to frog elder, nettlefish sage is not that bad,” Javier said. “I think it’s appropriate, and so do the Gods.”

“Firstly, I am not a sage. I think I am very ordinary,” Sui Xiong said seriously. “Secondly, and most importantly, I am a jellyfish, not a nettlefish. Jellyfish that have been fished up and dried on the counter of a seafood store are nettlefish!”

Javier laughed, raising a glass. “Cheers to the dried nettlefish!”

Looking at his drunk face, Sui Xiong sighed deeply and couldn’t help but ask, “How much have you drank?”

“Who remembers! I’m so happy today! His Majesty, the God of Light, invited us to drink. How honorable it is!”

Sui Xiong was stunned. “The God of Light? Isn’t he serious and cold? How could he invite you to drink?”

“Yes! It’s very rare! So honorable!”

“During the banquet, did he say anything?”

“Not yet. We are still drinking,” Javier said happily. “We still need more drinks.”

Sui Xiong nodded slightly, a little worried in his mind.

As the saying goes, “Courting others for no reason means bad deeds are hidden.” Now a serious and cold person who was also a high-status emperor suddenly made a banquet for no reason. Even Javier, a God who was off-staff in the Human God System, had been invited. Something was off.

However, seeing that Javier was so elated, he didn’t want to throw cold water on him. So he only secretly worried.

Fortunately, this place was not only the God’s Kingdom of Desolation God System. It was also his world. With both internal and external barriers, it could effectively intercept many bad influences. Even if something was wrong with Javier’s noumenon in the “Country of Light,” he could try to save his friend to some degree instead of letting him fall.

After a while, Javier got so drunk that he was even a little stupid. No one knew how much his real body drank at the banquet in the Country of Light. How could he get drunk like this?

Suddenly, Javier opened his eyes wide. He screamed and showed a look of extreme fear. His whole person was frozen.

Sui Xiong was really shocked. He thought that he might have had an accident, but his breath was still steady, as well as his divine power, without any sign of weakness.

This made him feel a bit relieved, so he did not immediately launch the interception according to the original plan, which he could use to completely cut off the connection between Javier and his noumenon.

“What is going on?” he asked.

Javier was silent for a while and then burst into tears.

“Hey! What are you crying about?”

After some light and shadow flickered, the figure of Yorgaardman appeared next to him, with his face gloomy and terrible.

“Something terrible,” he said. “God of Light, the Master God of the Human System, killed the Mother of Sea who created human beings.”

Sui Xiong was stunned and finally reacted after few seconds. “What?! He killed the Mother of Sea?!”

“He suddenly invited all the human Gods to his banquet, originally including me. But I didn’t accept the invitation,” Yorgaardman said with a gloomy face. “He brought out a magical wine at the banquet, which even can get Gods drunk after drinking it. It’s incredible.”

“When everyone was drunk enough, He said, ‘Are you very curious? How on earth does this wine, which can get the noumenons of Gods drunk, come from? Do you want to know? Of course you do.’ Then he ordered the oracles to push out a huge wine trough with the remains of the Mother of Sea cut into pieces inside.”

Sui Xiong suddenly felt a chill from his back to his forehead. Although a jellyfish did not have these parts, nothing else was enough to describe his mood at the moment.

The Mother of Sea was an ancient God. She had had a good relationship with the Goddess of Life, so she helped a lot when the Goddess of Life created the high-level elves. Later, with the help of her experience and the understanding of life at that time, she had created a race with a short life, but rich emotions and strong learning abilities as well as good fertility, which were human beings.

The Mother of Sea hadn’t tried to direct the human beings as the creator. In fact, she was rarely interested in human beings’ lives, which was almost a laissez-faire attitude. Only in the early days of human birth had she given protection to human beings. Later, “Guardian Knight” Astoril, who was the present God of Knights, became a God. Therefore, she handed over the task of protecting human beings to the God of Knights and stepped behind the scenes, remaining retired.

Although it was a long time ago, for the human race, the mother God who had created them was still one of the most respectable great existences. They even gave her the honorable title of “Great Mother.”

The God of Light killed the Mother of Sea, used the remains to make wine, and then even used this wine to hold a banquet for all Gods with human origin.

Holy shi*t! He was simply insane!

“Why did he do this?” Sui Xiong asked the most important question.

“I am enough for human beings to worship,” Yorgaardman sighed deeply, “This was his reason.”

The word “simply” was needless, because this guy was completely insane!

“Then you are not going to kill him?” Sui Xiong asked.

“Of course I will kill him! However, I need to find a chance,” Yorgaardman said with a sullen face. “This motherf*cker killed the Great Mother and devoured her power. To some extent, he must have mastered the power of creation. After all, I originate from human beings. If I don’t find a suitable opportunity, I will be suppressed badly in a rash battle.”

Sui Xiong nodded, glad that his elder brother didn’t lose his mind in anger.

There was a very mysterious connection between the Gods and their creations. Generally speaking, the creations of Gods could never resist Gods. The relationship between creator and creation was the firmest and most unshakable control connection in the world. Take Orcs for example: although some of them could break from the shackles of blood and become half-Orcs with relatively independent souls and hearts, it didn’t mean that they were not controlled by the Orc Gods who created their race.

For example, Morani, a lionman who was one of Sui Xiong’s friends, was originally an Orc. Later, he became a half-orc. But when he was about to become God, Singh, the “Golden Lion King” who had already fallen, took the opportunity to resurrect. He thinned his due divine power, leaving him trapped in the level of weak divine powers who should have got middle-level divine power. It was not until recently that he had won the Clergy Competition and been able to break through the restrictions and step into the middle-level divine power.

That was to say, until that time, Morani had really broken away from Singh and gained complete freedom.

However, although he had been free, if he fought with Singh, he would still be greatly restrained. He could use 40% or 50% of his power in the best of conditions. If he were careless, he might even be defeated by Singh, who was still weak in divine power at present.

Yorgaardman was also a human being. He had to be cautious in the face of the God of Light, the murderer who killed the human creator and devoured her power.

It was also strange to say that the God of Light was a human being. How could he kill his own creator and devour her?

It was totally unreasonable!

Sui Xiong was very confused, but couldn’t find anyone to answer him.

This incident shocked all the Gods in the thousands of worlds. For a time, everyone focused on the Country of Light. They speculated on what the master God of human beings wanted to do on earth. Many Gods were secretly worried that this mad guy would launch a large-scale divine war, forcibly conquering or even killing some Gods who had human origins but had not joined the Human God System and did not obey him.

As a result, many of those Gods spontaneously gathered around Yorgaardman, the God of Justice, hoping to counter the pressure of the God of Light with the help of this top strongman, recognized by all the Gods.

Now that the King of Order was indifferent, only the God of Justice could give them a little confidence and a sense of security.

As the Gods were in shock and panic, things in the human world were ignored by everyone.

During the ignorance, the Void Mask School of Education had been rectified and renamed the New Comprehensive Technical School.

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