
Chapter 782 - Vol V Chapter 142

Chapter 782: Vol V Chapter 142

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

To be honest, Mado’s research results were not of a high caliber.

Sui Xiong was not someone who had researched health and food, but previously on Earth, he had easy access to information regarding this topic. He would get an advertisement or spam mail on this topic in his email inbox every few days. His relatives often consulted him on this topic as well, allowing him to learn more through discussions with them.

Who said that university students had to know everything!? Even though he was knowledgeable, he still had limits in what he knew about this topic. However, at this current moment, he decided to take some time to revise his facts as he wanted to have a clearer idea while listening to this speech.

According to him, Mado’s thinking had many flaws. It was true that in this world, the animal with the best reproductive capacity was a carnivorous fish, and the animal with the longest life expectancy was that of a carnivorous giant dragon; those were all good examples to prove his point. However, on land, among those with better reproductive capacity, there wasn’t a huge difference between carnivorous and vegetarian creatures.

On Earth, apart from a few paranoid vegetarian activists, most people promoted an active diet. People believed that one should consume a variety of foods in moderation. As for the vegetarian activists, they were able to gain enough nutrients despite their limited diet by using advanced, processed plant protein to replace animal protein.

Sui Xiong remembered seeing a recommendation where a food scientist had visited a Buddhist temple to calculate the life expectancy of vegetarian Buddhist monks. The research had proved that they had a slighter shorter life expectancy as compared to the average person. A lot of monks were similar in the sense that normally, they were considered healthy, but once they had fallen sick, they were usually unable to recover and would pass away shortly after.

However, the scientists on Earth had not really found much data on people who ate meat as it was hard to find human carnivores other than those who were strange. For example, among the citizens in China (which he was most familiar with), be it those in the North or South, it was easy to find someone who did not eat meat but hard to find someone who was fully carnivorous as this would mean they did not consume rice as well. It was hard to find someone who did not eat rice in an Asian country!

Even those in the West ate wheat, potatoes or corn. To fully remove these staples from one’s diet was extremely difficult.

However, according to Mado, it was possible, and one could even be healthier by doing so.

He had gathered some volunteers to participate in his experiment. Some had been purely vegetarian and refrained from eating any form of meat. On the other hand, some only ate meat and did not eat any vegetables or carbohydrates. After a few months, he found that both diets created certain health issues, but overall, those of the pure vegetarians were more severe when compared to the carnivorous group.

Did this research even have any meaning?

Sui Xiong was a little confused and was unsure of what Mado was trying to prove. To him, food research should be done with the goal of figuring out which foods should be paired with what. He was not the only one who thought so; some members of the crowd began to speak up.

This issue seemed to be what Mado hoped one would raise, and he smiled in satisfaction before sharing the crux of his research.

Those who were carnivorous were able to increase their professional ability with more ease!

When he mentioned this, the audience came to a sudden realization as well.

In this world, fighting skills were extremely important. While they were not the be-all or end-all, without them one could only possess extremely limited power and status. One either had to possess such skills themselves or find someone with a high level of power to back him and fight for him. If not, no amount of wealth would help.

To be honest, it was extremely rare to find wealthy and powerful people with no fighting skills in this world. After all, it was still better to possess the skills rather than hiring someone with the skills. Thus, in this world, from the kings to the commoners, everyone was extremely mindful to constantly upgrade their fighting skills; if there were any way to improve, they would certainly pursue the solution.

The crowd understood that food containing mana or ether was able to effectively improve their skills. Yet, such foods were rare and expensive. They were mostly produced by magical creatures, such as bloody meat from demon beats or magical plant roots, leaves and berries. Gathering them was a huge risk to one’s life, and to process them also required a certain level of magical skills. Thus, the price of such foods was not accessible to the masses.

However, according to Mado, even if one did not eat such specials foods, if they could still sustain a purely carnivorous life, and their physical qualities would also improve significantly over time. Such findings shocked everyone, and Sui Xiong was intrigued as well.

If this method was really useful, he intended to promote it in the Republic of Northwest. The troops there would definitely be agreeable to adopt such a diet as they enjoyed meat. As long as the money was provided for them to maintain this diet, it would be accepted.

The crowd had similar thoughts to Sui Xiong. Although they were not as wealthy and did not require such a strict diet as per the Republic troops, they were willing to spend a little more to upgrade themselves for the sake of themselves and their families.

To convince the crowd, Mado even took out a Projection Crystal and played a few clips. These were time-lapses, chronological clips that showed a few volunteers. Originally, they had a decent body, but with the changes in diet, they eventually became much stronger and muscular.

Mado was almost done with his speech at this point. Suddenly, the man who had previously spoken stood up and opened his mouth again.

“Mr. Mado, how can you prove that you did not fake these results?”

This was a rather unfair question, and everyone blanched.

To question a scholar’s integrity and the value of his work was like questioning his entire existence. Such instances could only be described as “unbearable.”

Clearly and understandably, this was unbearable to Mado as well. His eyes grew larger, and he bunched up his fists in anger. It was clear that he was grinding his teeth in an attempt to control his temper.

The man seemed intent on angering Mado and continued speaking.

“We all know that if someone wears a mask, many of his features will be hidden. In this case, one could find another man with a similar figure and create fake scars on him to portray a striking “before and after” scene.

“Mr. Mado, why did you insist on making your subjects wear masks? Was it to conceal their identity and your corrupted research?”

The entire audience was silent, and everyone stared at Mado, who was evidently angry. After a minute of silence, he violently leaped up and began yelling at the top of his voice.

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