
Chapter 835 - Vol V Chapter 195

Way before the Republic of Northwest, the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Thousands of Springs had already begun training new armies.

The origin of the northern army of the Commonwealth of Gold Coins was not something that was especially confidential. If this army was not mobilized, perhaps it could really be kept a secret for a period of time. But since it had been mobilized where it had even fought a few battles, especially after that bloody battle which carried some semblance of the legendary characteristic, all countries had come to notice this powerful army.

Investigating with the power of the state, it did not take long for the other countries to ascertain the origin of the northern army. Then messengers from all countries boisterously swarmed to Keane Hill, seeking to obtain its military strategy.

At that time, the situation was blown out of proportion. The Church of the Void Mask had to urgently mobilize its Legendary Masters to quell the unrest and resolve the problem. Among them, there was even Leon, the swordsman from the shore of the East Coast and Satan, the Wise Man of Purification. The stance of more than a dozen Legendary Masters gathered together was so imposing that it really seemed as though the sky had to lower down in humility. The messengers from the other countries, who were either overly anxious or simply there to stir up trouble, finally calmed down.

Since things were now peaceful and calm, they could all get down to business.

In the end, this business was closed as a good deal. Anyway, for the next hundred years, Keane Hill would not have any shortage of development funds. It also accumulated enough social connections and even took the opportunity to break free from the rule of the Thunder Lord and gained autonomy.

Although these were small matters to Wall, the influence they carried was in truth not that small. After obtaining Keane Hill’s military strategy, other countries started to train their new armies intensively. Among them, the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Thousands of Springs made the fastest training progress, while the Orc Empire was the slowest.

The Kingdom of Light was practically a theocracy. The power of the churches of the various human gods deeply penetrated into various aspects of the state. Thus, it was very easy for the state to gather a large number of strong youngmen of clean backgrounds who showed utmost loyalty to the gods and the state for strict training. On the other hand, the Kingdom of Thousands of Springs was a state that held its military culture in high regard. The people took pride in being enlisted as soldiers to fight and win battles. So it was also easy to gather qualified personnel for the army.

Of the remaining countries, the Mifata Federation and the Dhaka Commercial Association were progressing at a slower pace, but at least they were not considered slow, and the formation of their new armies was ardently underway. The Duchy of Thunder, the Kingdom of the Blue Moon, and the southern aristocratic party of the Commonwealth of Gold Coins fared worse. Their state system made it hard for the various lords to transfer strong youngmen from their territories to be trained as new armies. Up till now, they were all still in the midst of wrangling.

The elves of the Ancient Forest, the Orcs of the Orc Prairie, and the Lizardmen from the Great Marsh were the slowest. The ruling system of these three races were relatively lax and scattered to start with. Even if they wanted to establish an army that was “loyal to the country,” they simply did not know how to come up with one that could fulfill the proper concept of a state. The elven race was never one that seriously adhered to discipline, the Orcs only knew what a tribe was and had absolutely no idea what a country meant, the Lizardmen... they did not even have a unified regime!

Minus the fact that it was simply impossible for the elves and Lizardmen to train a new army, the Orcs were still trying their best. After repeated wrangles, the great aristocrats and the current Emperor of Orcs, Ilo, who was also known as “Iron Teeth,” finally agreed that the first army of the new army would be trained by personnel selected from the races of the werewolves, Dogmen, Catmen and Leopardmen. The reason was that these few races were quite similar in their physical build. The second army would be trained by the Bullmen who had always been known for their honesty and strength. The third army would be trained by the Rabbitmen, who made up such a large population that they could withstand death.

But even so, the progress of training was still very much a tragedy.

This was because the training was so intense that the Bullmen and Rabbitmen were soon exhausted. These two races were herbivorous. An average person from these two races would not sport a very robust physique and was relatively worse, especially in terms of endurance. The Bullmen were slightly better, but the endurance of the Rabbitmen was a complete tragedy. For the future of his race, the leader of the Rabbit race had hardened his heart and trained the young ones to death—this was not an exaggeration. He truly worked them with death. At the most serious point in time, almost every day, there would be young men who practiced to death, but still, the problem remained unsolved.

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The Bullmen were slightly better. Their leader was an honest man. The moment he saw that everyone was starting to feel exhausted from the toil, he cut down the amount of training. Though this made the training more bearable for his men, it also greatly slowed down the progress of training. Based on the amount of training he had decided on; he would not be able to train a new army even if he was given eight to ten years.

But the worst situation was still with training the first army. Wanting to unite the few races of werewolves, Dogmen, Catmen and Leopardmen, was truly no easy feat. Just on the disputes over the number of soldiers to send, the various leaders had been arguing for months. Then they still had to argue about the arrangements of instructors, the venue of training grounds, the encumbrance of logistics... even up to the point where there were people stepping up to higher levels from the group of mid-ranked warriors that Sui Xiong had been training, these few races were still going on with their incessant jabber. They simply did not show any intention of starting their training.

“The effect is obvious,” Wenner said. From where he was in the sky above the training ground, the God of War, Wenner looked at those trainees who were perspiring profusely. Then he nodded and said, “Sure enough, there’s really nothing that our Almighty can’t do. As the alliance master, your training method is also very impressive!”

Sui Xiong laughed and said, “This has nothing to do with me being good or not, it’s all their hard work. Such things can only depend on one’s efforts after all—of course, the progress of history itself is also very important, that is...”

Unfortunately, Wenner did not understand his joke.

“From how I see it, most of them should be able to step up to a higher level. There may be even one or two who can be hopeful of reaching the Legendary Realm,” Wenner said. Then he took another long gaze and said, “But, where exactly are you going to use them? It would simply be too wasteful to use such formidable warriors as civil servants doing work behind a desk.”

Sui Xiong froze for a moment. He truly had not given this problem any serious consideration.

He was a laid-back person, who would usually do whatever came to mind. He would not be bothered so long as things would not lead to terrible consequences. He wanted to train these people and see if they could pass the training and breakthrough their bottlenecks to step up to the next level. This was just a very simple thought he had. He did not consider what would happen in the future.

From his point of view, it would be considered a success if he could get these people to step up to the next level. As for what would follow next... could it be possible that a group of high-level masters would not be able to find something suitable for themselves to do?

It was only now after Wenner had been reminded, did he notice that it was indeed not advisable to split up this group of trainees and get them to do different things individually. What they were good at was teamwork. If they were taken apart, they would not be able to give full play to their strengths. On the contrary, they would be reduced from outstanding soldiers to ordinary high-level warriors.

No doubt, there was nothing wrong in doing so, but this would no different from the wasteful ways of a local tyrant in using a swift and sturdy horse to plough fields.

So when he was reminded about it, he could not help falling into deep thought.

How exactly should he make future arrangements for this batch of trainees? What would be the best thing for them to do?

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