
Chapter 323: Yanhuang Deities, the Titans

Chapter 323: Yanhuang Deities, the Titans

Among all the pantheons, the Mayan pantheon was not the most powerful but middle level. The most powerful beings were the Ennead.

The god of wrath, the king of the gods, was killed by Ling Jiu in the previous battle. Now the most powerful one was the Ennead, commonly known as the Nine Mayan Gods.

They were the god of the sky, rain, clouds, war, death, sacrifices, wind, and the goddess of Polaris.

The Nine Mayan Gods apparently knew what had happened to the pantheons. They gathered the remaining Mayan gods in front of the wormhole as they were prepared to destroy the wormhole connecting Earth.

Just then, Ling Jiu came.

The Nine Mayan gods were struck dumb.

“Is this the lair of the Mayan gods?”

Ling Jiu looked at the planet and could not help nodding. This is also a habitable planet, covered entirely in forests.

The plants differed from those on Earth, but still covered a large proportion of this habitable planet.

Such a habitable planet was a vast treasure, which would come in handy for humans in the future.

Ling Jiu’s eyes landed on the Mayan gods.

There were not many of them, just about 130, and their strength was ordinary. All of them were stellar beings.

Ling Jiu did not bother to speak to them. Instead, he asked Leoux to capture them all, and then he left.

The actions of the Mayan gods were warnings for Ling Jiu. These gods were better than he thought; they had gotten the wind of his coming beforehand. So he had to capture them all before they destroyed the wormhole.

There would be nothing he could do about them if they destroyed the wormhole.

“Ling Jiu,” Leoux said, “there are pantheons on Earth. We can’t possibly wipe off all of them in such a short time. So my suggestion is to go to the lairs of the most powerful pantheons, lest they destroy the wormholes.”

“You have a point.”

“Among all the pantheons, the Greek, Norse, Egyptian, and Hindu pantheons are the strongest. These four pantheons have super-clustered beings among them.” Leoux’s eyes were gleaming with light. “Attaining super-clustered level is difficult. Yet there are many super-clustered beings in these major pantheons. So I dare to say, their lairs are either extremely rich in energy, or near a white hole.”

Ling Jiu nodded in agreement. While it was relatively easy to become a stellar being, becoming a galactic being was much more difficult, let alone becoming a super-clustered being.

As massive as the Milky Way was, there were few super-clustered beings born here.

So it seemed odd that there were so many super-clustered beings in these major pantheons.

So, how did they do that?

Ling Jiu became interested in their lairs.

“The nearest lair is the Egyptian pantheon. Let’s go there first,” Leoux said.

Ling Jiu had no objection.

He teleported to the sky over Egypt with Leoux’s guidance, and with little effort, he found the wormhole leading to the lair of the Egyptian pantheon.

After passing through the wormhole, he came to the lair of the Egyptian pantheon. The Egyptian gods seemed to have an information system failure. They did not know what happened to the major pantheons, and no god was there to destroy the wormhole.

The entire planet was quiet.

This planet was more beautiful than that of the Mayan pantheon. The sun was high above the sky, beaming its warm light onto earth, with rivers and lakes scattered on the vast prairie. This was a beautiful and vibrant, habitable planet.

“Exactly as I guessed, Ling Jiu.” Leoux’s voice came. “the time flow in the lair of the Egyptian gods is indeed much faster, about ten times that of Earth, and the concentration of dark bio-energy is one thousand times that of Earth.”

Ling Jiu raised his eyebrows, his eyes beaming with excitement. “You mean this planet is also near a white hole?”

“Absolutely.” Leoux nodded rigorously.

“No wonder the Egyptian pantheon is much more powerful than other pantheons—they have a geographical advantage!”

After that, Ling Jiu released the Nine-winged Serpent and Nine-headed Serpent to guard the wormhole, preventing the Egyptian gods from destroying the wormhole. Meanwhile, Leoux was finding the locations of the Egyptian gods.

Leoux was highly efficient at the job. It did not take long before it found all the living beings on this planet.

“There are 1.5 billion living beings on this planet. Among them, there are one thousand stellar beings, which is ten times that of the Mayan pantheon. But they are relatively scattered all over the planet!”

It might seem like a problem with such a scattered population. But it was nothing to Ling Jiu. He could move hundreds of thousands of kilometers in a single teleport. The entire planet was like his house’s backyard. So capturing the Egyptian gods was as easy as pie.

Ling Jiu followed Leoux’s guidance and moved around, capturing the stellar beings on this planet.

Over 1,000 Egyptian gods went into the Leoux in just half an hour, after which Ling Jiu left the planet.

He came to the lair of the Norse pantheon. Just like the lair of the Egyptian pantheon, this one was also near a white hole.

The flow of time is 15 times that of Earth, the concentration of dark bio-energy was 2,500 times that of Earth, the number of stellar beings alone exceeded 3,000, and the strength of mortals was strong, with the weakest being Level-6 arcanists.

In terms of overall strength, they were much stronger than humans. But it was useless.

All stellar beings were captured.

Next, Ling Jiu had gone to the Persian, Japanese, Korean, Slavic, Mesopotamian, Aztec, Inca, and Hindu pantheons.

He had taken down dozens of pantheons, and captured nearly 30,000 stellar beings in just a matter of half a day.

“These many stellar beings can be turned into the gardeners for the Saiyan Golden Ape avatar.”

Ling Jiu was very happy with the harvest this time. “Next stop, the lair of the Greek pantheon.”

Ling Jiu teleported to Mount Olympus, and in the mountainside, he found a wormhole leading to the lair of the Greek pantheon.

His eyes were on stalks when he came to the planet Olympus.

There were dozens of figures floating in the sky. They were massive.

They exuded an incredibly powerful aura, as if a supermassive sun crushed down on the land and all the living things.

“This aura...” Ling Jiu’s heart skipped a beat. “It is definitely super-clustered beings, who are much, much stronger than super-clustered beings like Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.”

“Who are these guys?”

“I didn’t know that the Greek pantheon has such powerful beings.”

“I think I know who they are, Ling Jiu.”

“Who are they?”

“I searched the memories of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades before this. Before their rise, there were two prior generations of Greek gods. The first generation was the Primordial gods, and the second was the Titans,” Leoux said. “The Titans are all dead, but the Primordial gods are still alive. They have been imprisoned.”

“Imprisoned?” Ling Jiu frowned. “These guys are apparently much more powerful than Zeus and the like. How did they end up in prison?”

“Zeus and his mates’ memories tell us that as early as thousands of years ago, some enemies from outer sky came. The Primordial gods fought and were seriously injured. This weakened their strength, and the Titans took this opportunity to throw them into prisons.” Leoux continued. “After that, the third-generation Olympian gods such as Zeus overthrew the Titans and further secured the prisons.”

“That means, the Titans could imprison these guys only because they were severely injured?” Ling Jiu had put two and two together.

“Exactly.” Leoux nodded.

“Check out their strength, Leoux.” Ling Jiu was staring at the Primordial gods in the sky.

“You got it.” Leoux started to do its job. Not long after, he came back with the finding. “These guys are powerful—incredibly powerful, Ling Jiu.”

“What do you mean by incredibly powerful?” Ling Jiu cocked an eyebrow.

“The most powerful one has reached the limit of super-clustered beings. The others are super-clustered level-nine,” Leoux said.

“Super-clustered level-nine? That’s not just powerful—it’s freaking powerful!” Ling Jiu frowned as a question came to mind. “Are these guys humans? How did they become so powerful if they were humans?”

“Nope. They are not humans.” Leoux shook his head. “Their genetic material, DNA, completely differs from humans. I’m sure they are Cosmicians.”


Ling Jiu squinted. “These guys whom the Greek gods called the Primordial gods are from the cosmos, just like Kryptonians?”


“That will be interesting if they are Cosmicians. Just that I am curious where these guys come from.”

“We will know when we search their souls.” Leoux said. “How about that?”

“Do it.” Ling Jiu had no objection. The identity of these Primordial gods had aroused his curiosity.


Leoux maneuvered the Leoux and flew out from Ling Jiu’s wrist towards a dozen towering giants in the sky.

“What is that?”

The enormous eyes of the towering giants had quickly spotted the Leoux.

“A spaceship!”

“Where does this spaceship come from?”

The giants spoke in a human language.

Judging from the giants’ recognition of the spaceship alone, it was apparent that they were much more powerful than the deities on Earth.

“Take it down!”

A giant stretched out a huge hand to grab the Leoux.

Unfortunately, before his hand could get close, the Leoux shot out black ropes shot at the dozen giants.

“What are those things?”

The faces of those giants changed, and they quickly attacked the black ropes.

But their attempts were useless. These black ropes were apparently of a different level of weapon. The attacks of those giants did not work, and these black ropes caught them.

At last, those dozen giants vanishing into the Leoux were subdued. Leoux then started to read their memories.

There was a result after half an hour.

“Ling Jiu, exactly the same as I guessed. These Primordial gods are indeed Cosmicians. They are called the Caius Titans,” Leoux said.

“The Caius Titans?” Ling Jiu raised his eyebrows.

“The Caius Titans were the rulers of the Andromeda galaxy. But five thousand years ago, another race slaughtered them,” Leoux said. “These survivors fled to a nearby galaxy, which is the Milky Way, on a spaceship. They landed on Earth, becoming the first-generation gods of the Greek pantheon.”

Ling Jiu nodded rigorously. But he still had a question in mind. “They could have dominated Earth easily with their level of strength. Why were they willing to make do with being the first-gen Greek gods?”

“That was because Earth at that time was strong,” Leoux said. “I found something interesting in their memories. You will definitely be interested.”

Ling Jiu raised an eyebrow.

“Earth was powerful five thousand years ago when there were countless powerful beings. Huaxia people, called the Yanhuang deities, dominated the East,” Leoux said. “The Yanhuang deities were powerful with dozens of super-clustered beings born. They had dominated the East and established a powerful Yanhuang civilization. At that time, the ancient Egyptian deities occupied Africa, the ancient Babylonian deities occupied America, and the Hindu deities occupied India. It can be said that Earth at that time was much stronger than it is now. There were incredibly many stellar beings, and galactic beings were everywhere.”

Ling Jiu could not have been more shocked. He had never known these things before. “Were there deities in Huaxia five thousand years ago?”

“You bet. They were freaking powerful, too,” Leoux said. “Because the Yanhuang deities in the East were powerful, the Caius Titans who arrived on Earth later could only occupy the then barren land in the west and become the first-gen Greek gods.”

“So where have they gone?” Ling Jiu asked quickly. Five years ago, gods were born all over the world except for Huaxia. Ling Jiu was honestly puzzled. He thought that the Yanhuang deities were a myth fabricated by people. But now it seemed that was not the case.

“Things started from the divine war five thousand years ago,” Leoux said. “Five thousand years ago, the aliens that wiped out the Caius Titans followed the Caius Titans to Earth. A brutal war broke out between these aliens and the native deities on Earth. Countless gods died in that war. Of course, humans won the war at last. But it was also because of that war that humans got to know the vastness of the universe. So some gods left Earth and traveled into deep space. No one knows where they have gone. Yanhuang deities from Huaxia were among them.”

“You mean that the Huaxian gods left?” Ling Jiu frowned.

“Yep. According to the memories of the dozen Caius Titans, the Huxian gods left Earth five thousand years ago and entered the vast universe.”

“No wonder. That makes sense now. Otherwise, I can’t explain why there were no deities rising in Huaxia while there were all over the world,” Ling Jiu said.

“After that divine war, the Caius Titans were seriously injured. They and the descendants of the humans overthrew them, that is, overthrown by the second-generation Titans,” Leoux said. “The even sadder thing was, the second-gen Titans were also overthrown by their descendants, the Olympian gods.”

“What sad guys!” Ling Jiu shook his head. “Have you got any useful intel?”

“Yeah, but bad news for you,” Leoux said. “After breaking out of the prison, the Caius Titans sent a distress signal out into deep space. They are trying to contact other Caius Titan remnants. The Caius Titans might have been extinct, but no one can guarantee if there are no other surviving Caius Titans. If there are surviving Caius Titans out there and they receive the distress signal, there is a high probability that they will come to Earth. By then, there will be another round of conflict.”

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