
Chapter 100 - Beetles? Zergs?

Chapter 100: Beetles? Zergs?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Everyone in the garage was frowning. Feng Luo’s facial expression was ice cold.

Mu Wu had told him before that the head office in the northern area would send five small teams over to help them clean up. It wasn’t a big deal, and he hadn’t taken it to heart. If it came to pass, he would just let it be. There was no need to team up with them anyway, so nothing should be affected.

However, the first encounter of the two teams had everyone feeling very upset due to their tone. There was no one with a good temper on this team.

“Why the hell should I take the f*cking responsibility!”

Sister Rui smiled coldly and pressed down on the Death Ripper controls in front of her.


A torrent of bullets even more violent than those of the other team’s machine guns was fired at the group of Bladed Beetles. They were already in disarray from the attacks. Hence, it was as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. 150 bullets per second immediately cleared up a blood-filled path of death across the meadows and the ruins in front of the garage.

“This guy is so full of himself,” said Orange, clearly displeased. She waved her staff and the channeled Level-45 skill “Wind Blade Combo” ushered in a rapidly rotating cyan wind energy, destroying the Bladed Beetles outside the door.

“There are always these kinds of f*ckers!” Mu Zi rarely cursed. He gripped the assault rifle tightly in his hand and shot a whole magazine of bullets at the group of beetles.

Feng Luo kept silent. He lifted up the M110 to find an opportunity. At last, he found a heavily wounded Elite Bladed Beetle in his scope and fired off a shot as the finishing blow.

However, when he looked at the Bladed Beetle through the scope, his heart pumped. A sense of familiarity surged up again.


Aside from the melee players, everyone on the team attacked with all they had. The victims of this slightly vindictive behavior were undoubtedly the Bladed Beetles that, previously, had believed themselves to be the predators in this situation. Their simple minds could not figure out how they had found been caught between two lines of fire, attacked from both sides. And they would definitely not understand why the enemy that they were chasing would suddenly unleash a massive wave of gunfire at them.

The crossfire of two machine guns, combined with the unreserved attacks of the rest of the players, made it unlikely for the Bladed Beetles to be able to withstand the bombardment even with their large numbers. Finally, the remaining small group of Bladed Beetles chose to flee after most of the group died.

They moved their insectoid bodies and quickly ran into the ruins of the woods, covering their escape trails with the density of the grass and trees.

In just a few minutes, at least 200 Bladed Beetles had died in the range of 30 meters in front of the garage. The ground and the trees were covered with bullet holes after the shooting, along with evidence that they had been burned by energy. Plus, there was a bunch of loot shining on the ground.

Compared to the stingy Suicide Bombeetles, which had nothing, the Blade Beetles were clearly “richer.” Striking rays of light reflected from many crystals and materials.


“A Death Ripper?”

Shortly after the battle, a team of 10 men walked down from the side. The leader was a young man of about 25 years old. His profession was clearly Machine Gunner because his right hand was holding up a partially disassembled black, six-barreled rifle. It was a rare Level-45 weapon nicknamed the “Destructive Thundersnake.” Compared to the Death Ripper, it was slightly inferior in shooting speed. After all, one was six-barreled, and the other was eight-barreled.

“I didn’t expect you to have such equipment,” said the young man who had spoken over the public channel before. “It seems like I’ve underestimated you. Even without our help, I think you could have wiped out these monsters, which were above Level 30.”

He said this with a smile on his face and with a better tone than before. This was because he saw the Death Ripper in front of Sister Rui and the SUV-bulletproof bodysuit on her.

It was noteworthy that the best of the Rare-grade pieces of equipment—such as the Death Ripper and the SUV-bulletproof bodysuit—were not things that could be bought, even if one wanted to. One needed not just money but also connections or luck to buy them.

And after seeing Sister Rui’s equipment, the young man scanned everyone in the garage. Seeing the golden sword in Mr. Meng’s hand and the staff in Chairman Jiao’s hand, he revealed a hint of surprise in his eyes. In contrast, he did not show any changes in expression when he saw attractive women like Little Witch and Orange.

Lastly, he looked away quickly when it came to Feng Luo and Chairman Qian because their equipment looked rather ordinary.

Aside from the Destructive Thundersnake carried by the young leader, every player from the head office team seemed to have rather good weapons. They were all of Excellent-grade and above Level-45. No wonder he had been so arrogant before this!

However, more than half of Feng Luo’s team members were above-average players; equipment at the Excellent grade was an insignificant matter in their eyes.

“This kid is so defiant,” Chairman Jiao said over the team channel with a sneer on his face. “He is doomed to suffer in the future!”

“Don’t flaunt your seniority,” Mr. Meng said. “As if you weren’t just as arrogant when you were young.” It was like a conditioned reflex for Mr. Meng to immediately expose him.

“This is why I can never win,” Chairman Jiao retorted immediately. “I’ll be unlucky my whole life, knowing a friend like you!”

Everyone either chatted on the team channel or simply did their own thing. No one cared about the group of players from the so-called “head office.” They were pushed to the side.

Such a situation undoubtedly took the young leader by surprise. His face, which initially wore a disdainful smile, suddenly sank. He had probably expected the workers from Nightless City to at least send someone out as a sign of hospitality, even if they might not have been overly respectful. After all, his father’s identity was extraordinary in the head office.

However, the scene before him displeased him greatly. This group had completely ignored him. They either organized their equipment or talked to each other as if they did not see him at all.

In fact, he couldn’t figure this out at all. His team was no ordinary team like the staff of Nightless City. Rather, they were a team consisting of two Diamond-level VIPs and two Gold-level VIPs. They were all affluent players. It was only a game, but he was expecting to be treated according to company customs as in reality.

Who would give a damn about him? It turned out that someone actually did.

The young leader’s sunken face lit up with a smile as Feng Luo finally walked toward him, displaying an anxious look on his face.

The youth was secretly pleased. Did he find out about my identity from the club’s management? he wondered.

After that, he froze again. His face began to turn green.

This was because Feng Luo was not going to greet him. Instead, he ignored him completely. Feng Luo went around him and quickly rushed to the carcasses of the Bladed Beetle—as if even dead bodies were far more important than the only son of the head office director.

Feng Luo did not actually care about these people. His mind was set on observing the carcasses of the Bladed Beetle. He had finally realized where his sense of familiarity with the Bladed Beetle came from.

A word appeared in Feng Luo’s mind: Zergling!

The term “Zergling” referred not to the conventional meaning of the world, as in a small dog. Rather, it was a common name for referring to a basic army unit by the players of a famous RTS (real-time strategy) game he had played back on Earth.

Yes, this game was the famous StarCraft! The reason Feng Luo linked the Bladed Beetle to the Zergling from StarCraft was due to the similarity of the two designed models. They were more than 70 percent similar. He had not immediately made the connection because of the remaining 30-percent difference.

After all, he had been transported to this world three years ago, so the memories of many things on Earth had become blurred. Moreover, one was from a third-person view, whereas the other one was from a first-person view. This made a rather big gap. Hence, he hadn’t given it a second thought. But now that he looked closely at the carcasses of the Bladed Beetles on the ground, he saw that there really was a close resemblance to the “Zerglings” of StarCraft.


Feng Luo could not help swearing under his breath due to his uncontrollable excitement.

Now that he thought about it, the Gatherer Beetle that had seized the crystal was the Drone unit, and the gray Suicide Bombeetle corresponded to the suicidal Scourge unit, coupled with the previously organized sudden outbreak. It was exactly like launching an offensive after collecting enough units.

Even though the Zergs became beetles, they were still insects! And since there were already many other elements from Earth in War, such as the Desert Eagle, the AK-47, and the Mad Dog military knife, it would not be strange for monsters from StarCraft to appear.

Feng Luo wasn’t excited because he had discovered another element linked to Earth in War. Rather, it was because he thought that there would be some links between these beetles and the Zerg army.

So, among the beetles in these ruins, would there be a type similar to the Zerg Overmind? Or something like a queen among bees or ants?

If he could fuse the pet biochip into that monster’s body, what kind of pet would he get? The nest, the queen, or the Overmind?

(P.S. Mystery revealed! Yes, Feng Luo’s pet is something similar to the Zerg race, which means the protagonist has several pets! There are readers who guessed that it was the Queen of Blades, but unfortunately, Kerrigan is a humanoid. According to the settings, she cannot be controlled by the chip, so you’ll have to be disappointed.)

(In addition, the beetles are not completely the same as the Zerg of StarCraft. However, they have a certain connection, as seen from the difference in the models of Suicide Bombeetle, Scourge, Thunder Beast, and Black Beetle Boss. This pet is actually a foreshadowing of the future StarCraft plot.)

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