
Chapter 641 - Not Two but Four!

Chapter 641: Not Two but Four!

After browsing for a little bit on the forum, Feng Luo changed his view back to the game. The reason for changing back was the person he was waiting for had arrived, according to his estimation.

Lastly, Feng Luo noticed that his inbox was now filled with over 10,000 unread messages.

Once a person became famous, a lot of troublesome and annoying things would also follow. For example, inbox messages that could be sent from a stranger caused Feng Luo to completely lose interest in opening or reading them anymore.

In addition to his inbox, he also had over a hundred missed calls on his comms device.

In truth, if Feng Luo did not set his comms device setting to only receive calls from people on his friends’ list, he would be flooded by calls by now.

Even if they were friends, he couldn’t respond to each of the calls. After all, some of them were only people he exchanged name cards with and they weren’t well-acquainted beyond that.

As such, after he got online, he set his comms device setting to “deny all communications,” and finally obtained some form of peace and quiet.

“Miss Rui, if you have any requests, please do not hesitate to let me know.” Wearing a cheongsam dress covered in porcelain floral patterns, a waitress led Sister Rui into the room. After speaking, the waitress left.

“Little Feng! This place of yours... Not bad at all, it’s quite casual and comfy,” Sister Rui said teasingly with a smile as she sat across from Feng Luo. She was wearing a white, short-sleeved suit paired with a pair of tight black pants and picked up a green porcelain teacup from the bamboo table. “But to completely shut off your comms device and run away to a relaxation club like this to drink when you’re on the top of the search ranking and becoming famous overnight... Even I feel like you’re wasting an amazing opportunity.”

Feng Luo shook his head and said with a bitter smile, “Sister Rui, don’t tease me. I’ve been bombarded with calls and messages for over the past 24 hours. I wish it did not turn out like this.”

Sister Rui took a sip from the teacup, as the sides of her lips curved slightly upward she said, “Hehe, if the people who’ve failed to get their fame up after countless hype attempts see or hear you complaining right now, they’d probably grit their teeth. You should know that more than 90% of the players in War wish that a day like this would come to them one day. After all, becoming a superstar player in War has much more weight than being a superstar in reality right now.”

She looked at Feng Luo, her face full of curiosity, and asked, “But seriously, when did you awaken the Force? I can’t believe you did not tell me either.”

“It was when the Biohazard Crisis incident occurred. The day Mu Zi and the others went to explore the abandoned underground ruin.” To Sister Rui, Feng Luo never tried to hide this, and Mr. X’s confidential clause did not specify this particular issue.

“That means... Did you awaken the Force earlier than Invikill? Okay, now I truly understand what is a true low profile...” Sister Rui put down the teacup and shook her head, a little baffled.

“Alright, Sister Rui, stop complimenting me... The reason I’m here today is actually about the pet biochip.” Feng Luo steered the conversation back on the main topic.

The reason he went to see Sister Rui was because of the items he gained during the expedition.

The Nine-Star Guild agreed that all items obtained during the mission belonged to the individual. In this mission, as one of the players who made it until the end, in addition to being the only long-range player who managed to get his hands on three core items, he had killed a lot of people during the mission.

According to the rules, he obtained a lot of items, not to mention the most searched item throughout the entire forum, the “Boss Biochip” was also in his possession.

Of course, the best way to deal with these things was to leave it to Sister Rui, who will be able to deal with them through the Huan Yu Company. After selling these items off in an auction, he would have enough to fill the 500 million credits gap that Old John needed to get the production equipment. There might be even more credits left over.

“You’re prepared to hand that Quasi-Boss pet biochip to me to auction off? Little Feng, you had better think this through.” Unexpectedly, Sister Rui did not seem delighted after hearing Feng Luo’s words. Instead, she stared very seriously at him when she spoke.

“Although the auction will likely get you the maximum monetary return, I think that many large guilds and other factions, even large financial conglomerates, would personally contact you to purchase it. If you sold it to them, apart from monetary gains, you might even gain connections. Connections with these people might be even more valuable than mere credits...” Sister Rui sounded very cautious and serious when she said this.

The reason the North City players did not clear the bases was that at the moment, War only had five Quasi-Boss Grade pet biochips.

Among the five biochips, Feng Luo had two of them, in addition to the one Boss-Grade pet biochip that he had.

As for the other three, one was with Red Queen and one was with a superstar Machine Gunner. It was obvious that neither of these two would not be auctioning them off.

As for the last piece, it was in the hands of a Rebel Army camp player. It was probably obtained while the Rebel Army team was clearing the bases.

As such, most of the rich and powerful who had their eyes on the pet biochip were now focused on Feng Luo since he owned three incredibly valuable pet biochips. Many people had left him messages with a proposed price.

In this situation, even if Feng Luo did not go through an auction house, he would still be able to get a pretty decent sum.

More importantly, he could also gain a strong network of connections through these chips. Those who were capable enough to purchase these chips were not your average players or factions. Connections and relationships with these people would be incredibly useful in the future.

“No need, just auction them off.” Feng Luo simply shook his head.

The reason he chose to go the auction path was so he could maximize his profit and ensure that his funding for the Legendary-Grade item production equipment. Earlier, he had already asked those who he was friends with on whether any of them wanted to go through the “backdoor” to buy from him the Boss-Grade pet biochip.

Phoenix had Jelly, so she did not need it. Digital Cat never really cared about pets. As for Big Pineapple, who was easily captivated by wealth and money, he also chose to decline the offer.

At the current juncture, the price of a Quasi-Boss pet biochip was too high. It was much higher than a piece of Legendary-Grade equipment. While Big Pineapple was money-hungry, he did not think it was fair to take advantage of Feng Luo like this.

Secondly, Big Pineapple took part in the enemy baiting mission arranged by the Nine-Star Guild, he took part in escorting the core device back to the military ship, as well as the final battle against the pirate captain where he was a key contributor. The Nine Star-Guild had promised to sell a Quasi-Boss Grade pet biochip to him at half the cost of the original price once they were able to produce Quasi-Boss pet biochips.

As such, Big Pineapple was in no hurry to get this Quasi-Boss grade pet biochip when he could wait for a cheaper one.

Apart from Big Pineapple, Feng Luo also asked Onishi and Zhao Yun. Both of them were strong enough and did not have a powerful pet with them yet, making them people who were looking for a pet biochip.

However, Onishi also declined the offer after a brief moment of silence.

As for Zhao Yun, he initially said “Yes, I want it. I want it, but I’m lacking cash lately,” with a sheepish smile. In the end, he also said that he would wait for Nine-Star Guild’s promised Quasi-Boss grade pet biochip and told Feng Luo to not consider reserving them for him.

As for the other people who also had a good relationship with Feng Luo, they could not afford to own this Quasi-Boss pet biochip. After all, it was not a simple matter of a few tens of millions of credits.

Concerning creating a good relationship with some of the major guilds or factions, Feng Luo did not even consider this.

“Alright, then, an auction may be good then...” After hearing Feng Luo’s explanations, Sister Rui nodded.

“But that Boss pet biochip, you’re using it for yourself, right? This means that it’ll be only two Quasi-Boss pet biochips, right? I’ll check with the company HQ and use them as the finale items in a mega auction that we’ll be holding a few days from now,” Sister Rui said while looking at Feng Luo.

Since the Huan Yu Company had the Permanent Enhancement Potion supplied by Feng Luo, the company had stabilized its position as one of the best auction houses in Storm City. When compared to Starry Sky Company that entered the market first and occupied a large market share, they were not all that weaker.

However, as a signature old company, the Starry Sky Company still had a slight advantage. They somehow managed to get their hands on a Quasi-Boss biochip from somewhere earlier. Just two days ago, they used it as a finale item in a mega auction when Feng Luo’s group was still in the exploration mission. It completely tilted and silenced Huan Yu’s previous momentum.

Now, Feng Luo’s two Quasi-Boss pet biochips were going to assist Huan Yu in their upcoming mega auction.

“No, not two, but four.” Feng Luo smiled and uttered a sentence that shook Sister Rui.

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