
Chapter 652 - Sole Dictator, Rose Sam

Chapter 652: Sole Dictator, Rose Sam

“King Beetle was the super powerful biological weapon that we are using against the Zerg, but in the first batch, we only succeeded in cultivating one. As originally planned, we would be making a second batch and carrying out a deeper analysis of optimizing the new species... But no one could have imagined that, in the final stages of the second batch of manufacturing experiments, a mob suddenly stormed our base from the outside... Cough... cough...” At this point, the NPC on the screen coughed up a large plume of blood from its mouth, but his words continued.

“Cough... This group of people, they wanted to release the brain worm. I could never let them get away with it because it would have terrible consequences... Cough... However, these people planned it out quite thoroughly, they destroyed the external defensive weapons system, even the army squad guarding the lab was killed off by them. Fortunately, the internal laboratory and the external base are completely separated and with internal help, although these people broke into the core laboratory, I was in control of the highest authority in the laboratory... Cough... I activated the M-723 nerve gas. The enemy would all die under the influence of the poison gas, but I have also been fatally wounded in the previous attack, I can not hold on any longer... cough... cough... I re-modified the base’s intelligent procedures and stored this information in the core component chip of this N-900 Scout bracelet, set to send signals to the outside in intervals... Although I don’t know what way you took to get here, or whether it’s because you got the signal... But hopefully, anyone does the following after seeing this whole message. For the safety of our planet and human civilization as a whole, I hope you can send the Brain Worm to the A-2 experimental base under the bed of the Dead Jungle, or put it in the hands of Duke Rose Sam. Believe me, as long as you complete the task, you will enjoy endless prosperity and glory and become a hero of the entire planet... cough, cough...” The white male NPC in the picture coughed violently, spewing a lot of fresh blood from his mouth and nose, then the picture shook and disappeared completely.


After the picture disappeared, the floating Legendary-Grade bracelet glowed with white light and shone on a piece of metal in the center of the lab.

Just as before, the memory metal floor that was illuminated by this white light, began to melt to reveal a huge passageway.

A few seconds later, a huge square-shaped object rose from under the metal passage, unfolding in front of everyone.

It’s a transparent safe similar to the one Feng Luo saw in the pet chips wastelands, but it was thicker than the one that contained the Boss chip. Within this particular memory metal, the defense mechanism was tighter than the one containing the Boss chip.

However, this was quite normal because the thing that was stored in this safe was what appeared in the previous projection, the human brain-like giant worm – Brain Worm.

[“You triggered the next series of missions...”]

At the moment the Brain Worm appeared, the system’s tips were also brushed in front of everyone’s sight.

This mission was not finished, there was the next series.

“This kind of serial mission, with this background plot... it feels like the level isn’t low, there is a chance there is a big reward!” Boss Meng looked at the mission on the system and exclaimed. “But... What is this Brain Worm... it seems to be dead. If we deliver it over, does it still count as completing the mission?”

The transparent safe does indeed contain the Brain Worm, but the mucus on the surface of the body had completely dried up, and even the original dark brown color had completely turned gray-black. Its volume had been shrunk to no more than a quarter of its original size, it had no life fluctuations, it felt like it was beyond dead.

“There’s no hint of life on the Scouting instrument, it should be dead.” Mu Zi used a Scout skill and looked at his Scouting instrument.

“It must be dead, these remains were from at least 20 or 30 years ago, which creature would be able to survive decades without eating or drinking?” Boss Meng, with his golden gladius, patted the transparent safe. The result was that it simply could not cause any damage to it, and the Brain Worm inside had no movement at all.

“The task is to just ask to send things to the destination, and it didn’t mention that it needed to be alive or dead. We just have to hand over the body of this Brain Worm to Duke Rose Sam. Why does the name Duke Rose Sam sound so familiar?” Boss Meng seemed to have recalled something, as he patted his oily and shiny forehead to think.

“The characters who appeared in the first chapter of the official background story of War, Old Meng, can’t you recall it directly?” Jiao Zong seemed to have gotten a chance to scorn as he impatiently blurted out.

“Backstory? F*ck, there are too many backstories in War, up to millions of words and videos. At most taking a rough scan through it, and only going onto the forum to check the information when needed, who would spend their time checking the details one by one?” Boss Meng frowned as he shook his head.

“Me, I would, I spent a month initially, just to study backstories. Old Meng, you know why you are always unable to be better at the game than I am? The backstory in this game will reveal a lot of useful information.” Jiao Zong pointed to his nose with his face full of pride.

“Stop being cocky, just quickly say it out loud.” Thorned Rose, who was next to him, glared at him.

There was no access to the forum in the underground ruins, everyone wanted to know the information about Duke Rose Sam who was related to this mission, but they only were able to obtain this information after Jiao Zong showed off.

“Cough, cough... Our planet, before the ‘great destruction’ found in the backstory, was ruled by a family with the last name ‘Sam.’” Jiao Zong was afraid by his strict wife who gave him an impatient glare, and had no choice but started talking immediately.

“Wait, the game backstory of the Galaxy Empire was called empire by name, but aren’t they run by federalism? Why would a family rule over a planet?” Boss Meng questioned.

“Oh, that was very normal. The Galaxy Empire, although it ran itself with a federal system, it grew too fast after entering the universe, and federal regulation could play a role in the early stages of expansion. At the end of the day, when the entire Galaxy Empire had thousands of Administrative Stars and it would take decades to navigate amongst each other, how would the central government be able to take control of each planet again? Yes, you don’t interrupt!” Jiao Zong scorned Boss Meng with some dissatisfaction as he continued to talk about the backstory of the planet in the game.

“This Sam family is a large integrated enterprise that involves military, medicine, bioengineering, and other aspects. Well, you can refer to the current Umbrella Company now. Of course, this Sam family was stronger than the Umbrella Company. With the transformation of the human living environment of this Administrative Star, the clean-up of the original creatures, the security guards, energy supply, mineral mining, and so on are all contracted by it. It can be said that this company has a monopoly on all the industries on the planet. Monopoly, of course, is synonymous with dictatorship and ambition, and this ambition officially erupted more than a hundred years ago when a man named Rose Sam came to power as the regional army and chief executive. In his name, he issued a large number of laws, seized all civilian weapons of mass destruction, and banned private research on high-tech weapons or military technology, and only distribute very outdated firepower weapons to the government military... He monitored everyone’s communications and whereabouts, not allowing anyone to contact the outside world without their permission. Since the military was entirely under his control, the whole planet was essentially controlled by the Sam Group. Under the ambition of Duke Rose Sam, the whole planet had been made into an independent kingdom of his, and he had the power to kill anyone on the whole planet.”

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