
Chapter 707: Two More Kills!

Chapter 707: Two More Kills!

On the situation of the pursuers who belonged to an enemy faction:

Suppressed by the Machine Gunner’s continuous fire, My World and Dan Hen’s group was forced to take cover behind a building. As such, they failed to notice that the Machine Gunner of the Wolf Squad had been killed. When the six-barrelled machine gun stopped firing, they also did not have the leisure to turn around to check why the firepower directed at them was significantly reduced.

The reason was that at the time, six Light Armor Warriors had already moved around the building and were behind them. After that, they cast the Charge skill and closed in on them.

Six Light Armor Warriors. It did not seem like many. The number was even two fewer than the number of survivors in their team.

However, if one were to look closely at the team’s composition and their current status, it would not be difficult to tell just how significant a threat the six Light Armor Warriors was.

Eight people. Two Snipers. Skynet and Watermelon Skin.

My World and Dan Hen were still all right. They had sufficient ammo, but their HP was only at around 60%.

Scout: Dan Hen.

Equipped combat uniform damage over 30%, HP 65%, helmet wholly damaged, and he had only three submachine gun magazines left.

Manipulators: Ion Flame and Tangerine.

Ion Flame had less than 50% HP and less than 10% MP. At most, he could cast one more skill. Tangerine had an empty MP bar. Moreover, both their MP potion use was still under cool down.

Doctor: Azure. Her specialty was healing, which had close to zero use for combat. Additionally, all the advanced-level potions in her medical box had been consumed.

Warriors: My World and Steel Fortress. My World’s Light Armor had one arm disabled, and Steel Fortress’ shield damage was over 40%.

There were eight of them, but they were not in their best condition. And most importantly, they had only two and a half melee combat specialists.

My World and Steel Fortress made two, and Dan Hen, as a Scout, would count as half.

If one were to consider that My World had lost an arm and that his combat strength was only half his original, it would mean they had only two people for this melee fight.

And now, their path of retreat had been cut off by six full HP Snipers! [1]

They had been forced into a corner!

“I’ll take two!”

When the six Light Armor Warriors surrounded them, Dan Hen loosened his grip on the emptied submachine gun and pulled out a dark red stiletto from this tactical vest.

As he shouted, he charged towards two of the Light Armor Warriors.

As a Scout with Dan Hen’s ability and PK experience, dealing with one Light Armor Warrior would not have been much of a problem. But, since he was up against two people, it was clear that he was prepared to lay down his life.

“Let’s go.”

My World gritted his teeth and held an alloy sword in his remaining functional arm. Then, he and Steel Fortress got up together and charged towards two other Light Armor Warriors.

As for the remaining two Light Armor Warriors:



Skynet’s shot struck the chest of a Light Armor Warrior. But, the bullet was not able to break through the defense; it only managed to slow down the momentum of the enemy’s charge slightly.


The good thing was that Ion Flame had released, with amazing speed, a condensed, highly explosive fireball. The targeted Light Armor Warrior reacted and dodged sideways, a reflex of the body’s intrinsic fear of fire. This helped delay the warrior for a short period.

However, there was still one Light Armor Warrior left.

Watermelon Skin pressed his finger on the trigger of the Excellent Grade Level 50 sniper rifle. In spite of his bloodied face, his eyes stared straight into the sniping scope.

He was clearly determined to activate his talent and was ready to sacrifice himself to take the Light Armor Warrior’s life, but before he could pull the trigger:


A dent appeared on the upper left of the alloy armor. The Light Armor Warrior, who was charging at high speed towards them from behind the building, was suddenly jolted and flew in the air as if a giant hammer had hit him. It seemed certain that his bones and internal organs had been crushed.

Above his head, a five-digit red damage number appeared.


The white light of death flashed!

The Light Armor Warrior, who had not been attacked before this and thus had full HP, took a few more steps, propelled by the force of his charge, before collapsing on the ground. Blood flowed out of his body and formed a pool on the ground.


Both My World and Steel Fortress, who had already charged forward, watched as the Light Armor Warrior collapsed, their bloodstained faces overcome with sadness.

At the time, they knew that Watermelon Skin had used his talent, Sacrificial Shot, and gave his life for this Light Armor Warrior.

Although death in a game was not the same as in real life, it was nonetheless the passing of a fellow teammate. As such, the two of them were quite sad.

However, now was not the time for grief.

Even though their mission was destined to fail, they wanted to kill as many enemies as possible to avenge their fallen comrades, including Grassy, Ultimate Heavy Armor, and the most recent loss, Watermelon Skin.

With a look of determination, the two warriors tried to intercept the enemies. Behind them, Watermelon Skin stared blankly ahead.

It was true that he was determined to die along with the Light Armor Warrior, but…

The thing is, he had not yet pulled the trigger! His finger was still on the trigger, but the Light Armor Warrior had already been killed, and in one shot.

Yes, one shot!

As a Sniper himself, he recognized that the bullet that struck the enemy’s chest came from a sniper rifle.

Moreover, it was clear from the appearance of a single damage number that one shot had broken through the defense, and also emptied the full HP bar of the Light Armor Warrior, exceeding 10,000!

A five-digit damage number. It was impossible not to see it!

“What’s this? Is this Skynet?”

The battle was indeed quite chaotic, as sounds of gunshots and energy explosions filled the area.

As such, Watermelon Skin was unable to determine the source of the gunshot. Since their team had only two Snipers, if it were not him, then it would have to be Skynet.

However, that seemed hard to believe.

Watermelon Skin thought about Skynet while still in shock.

“Watermelon Skin…”

At that moment, Skynet and Ion Flame were fighting against the lone Light Armor Warrior. Just like My World and the others, he also thought the shot had come from Watermelon Skin.

In Silvermoon City, he had seen Watermelon Skin use the talent. Even the giant octopus that evolved into a Quasi Boss lost over 30,000 HP following a shot from Watermelon Skin.

As such, Skynet did not think it was weird for him to take out one Light Armor Warrior in one shot.

At the moment, though, he had no time to look for Watermelon Skin.

The Light Armor Warrior was charging towards him, and Ion Flame was now less than 20 meters away. The warrior had even raised his alloy sword, the standard preparatory stance before warriors typically used their melee combat skill, Thunder Leap Slash.

Even though Watermelon Skin had traded his life for an enemy, the situation on the battlefield did not improve.

And it was not just him, My World and Steel Fortress, too, were disadvantaged in their battles against their enemies.

Losing one arm was too much for a Light Armor Warrior. When My World used one hand to parry the attacks from the enemy, the hits and clashes almost made him lose his weapon.

If it weren’t for the high HP and high defense of Steel Fortress, a Heavy Armor Warrior, they would even have been pushed to the point where they had no chance of fighting back.

As for Dan Hen, even though he was very confident of his PK ability and his stiletto, “Water that was far away could never put out a nearby fire!”

Ion Flame and Tangerine had run out of MP. Although they had pulled out their pistols to help in the battles, they did not have bonus gunners. As such, they were not much of a threat to the low HP Light Armor Warrior, who had over 8,000 HP. They had no way of stopping their enemies.

Unless, Watermelon Skin could take another one out, providing the three long-range attackers the time and space to release skills that could support the other three melee players.

However, this clearly was not going to…

The Light Armor Warrior raised his sword and leaped into the air once he was within the 10-meter range. Then, with Thunder Leap Slash activated, he descended. However, another five-digit Fatal Damage number popped up above his head, too.



By the time he landed on the ground, the white light of death had already visited him, and his eyes lost focus. In addition, energy crystals and all sorts of resources and potions fell on the ground!


[1] It should not be Snipers but Light Armor Warriors; could be a typo by the author.

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