
Chapter 559 – Professors are applying as participants

Luckily, this was a recorded program. This program will be aired after the New Year, and there was still time to tweet it.

“Feng Yu, I could tell from the live audiences’ reaction that they enjoyed this. But can this really be aired?”

“Chief Jia, most of the audiences here are the students from Beijing University. They are here to support their professor. They did not raise any objections when the worker won. Why should the other viewers raise issues with the worker winning? An ordinary worker winning a professor. Don’t you think this is a good promotional tool?”

“Promotional tool?”

“That’s right. We will broadcast this news over the radio and newspaper to promote this episode. The headline will be ‘Professor losing to a worker.’ I guarantee you that the first episode’s ratings will surprise you.” Feng Yu replied confidently.

Gimmicks are a must when promoting. If it were only a typical advertisement, the audiences would forget it. But once the headlines were announced, it will definitely spark the interest of many viewers.

The next day, Beijing Dailly, Longjiang Daily, and the newspapers of every province had the same headlines. Professor losing to a worker!

Many people when they saw the headlines became interested. They even skipped the rest of the news and read this report first. How could a professor lose to a worker? Was it a fight?

If it were a fight, those skinny and frail professors would not be a match for those fit and strong workers. But how could a professor get into a fight with a worker?

Huh? A quiz?

A professor from Beijing University had lost to a worker from a Bing City’s factory?

This worker only studied until middle school?

When they finished reading this report, they noticed the last sentence. “For more details, please tune in to CCTV’s brand-new variety show , airing on 2nd January 1994 at 7.40pm.”

There were also details on how to apply to be a contestant. Interested parties can call in to register or by post.

There were no details about this program and did not state the rules.

But without any details, it increases the curiosity of the readers. They were interested to know about the rules of this quiz show and how did someone with middle school education win a professor in a quiz show? Some of the more curious readers start to apply.

This report caused an uproar. The one who was most affected was Beijing University’s, Professor Zhao.

A professor from one of China’s top university, losing to a worker in a quiz show. Were the professors from Beijing University useless or that work was extraordinary?

Even if that worker was extraordinary, a professor from Beijing University should not lose!

When the leaders of Beijing University saw the report, they had an uneasy feeling. This incident will undoubtedly affect the university’s reputation. Who was this Professor Zhao? Which faculty was he from? Summon him over now!


“These are the questions you answered that day?” The school’s leaders gathered around a piece of paper. Professor Zhao had written down all the questions he answered.

The few leaders looked at each other and swallowed their saliva. Some of them were not sure of the answers.

“How many questions did you got it right?” A vice principal asked.

“9 questions. I got the last question wrong.”

All the leaders immediately look at the 10th question. The percentage of a tri-colored cat is A: 99% female; B: 99% male; C: 100% male.

They looked at the options and analyzed the question. From the options, the chances of this tri-colored cat being a male should be higher. The answer should not be 100% male. The answer to this question must be B, 99% male.

“What answer did you pick?”

“I chose B.” Professor Zhao replied.

The school leaders were shocked. What? B was the wrong answer? Could the answer be C?

Professor Zhao continued: “The correct answer is A. This is a lifestyle question. This can also be considered a Biological Generic question. I had asked a professor from our biology faculty and found out why the answer was A. Based on the generic……”

Professor Zhao was upset for getting the question wrong, and after he returned from CCTV, he immediately went to look for a professor in biology to find out the reason behind the answer.

The leaders do not know what to say. All of them could not even be compared to Professor Zhao. At least Professor Zhao was able to answer the first 9 questions correctly. But why did he lose to a worker? If he lost to a university student, the university will still not look bad.

After questioning Professor Zhao, they found out that the worker only knew the answers to 4 questions. He used his lifelines to answer 3 questions, and the rest was because of his lucky guess!

Guess?! A worker won their university’s professor by guessing? The leaders really wanted to cry.

When the leaders found out that Professor Zhao had participated in this program to raise funds for his hometown village’s kids, they did not reprimand him.

But after looking at the questions in the quiz, they were more relaxed. They knew that Huaqing University will undoubtedly send their people to participate. When Huaqing University loses in the quiz, then Beijing University will not be a disgrace. Hmmm…. If Huaqing university was not going to join, they should give them some “encouragements.”

When they were still planning what to do, the phone on the principal’s desk rang.

“Hello? The old Chu? Today’s Beijing Daily? Oh, I read it. What’s wrong? You are talking about Professor Zhao? It’s fine. Although he lost, he did us proud…... Your Huaqing University’s professor is also participating? The recording is in 2 days? Hmph! I am not free to have lunch with you. If there is nothing else, I will hang up!”

After hanging up, the principal smiled. He does not even need to do anything, and Huaqing University had sent someone to participate. Every year, Beijing and Huaqing university were fighting to recruit the top students. But Beijing University will always be the first!

Hmph! You think by sending a professor to participate in this program will show the capabilities of your university? You think you will recruit more students this way? Hahaha. You got to have the luck first. But I think the professor you sent cannot even reach the third stage. If that really happens, it will be Huaqing University’s reputation that will be affected!

CCTV’s production team had suddenly received lots of applicants. Most of the applications were from professors. What surprised them was the number of professors from Huaqing University that was applying.

But the production team remembered what Feng Yu said. This program was for the commoners. There should not be too many professors participating. So, the team picked two professors based on their university’s popularity. One of them was from Huaqing University.

The production team was sighing. Did this Huaqing University think that the questions in this program were easy? Wait until you see the questions and you will know.

The production team felt that after this program was aired, they should not be receiving any applications from professors again. These professors loved to be in the limelight and cherished their reputation. They can’t accept losing in on national TV. Even if they do not mind, their schools will also not allow them to participate!

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