
Chapter 656 – Selling cards for money Part 4 of 4

“I feel that advertising on the City’s TV stations will be sufficient. Within one month, everyone in the city will know about our membership and shopping cards. Also, local TV stations’ advertising slots are cheaper. We had advertised with them before our opening, and the results are good.” Fu Guangzheng said.

Li Zekai had a different opinion: “Advertising on the city’s TV stations are a waste of money. We only need to let people know about this event. I think that giving out leaflets is the simplest and most effective way. All this while, we have employed many people to give out leaflets. We can also save on advertising.”

“How can we just rely on leaflets alone? We are selling SVIP membership cards and high-value shopping cards. The targeted market is big clients. Have you seen any big clients taking leaflets on the streets? They are all driving.” Fu Guangwei retorted.

“We can place the leaflets on their cars. I have seen many cars with leaflets and brochures on their windscreen.” Li Zekai argued.

“Ya. If it is you, will you read it? The leaflet will either be thrown on the floor or into the bin. No one will bring it into their cars. I think the best way is to promote it outside of our supermarkets. We can use a big blow-up doll and loudspeakers. The cost will be meager, and it will be effective. It will also attract more customers. In the supermarket, we will announce it over our P.A. systems and posters.”

Fu Guangwei’s way was considered traditional. This was what their family used in Hong Kong, and it was quite useful. But Fu Guangwei did not know that his family used this method was because TV advertising was costly in Hong Kong, and they had many competitors.

But in China, the advertising fees were not high, and Tai Hua Supermarket still does not have any competitors. Tai Hua Supermarket had just opened and still did not have a stable customers flow. This was why Feng Yu was more inclined to TV advertisements.

But it was not worthwhile to advertise on the City’s TV station. Feng Yu still feel that they should advertise on the radio and newspaper.

“I think radio and newspapers are most suitable to advertise. Firstly, the viewership for the City TV stations is not high. Those businessmen do not have time to watch TV. They will just read the newspaper at work or listen to the radio while driving. After work, they will either meet clients or go out to relax. Only a handful will watch TV. Even if they were to watch TV, they would only watch CCTV.”

“Currently, the newspaper is the mainstream source of information. No matter whether if you are a worker, businessman, civil servant, or an ordinary person, you will still read the newspaper. Even in our company, the newspaper is everywhere.”

“Brother Feng, have you ever thought about the literacy level? There are still a lot of illiterate people.” Fu Guangzheng reminded.

Fu Guangzheng was in China for quite long and seen many illiterate people. Some of them were even leaders. Newspapers might be the mainstream media, but there were still people who don’t read them.

“I know there will be people who can’t read. But most of them are in the countryside and rural areas. There are not many of them in the cities. You are in China for quite some time. How many illiterate people have you seen? The cities have been organizing night classes for adults for many years. I admit that there are still illiterates in the cities, but they are only a handful. We can also work on our advertisements to prevent this.”

“Newspaper advertisements still can be different?” Li Zekai frowned.

“Of course. For instance, we can include humor in our advertisements. I believe all of you here have read comics, right?” Feng Yu asked.

“Yes!” Fu Guangwei raised his hand excitedly. But when he noticed everyone staring at him, he lowers his hand weakly. “I really read comics. My favorite is .”

“Brother Feng, do you think those people at work will have the time to read comics? Those are for kids.” Li Zekai said and gave a distant look at Fu Guangwei.

Fu Guangwei was pissed, and he stared at him back. Which Hong Konger has not read before? You still dare to call yourself a Hong Konger?!

“I am not talking about those fighting comics. Have you all seen those 4-panel comic strips? Using 4 panels to tell a simple and funny story. For example, the first panel can show a man looking for a parking lot along the road. The second panel shows another man driving into our carpark, and the first man is laughing at him for wasting his money. The third panel will show the man who had entered the carpark taking out a SVIP membership card. The final panel shows that man who parked in the carpark leaving and showing off his SVIP card where he had parked for free!”

Fu Guangzheng and the rest heard what Feng Yu said and frowned. This will show the benefits of their membership cards and seems a lot more interesting. When people read newspapers, they will also look at the pictures. But all of them were not sure if this would work.

“I am only stating an example. We still must hire professionals to do it. But I can guarantee that this type of advertisement will attract people easily and people will remember it. Another advantage of advertising in the papers is we can buy the advertising slots by days or weeks. TV advertising requires us to buy the slots for a least a month. I know one design firm that is about to come up with this type of advertisement.”

“That’s true. The TV stations will not allow us to advertise for only a few days unless we are paying them a high rate. But it will increase our cost.” A Deputy General Manager said.

“The other media is the radio. The radio advertisements should be aired during the morning and evening peak hours. Our target segments are those who are driving and their passengers. While driving, most people will have the habit of listening to the radio.”

Now, the standard accessories that were fitted in cars were the in-car radio. Those cars that are fitted with CD players were considered luxurious vehicles.

Even before Feng Yu came back to this life, there were a lot of people still tuning in to radios. Even if the cars were fitted with DVD players, people would still prefer radio. That’s why advertising on the radio was the most effective way.

“For radio advertisements, we should find someone which a recognizable voice. I want to recommend someone. Zhao Zhongxiang. I have worked with him before, and he is not expensive.”

“How long should our radio advertisements be and what should we do?” Fu Guangzheng asked.

“We can use a longer duration for our radio advertisements. Even if we are not selling our cards, we can use those slots to promote our other products. There is a good opportunity to sell our cards coming. It is Teachers’ Day soon!”

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