
Chapter 710 – Start selling

“Hahaha. I have a piece of good news for you. The shares we bought had increased by a lot. My eldest Uncle says it is about time to dump them.”

“Ok. I will ask He Zhaoji to contact you all. Are we going to dump everything today or split it into several batches?”

“My Uncle says we should sell everything within these two days. Today we will start with the electronics companies and tomorrow we will sell those chemical companies’ shares.”

“Ok. I know. Help me wish your uncles Happy New Year. I will make the arrangements.”

Both chatted a while more and then Feng Yu called He Zhaoji: “Old Zhao, help me make the preparations. Contact the Fu Family and dump all the chemical companies’ shares tomorrow. Also, notify all those who had bought the electronic companies’ shares to dump their shares tonight.”

“Yes, Boss. What should we do with the funds after we dump the shares?” This operation does not only involve Wind and Rain Consulting funds. It also includes Feng Yu’s personal funds. Feng Yu had even sold some of his Microsoft shares to buy these companies’ shares.

“Use my funds to buy Microsoft shares. It’s still the same as before. Buy whatever that is available in the market. If there are no better choices in the market, our clients’ funds can also buy Microsoft shares or other technology shares. We should focus most of our funds in the US market. If there are remaining funds, we can speculate on foreign exchange, gold or commodities. You all can decide on this. Just follow our rules. We rather not make any money than to let our clients lose money. You must minimize the risk, and no high leverage is allowed!”

Wind and Rain Consulting was able to attract lots of customers was because none of their clients had lost money when investing with them. Firstly, the global economy was doing well, especially in the US market. Next, it was because Feng Yu asked his staffs to invest conservatively. Also, Feng Yu would give them pointers to prevent them from investing in the wrong direction.

“Rest assure, Boss. We will not let our clients lose money. I will call everyone back to work tonight. Also, I want to wish you a Happy Lunar New Year.”

“I wish you all a happy New Year too. Oh, everyone had worked hard. Use 1% of our profits as the staffs’ bonus. That’s all.”

1% of profits might not sound a lot. But the invested amount in this operation was vast. Just Feng Yu alone had invested 1 billion HKD. The returns from this operation should be more than 50%. Coupled with the clients’ funds, 1% of their profits will be more than 10 million HKD. This amount still does not include the brokers’ commission.

Furthermore, the investment this time was directed by Feng Yu, and all the staffs only had to follow instructions and could earn a substantial amount. Just working two nights during the New Year could let them make a few hundred thousand. All of them were overjoyed.

The returns from the investment this time was much more than expected. Maybe it was because the shares had plunged too low at the start. The shareholders of those companies were trying their best to increase the value of their shares. It might also because of the US financial institutions buying in those companies’ stocks. There were also Hong Kong, Macau, and many other tycoons buying in the shares. These actions let the share prices recovered quickly.

Everyone who had bought those companies’ shares will be able to get returns more than 50%, and it only took 2 months.

Feng Yu had expected the share prices to increase further. Of course, the share prices’ increase had slowed down now. But if the Fu Family and the rest want to dump the shares now, the share prices will dive again. Feng Yu also felt that the returns were high enough. 50% profits within 2 months and it was even a significant amount. This was not considered a small success. It was an overwhelming success!

Many people had said that it is easy to turn $1 to $2. But to turn 100 million to 200 million was not easy. Feng Yu laughed at this saying. If you invested in the right direction, 1 billion could become 2 billion quickly.


“President Norio, our share prices had increased significantly recently. Although it still did not reach the peak of last year, it’s only a matter of time. We should be able to reach the peak within 3 months. All of us had listened to you and hold on to our shares. This time, we will be able to get high returns.”

A director laughed and said during Sony’s board of directors’ meeting. They had forgotten they had wanted Norio Ohga to step down during their last meeting.

Norio Ohga was feeling pleased. All of you still wanted me to step down? This share prices saving plan is thought up by me. Which one of you can come up with such plans? If it were not because of my plans, there would not be so many people buying our shares.

I will be the one who will become the President of Sony. None of you can take it away from me!

At night, Norio Ohga monitored the US market. He was used to seeing Sony’s share prices increasing every night before sleep. His beautiful wide was bathing. Later he still wanted to have some romantic time with his wife.

Norio Ohga was looking at the share prices while undressing himself. The shares had risen another 0.5%, and trading had just started. Today, share prices should increase by another 2%.

Norio Ohga’s wife entered the room, took off her bathrobe, and kneel in front of Norio Ohga. Norio Ohga leaned back against his chair and sighed comfortably.

He stroked his wife’s hair and was about to start the real action. His eyes accidentally glanced at his monitor, and he froze. He immediately became soft.

His wife was stunned. She thought her teeth had accidentally brushed against that sensitive organ and immediately used her tongue to continue pleasuring Norio Ohga in an attempt to revive the limping little Norio Ohga.

But Norio Ohga suddenly pushed her away, causing her to fall down on the Tatami.

But Norio Ohga’s wife thought Norio Ohga was roleplaying with her. It was not the first time her husband treated her so rough. She immediately pretends to be scared and closes her eyes to wait for her husband to pounce on her.

But after waiting for a while, her husband did not pounce on her. Instead, she heard the sound of a glass of water smashing on the floor. The water even splashed onto her body.

Norio Ohga’s wife opens her eyes in shock. She knew this was not role-playing. Her husband only throws things around when he was in a bad mood. What happened? During dinner, Norio Ohga had told her that the company was doing well and will be promoted from Acting President to President soon.

Norio Ohga’s wife immediately stood up and saw her husband staring at the computer’s monitor. She saw the screen was full of green color. Although she was a full-time housewife, she knew that green color means losing money.

Norio Ohga had said that the company’s share prices had been rising and he had even invested all their savings into the company’s shares. Now, the shares had plunged. No wonder Norio Ohga was so furious.

But why did the company’s shares plunged? Didn’t Norio Ohga say that the company’s shares will continue to rise?

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