
Chapter 988 - Weird interview

Chapter 988 – Weird interview

“Kexin, Kexin, where are you going?”

Zhou Kexin turns and saw her roommate running towards her.

“I heard there is recruitment for reporters, and I am going for the internship interview. During the summer holidays, I can get some experiences and earn pocket money.”

“Ah? Which agency is it? Is it a state-owned or a private own media company? The TV station, newspaper agency, magazine or radio?” The roommate asked excitedly. “How many people are they hiring? Can I go with you?”

“I don’t know how many people they are hiring. If you want, you can come along. If we get hired, we can work together. But this is a professional medical magazine. Are you interested?”

When Zhou Kexin heard about this media company, she was not very keen. She is studying journalism, and a medical magazine is different from what she had learned.

But after Zhou Kexin researched this company, she realized that it is a Hong Kong company, and their medical magazine is circulating the whole of Southeast Asia. This year, the company is setting up a branch in China and is hiring Chinese staff. This is the reason why she decided to try her luck.

Of course, Zhou Kexin was also attracted by the high remuneration. The salary for interns is higher than many reporters in many media companies!

Zhou Kexin knew since the company is offering such a high salary, the requirements for this job must be high. She did not expect to be hired, but what if… furthermore, she wanted some interview experiences. She will be graduating soon and will be going for interviews.

The roommate was excited when Zhou Kexin agrees to bring her along. They boarded a bus and arrived at the interview venue.

Zhou Kexin arrived at the office and noticed there are more than 100 people in the queue at the entrance.

“Kexin, are we going to queue? Did you see those people? They are the final year students from our school. That guy over there is wearing Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s crest, and that guy holding on to a file. He is obviously from the medical college. My results might allow me to graduate but are not good. Are you still going to try?” The roommate asked.

“Since we are here, let’s go.” Zhou Kexin comforted her roommate, and she also needs her friend to accompany her.

Zhou Kexin is very nervous. Everyone in front of her in the queue looks confident, and some are wearing suits. She and her friend are wearing too sloppy.

But it’s good to get some interview experience, and it is the weekend, and they had nothing to do.

The two girls arrived at the office at around 1 pm and waiting until 4 pm for their turn.

“Zhou Kexin. Get ready. You are next.” A secretary shouted.

After a while, the interviewee walked out of the interview room, and Zhou Kexin entered.

“Your name is Zhou Kexin? Are you applying for an internship or a full-time reporter? Are you this year’s graduating student?” The interviewer in the center asked. Hmmm… this person is the Zhou Kexin we are looking for.

“Although I am not graduating this year, I had been working as the University’s reporter and has some experience.” Zhou Kexin quickly said.

“Ok. Tell me about your experiences at your university.”

Zhou Kexin thought for a while and started telling the interviewers her experiences. But she realized that her experiences are nothing to shout about.

The three interviewers discussed among themselves. Zhou Kexin’s experience is insufficient for them to hire, and she is not studying medicine. They prefer someone who knows about medicine than from someone studying journalism. If not, the reporter might not understand the medical jargon during interviews.

The main interviewer frowned. Zhou Kexin did not fit their criteria and cannot be compared to the other interviewees.

But they must hire this girl. Someone had ordered that this girl must be hired if she comes for the interview.

The interviewer must obey the orders, or else, they will be out of a job!

“Ok. What other skills do you have?” If we hired her just like this, she might think we have some ulterior motives.

“I… I am trained in fountain pen calligraphy. Is this considered a skill?” Zhou Kexin asked weakly.

“Yes. Our magazine agency likes people with good handwriting! Ok. Based on our rules, you will be under probation for a month, but you will be paid. The salary will not be high, and there is no contract. Do you agree?” The main interviewer slapped his thigh excitedly and looks like he is looking for someone trained in fountain pen calligraphy.

Zhou Kexin was stunned. All of your faces were emotionless when I talked about my experiences. Still, you immediately want to hire me when I mentioned I know fountain pen calligraphy?! I thought all magazines are using PC for typesetting? Could this magazine’s reporters are still handed writing their articles?

But who cares? Zhou Kexin will not reject this offer since they are willing to hire her.

“I am still studying and can only work as a part-time reporter. But during my holidays, I can work full-time, and I am willing to accept lower salaries.”

“During your probation, you don’t need to work full-time. Do you know how to use computers? After you start work, you can email your articles to the agency.”

Zhou Kexin was surprised. Email the articles, and she doesn’t need to write the articles by hand? Then why are they hiring me because I am trained in calligraphy?

“I know how to use email. What will I be in-charged of?” Zhou Kexin asked.

“You will start by interviewing the medical equipment manufacturers. But you are not medically trained, and it will be a bit troublesome. You might not understand how the machine work. Alright. Our magazine will be interviewing a hospital director. You can write an article about the workflow of a body checkup and how the equipment works. At the same time, you can treat it as a free checkup.”

The main interviewer said the script he prepared. In his heart, he prayed. Please accept it… you must accept this job….

Zhou Kexin was puzzled. Experience the medical equipment herself and have a free checkup? This is a good deal.

“Will the duration of the checks belong? Can it be arranged on the weekends?”

The other two interviewers were about to explode. They will never consider Zhou Kexin if they are the main interviewer. But the main interviewer had agreed to hire her. This young lady is too much. After getting hired, she is still so picky? Does she know how many people are fighting over this position?!

“Sure!” The main interviewer agreed.

“Thank you. I do not have any questions.”

“Do you have a mobile phone or a pager?”


“The company will provide a pager for you.” The main interviewer gave another privilege, which others do not have.

After stepping out of the interview room, Zhou Kexin was still in a daze. Her roommate asked her about the interview, and she replied after a long pause. “I passed the interview and is hired as an intern reporter!”

Translator’s notes:

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

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