
Chapter 38 Party time- Part 2

"Nothing much," I replied and then continued to talk, "What’s the occasion for the party?" I asked him. There were trees on either side of the road as we drove.

"It’s just a gathering for higher vampires to meet and discuss if there’s any matter that needs attention. People get bored living for so many years and to kill time they have parties," he said.

"Won’t I bring attention? I mean I am a human," I pointed it out and saw him shake his head.

"There will be other humans present there, that may be servants or partners of other vampires. Stay in my vision all the time, Lillian while we are there. People aren’t as nice as they appear to be," he warned me seriously.

"Yeah," he was actually scaring me now. I just want to go back home. "Don’t worry, you’ll be safe," Luke assured me, "Let’s play five questions. Twenty questions is a lot and we might reach there by then," he proposed.

"I’ll start?" I asked him.

"Of course, darling. No need to ask," he said taking a left.

"What’s your full name?" Was my first question to him as I didn’t know his last name.

"It’s Lucian Knight," he answered and I surprised to know Luke wasn’t his actual name, "Luke is a nickname."

"Like the nickname Lucifer?" I asked him and saw his lips curve.

"That’s two questions. Yes, it’s something like that," he said and asked me, "So how do you like the vampire kingdom so far?"

"I think it’s okay maybe because I’m getting used to it but I miss my parents, my friends and my old life," I replied and heard him hum.

"I was planning to visit the human world next week for some work, do you want to come along with me?" he asked me and I nodded without giving it a second thought, "Next question."

"Mm, what’s your favorite color?" I asked him.

"Bloody red," he replied, "No, actually the color between fresh blood and rotten blood," was his reply and I scrunched my nose thinking about it, "Don’t judge me, I’m a vampire," he defended.

"I didn’t," I said and saw him raise his brows at me, "Maybe a little," I mumbled.

"How often do you think about Ace?" was his next question, I guess somewhere in the back of my mind I knew Luke would ask me something related to Ace. I turned towards my window thinking and then replied,

"Rarely, since what I encountered in college. Even if I remember him I try to push out my thoughts away."

"Lilly, I want you to embrace what is there and has happened. There are some things in this world that have to be accepted and embraced because that’s how you make peace with them, else they turn into a nightmare," he advised and I kept quiet hearing it. As time was passing by I was letting go of Ace’s memories, maybe it was easier because we had known each other for only two months.

"Do you have a count on how many women you have been with until now?" I asked him lightening the mood.

"Hmm, that’s a difficult question, I’ve been with plenty women to have a count on it, Lillian," he answered making me shake my head at the way he answered it, "Don’t judge me, I’m a vampire," he said making me narrow my eyes.

"Is that your tagline?" I asked him and saw him grin.

"It comes in handy. You’re five questions are up and I have two. Now..." he drawled looking at the road, "Did you like anyone before Ace?" he asked, catching me off guard with the question. Couldn’t he ask what my favorite color or band was instead of asking long ones?

"Don’t you know?" I asked looking at him from the corner of my eyes. If he had been watching me for a long time he must have known if I had someone I liked or not.

"It’s much more interesting to hear the details from the person itself. So..." he drawled.

"There was one person called Gavin, it was a crush and when I was going to ask him out he was making out with someone, so that’s the story," I said and he stopped the car in front of a huge mansion which had a skeleton like guards, guarding the place. There was pumpkin like lanterns that were hung everywhere; it was a typical vampire place. Funny thing was I didn’t miss the black carriage that came up till the entrance and a lady got down from it.

"Good to know," he murmured as we got out from the car.

Going inside we were greeted by a number of people and I just exchanged a polite smile, I noticed Luke was popular in the room; after all, he was the king’s brother or should I say the future king. He kept his charming smile as he spoke to the vampires and there were times when if someone crossed their line he would have a sarcastic remark ready to throw on their face making them shut up. Then there were few of them who spoke warily.

I had excused myself from the conversation and taken a seat at the nearest table now. I yawned as I supported my chin with the heel of my hand as I watched women flock around him, trying to flatter him. I was hungry and wanted something to eat, anything would do I thought but when I went to the food stand everything was undercooked which was made for vampires. When I said anything would do, it didn’t mean this would! Where was human food?

"It’s on the other side if you’re searching for food," I heard someone speak behind me; I turned around to see a lean man standing there with a glass of wine as he twirled it around gently. He was undoubtedly a vampire with his cheeks lightly hollowed with fewer muscles.

"Ah- yeah thanks," I said with a small smile and began to walk there but to be stopped by the same man.

"What’s your name?" he asked walking towards me.

"Charlie," I heard Luke’s voice and relief hit my mind.

"That’s my name, Luke, not her name," the person called Charlie chuckled, "I’m surprised you kept a human by your side as an emergency blood bank," the man assessed me with his pitch black eyes, making me uncomfortable, "I’m just kidding. I know she’s your fiancée," he lifted both his hands in surrender looking at Luke.

When I glanced at Luke, he gave me his signature smile. Why do I feel he changed his expression when I turned to look at him?

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