
Chapter 154 - C*ckupie Wall Street

Chapter 154 - C*ckupie Wall Street

Ben stopped searching for the contact info for Brazzers when he realized he was acting like a fool...

’There are so many p.o.r.n companies now, I don’t even know which are at the top anymore.’ He would only work with the best.


Yet, the industry of p.o.r.n companies was too fragmented and complicated for him to pursue this. He wasn’t interested in weeding through the jungle of c*ck-conglomerates.


As such, Ben considered how else he could use the talisman of opportunity. For that, he took a step back first. ’Before I use this, I need to activate a stat gain multiplier. That way, the talisman will work for that stat. Otherwise, there won’t be a high chance of it helping me solve my money issues. But...what stat would help me raise money?’

He went through his stats one by one.

’Looks?’ He shook his head. He wasn’t anywhere near handsome enough to model or earn an income from his looks. It wouldn’t work even if his little brother got a gig as a nude model for an art class...getting painted like one of their French girls...

There just wasn’t enough pay in that, not unless he got to paint them too, using his all-natural gouache...

’Charisma?’ It was tough to say whether the talisman would provide a way to make money through that.

’Social Status?’ Now, that seemed interesting. ’When I think of social status, there’s usually a financial element that goes along with a higher status. Even if you consider fame or reputation, people leverage those to earn money as well.’ After putting a pin on it, Ben went through the other stats.

’Seduction skills? No...I’m not ready to become a gigolo yet.’ He wasn’t ready, yet.


’Knowledge?’ Not promising. Even top professors earned small salaries.

’Manliness?’ What would he do with that? Become a lumberjack? A soldier? A blacksmith? He eliminated this option, because before anything else, Ben was a c*cksmith.


Always and forever...

In this life and the next...

’Communication?’ This was similar to charisma. It was a no.

’Personal talent?’ It could be good, but the talisman could create an opportunity for any talent; It was a salad-toss-up...

If he practiced singing, nothing in the talisman description suggested it would help him launch his singing career; It might provide an opportunity in Jamaican bobsledding...

In the end, social status was the one that seemed the most promising to him. In that case, of the 10000 points Ben saved, he now allocated 5000. With that in mind, Ben opened the system window for the Store.

[Low Level Stat Growth Multiplier(Consumable, Fine, Choose Stat): 5000 points]

With one of these, he could buy a multiplier for social status, and use that to focus the talisman of opportunity which was his real killer item, or so he hoped. Thus, he planned to buy one multiplier and one high level mystery box, and proceeded with the purchases.

First, Ben bought the mystery box, in case it gave him something powerful enough to change his plans.

A few moments later, he held the silver box in his hand. He covered his eyes from the light, and opened it.

Soon, Ben was holding a strange wooden object, similar in size to a USB stick, with a fabric cord going through it.

[Mini-Kubing Necklace (Item, Fine) x1 - A necklace of a miniature traditional jaw-harp. Increases the wearer’s communication stat by 1 up to a maximum of 8, but the boost is only effective when communicating with the opposite s.e.x]

Ben stood up and started punching the air doing Tae Bo!

"We getting...LOOT!"

This was his first stat-boosting item that worked above a 6, which would be more useful considering his ever-rising stats. As far as it only working on women, who gave a sh*t?!?

He didn’t need to talk to guys!

Tying it around his neck, Ben connected the clasp, and his communication stat increased by one. Although the system said the item bonuses wouldn’t count towards completing his death mission, they would still help him along the way.

With that complete, the only task remaining was to buy another stat gain multiplier for social status. Returning to the store, Ben spent another 5000 points, and soon held a white multiplier card.

Since it was still early in the day, and he didn’t have any important plans, he decided it was best to get started as soon as possible. So, he glanced at the multiplier card, and activated it!


He shot up to his feet!

A sudden rush entered his brains!

The motivation to develop his social status took over! Money! Power! Status!

"If it makes money, it makes sense!"


"Money is a bitch that never sleeps!"


"You know what capitalism is? Getting f.u.c.k.i.e.d!"


He ran to the bathroom and gazed into the mirror. "You’re so money and you don’t even know it!"


From the motivational effect of the stat gain multiplier, Ben felt the urge to make a lot of cash and become powerful!

What he didn’t expect was there was no significant drive to become famous. Although he believed fame raised social status, it might’ve been that the system judged desiring fame in and of itself made no sense—leaving it as a goal for starstruck midwestern airheads...

In fact, Ben agreed. ’Makes sense. I mean what kind of protagonist would make every life decision with the sole goal of becoming famous, irrespective of all its perks such as money and women, with zero reason given for why he or anyone would want that?’

’Ridiculous...’ Ben believed there were people in the world with all kinds of motivations. There was likely a middle-aged baldy somewhere that wanted to become a ham sandwich...

Yet, that wasn’t enough of a reason to create a saga based on his journey.


Ben shook his head. ’I guess character development is easy when you plan for one volume per slice of bread...’

After adjusting to the effect of the multiplier, he took out the talisman of opportunity. It would only last for 24 hours, so he hoped it would work as he intended. If not, he’d have to come up with another plan. Glancing at the talisman, he activated it with his mind.

At that moment, he watched as it turned into bright motes of light in his hand...and disappeared.

[Talisman of Opportunity(Consumable, Fine) activated]

[Time remaining for talisman effect: 23:59:59]

[Time remaining for talisman effect: 23:59:58]

[Time remaining for talisman effect: 23:59:57]

Ben took a deep breath. "Give me a suitcase full of money..."

He still hadn’t given up on the p.o.r.no ending.

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