
Chapter 69: Destroy the Bridge

Chapter 69: Destroy the Bridge

Translator: Wuxia Dog Editor: Wuxia Dog

With the rapid clatters of horse hoofs, dozens of knights rushed out from the tunnel, holding torches in their hands. They must be highly skilled at riding and reined their horses easily when they saw the canyon, which was less than twenty meters away from the end of the tunnel. Then they scattered in skirmish lines.

“What a spectacular lava river...” a Knight let out a heartfelt sigh.

“Here are traces of human activities!” Another knight found something and shouted.

Just then, a hoarse and faint voice came to them: “General, it’s me, help me...”

The knights were shocked. They looked at the direction which the voice was from and saw a bony, dirty hand sticking out from behind a stone band, waving desperately.

Several of the knights moved forward slowlyon their horses to the owner of the arm, while the others kept watch for the enemy. When the knights approached the stone band, a dirty and ragged figure emerged in their sights. He looked worse than a beggar and was totally out of recognition with a thick layer of oil dirt on his face. A strange odor was emitted from his body. When the knights came, he was still lying on the ground with his shank being pinned onto the ground by a long sword. What amazed the knights was that he waschewing something and his right arm was holding a large piece of meat from an unknown kind of animal.

“Who are you?”A knight asked loudly.

“Is General... Quincy here? I am Leopold!” Leopold mumbled. He knew he was very discourteous now. But compared with the excruciating feeling of hunger, discourteousness was nothing important.

“Who?” A tall figure appeared in front of Leopold. “Leopold? Why... do you look like this?”

Leopold had just swallowed the meat in his mouth and was going to bite another chunk. But he froze when hearing the voice of General Quincy. Then, he slowly raised his head, and his endless grievances turned into a burst of shrill cry.

“It’s really you?”

“You mustavenge me, General...”

“I thought those bandits have... God bless!” Quincy dismounted and shouted. “Tell me, who have done this to you?”

“The mercenary! That damned mercenary!!” Leopold said with gnashed teeth.

“Which mercenary?” Quincy was confused.

“The one who killed Lord Mario!”

“Mario... That guy!” Quincy’s face suddenly became gloomy. “Is he alone?”

“Yes, he is alone.”

“General, general...” Two knights responsible for watching the surroundings suddenly exclaimed simultaneously.

“What?” Quincy shouted in anger.

“We sawa shadow across the bridge just now, General!”

Leopold shuddered all over as if he had just taken a stimulant. “That’s him, General! He had just left! You must catch him, General...”

Some quick-tempered knights were going to dash to the bridge with their steeds, but they were stopped by Quincy. “Hold on!” He ordered.

The knights stood still and stared at Quincy, who strode to the bridgehead, reached out one of his feet and stamped on the end of the bridge heavily several times. The iron chain of nearly hundreds of meters in length started to sway like waves.

Quincy watched it patiently for a moment. It was safe. Then he waved his hand. The knights ran to the bridgehead and rushed towards the other end one following the other.

“Don’t leave me, General!” Leopold cried. He was a bit flustered.

“You, and you.” Quincy pointed at two knights at random. “Stay here to take care of him.”

“General...” Strangely, Leopold felt more and more afraid. He didn’t know why, but he wanted Quincy to stay, only that he couldn’t find the reason to ask so.

Quincy nodded his head, and set feet on the steel cable bridge. Totally three caravans had disappeared in this tunnel, including the one led by Leopold. And Mario was killed. All of these were done by the mercenary. As the highest commander in this secret tunnel, he must account for this. Otherwise, the rest of his life and that of his families’ would be spent in the slave camp.

Leopold looked at the back of Quincy blankly. Suddenly, a voice occurred beside his ear, “I am sorry, my Lord.” A knight said to him.

“What?” Leopold did not understand it. But the next moment, a sharp pain spread from his shank, so sharp that even made him dumb for a moment. Then, a harsh scream was let out, “Ah... What’s hell are you doing!”

“It’s all right,the pain won’t last long, my Lord.” The knight smiled, and threw the long sword onto ground.

Ding... A crisp sound of colliding between the long sword and ground was heard. Then, another ‘Ding’ came. The knight was shocked. Why did such sound emerge twice? Just when he was still confused, the third ‘Ding’ echoed in the air. This time, he knew something was wrong. He turned around and saw a figure was striking the iron chain with something.

Clank... A strip of iron chain hung down. The steel cable bridge was going to move aside. The figure opposite to them shifted to the other side. The knight suddenly realized that someone was going to destroy the bridge!

“Kill him! Quick!” They were greatly frightened and rushed towards the other side of the bridge at their fastest speed. But it was too long that as soon as they reached the middle of it, the other iron chain left the plates. The bridge started to shake violently, frightening the two knights into lying down on the plates, grasping the gaps between the plates firmly and daring not to move a single step.

Han Jin clapped his hands slightly, took out a charm of fire from his space ring, and threw it into midair. The moment the charm left his hand, it turned into a strange fire ball and streaked across the sky at an amazing speed.

“Boom!” A huge rock around twenty meters over the bridge was hit. Numerous debris fell down. The huge rock was ordinary in the eyes of Leopold. But from the perspective of Han Jin, it could be seen clearly thatthe rockhad been hollowed out in the depth of the wall!

Another charm of fire was thrown out by Han Jin. The huge rock couldn’t withstand the collision any more and thudded down to the steel bridge. The two knights were struck dumb and looked at the falling rock, which was nearly tens of thousands of kilograms in weight. With a loud sound of bang, the ten-odds iron chains fixed on the bridge simultaneously broke offin an instant, some of which swung in the midair, some lashed onto both sides of the canyon, leaving sands and stones raising in clouds.

Leopold lying on ground without moving a muscle. A chain swung to his direction and nearly hit him, fortunately, it only split a large piece of beef into two parts. After a long time, he raised his head with his heart hardly recovered from the shock and wanted to have a look around. But a foot trod on his hand heavily all of a sudden, and then a hand appeared, pulled the space ring down from his finger in a natural way.

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