
Chapter 29: School Life Resumes

Chapter 29: School Life Resumes

Translated by XianPiete

Sir Charles de évreux rode his magnificent Charger back through the streets of the capital on his way back to the Academy de L\'échec. Many thoughts were racing through his head, he felt as if the chip on his shoulder had been knocked off in the short time he had attended the school. His skill with the sword was lacking, his studies were woefully behind and although he had joined the famous Order of the Rose, he felt as if his own accomplishment paled in front of the others like Lord Montfort, Lady d\'Aumont and Lady Foix. As he was started to feel depressed he looked down and saw the King\'s medal on his chest and suddenly brightened up. \'Yes, of course, I have the King\'s medal, my accomplishments at the Academy might not be great yet, but at least I am the only King\'s medal winner. I have that!\' He thought to himself.

He had arrived at the school before he knew it. He smiled as he entered the familiar grounds. He walked with his head held high, his chest out. He straightened his knight\'s uniform and made sure that his King\'s medal had a shine. \'It\'s just about lunch time, I can meet my friends in the Order dining hall!\' He thought, \'I bet they will all be happy to see me, since I have been gone so long.\' Sir évreux walked in to the dining room and saw his friends all already seated at the table enjoying lunch.

As he approached, Lady Leon smiled and said, "Sir évreux, welcome back."

The others turned for a moment and said brief hellos before turning back to their discussion. Something struck him as odd the closer he got to the table. Aside from Doreen Leon, everyone had something pinned to their chest. As he took his seat he realized what it was, each of them was wearing the King\'s medal. Sir évreux blurted out, "What the hell? Is he giving them out like candy now?"

Everyone stared at Sir évreux for a moment and then returned to their conversation, "Olivier are you worried about your brother taking power?"

Olivier sighed and then said, "I have given the matter quite a bit of thought honestly, it dawned on me the more that I thought about it, if I were to become King, I would absolutely abuse this new power, I would have to. It might not be the first day, but as crisis after crisis occurred, I would slowly slide down the path of wanting to use it for more and more things. As for my brother, nothing says my father will make him the heir. He could raise another family to the throne. My older sister is engaged to Madeline\'s brother for instance. My younger sister is married to the oldest son of the Taillefer family. There is also my first brother."

Guy looked interested, "I thought he was born with mental deficiencies?"

Olivier looked at Guy and replied, "Born stupid? Honestly, that\'s just the popular rumor. He was a very normal child until my brother Andre was born. My mother still treats Albert like he is fully capable. It is only Andre, I hate to say this, and I that have ever treated Albert as if he were incompetent. My father just smiles and laughs about it."

Sir évreux suddenly looked lost, "Wait, Olivier is a prince?"

Everyone turned to Sir évreux and then Alicia said, "Sir évreux, Olivier is the current Crown Prince of Pays Des Abrutis."

Sir évreux continued to look lost for a few long seconds and then the lights came on and he immediately dropped to a knee and blurted out, "Your royal highness please forgive my ignorance! I deeply regret calling you \'Smellovier\' and implying that your mother, no, Her Majesty, was a prostitute!"

Everyone at the table erupted in laughter, Claude found himself having a hard time breathing. Alicia had to wipe the tears from her eyes. Guy slapped the table as he laughed and even Madeline had a hard time controlling her own laughter. Olivier had the same goofy smile he always had as he laughed. Doreen chuckled softly hiding her smile behind her hand.

Sir évreux looked up and then made a face like he was being bullied, "Have you all known the entire time?"

"Pretty much, yes." Madeline said.

Sir évreux frowned and said, "I hate you guys."

Lady Leon chuckled and then said in her soft voice, "Olivier asked us not to speak it openly, Charles, we haven\'t know you very long after all."

Sir évreux pouted and then said, "I\'m still calling you Smellovier then, dick." Once again the entire table erupted in laughter.


The Wütendes Menschenreich Emperor was a tall muscular man who was adorned in gaudy gold jewelry connecting with a bear skin cape. He had thick metal gauntlets and wore a heavy chain mail suit that allowed his heavily muscled body to be seen clearly. His boots were made with heavy metal that matched his gauntlets and were also lined with the same bear skin. In his throne room he was surrounded by similar huge men. Most carried a long, wide great sword on their back.

Prince Wolter von Plettenberg dropped to a knee in front of the Emperor and said, "My Emperor, we are ready to proceed. We have five men who will enter the enemy castle through the gate we have established in that fool\'s secret room. Once we kill their weak king, we will send the fool in to take power. Over the next few months he will slowly have the nobility purged and then we will come to the rescue and accept their country into the empire in order to save the few remaining members of their nobility."

A huge commotion happened at the door to the throne room and then a guard came running up dropping to a knee, "My emperor, assassins attempted to assassinate princess Helga."

The emperor spoke in a deep gravelly voice, "They were stopped, I assume?"

"Yes my emperor, however, Prince Andre from Pays Des Abrutis attempted to flee when the assassins appeared and fell to his death out of the castle window when he tripped on a rug." The guard explained. "Also, the two assassins were able to escape capture."

"Have the guards who allowed the assassins to enter and escape executed." He looked at Prince Wolter, "Have the plan continue, allow Pays Des Abrutis to have a fight over succession. Once the winner is decided, we\'ll attack them. Prepare for a proper war."

"Yes my emperor!" Both men answered.

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