
Chapter 82: Manifesting the Star’s power. Part 1

Chapter 82: Manifesting the Star’s power. Part?1

Translator: Mr.Nobody

“Are you girls finished preparing?”


“Anytime is fine!”

Both Laara and Lucia replied lively.

They’re much more reliable than the shriveled up nobles.

“Elin and Shii you’ve done excellent. You can rest now.”

“It’s nothing, we’re also your companions Masatsugu-sama! The ice now is being maintained so it doesn’t need special concentration as before.”

“That’s right~. We’ve shared a lot together so far~.”

They both are tired but they’re saying they want to come.

These girls have efficiently played the roles of saints with covering the whole country in ice shield and protecting the kingdom from the Dragon’s raid.

In that case them resting would be fine, but.

“Besides, there’s no doubt that the safest place is near Masatsugu-sama.”

“Well, that’s so.”

There was no sound of weariness when they said it.

Certainly, if they stay in the throne room they’ll probably end up protecting the useless nobles from the Anti-Masatsugu faction.

That would be getting our priorities backwards.

Then, being near me would be better.

Even if I was against an enemy with unfathomable power.

Time to deal with my once before classmate.

“Okay, let us go!”

Together with my voice.

“I understand! Then let us open the door to the heavens!”

She said that and began chanting.

When she did so the wall behind the throne disappeared and staircase leading to the heavens showed up.


“There were stairs in that place!?”


While nodding to the nobles I began talking.

“The new throne room was created for the sake of being the closest to the heavens. I understood that everything would be settled on top of the Aegis.”

And after finishing talking, together with the girls we climbed up the stairs.

“Kukukuku, you’ve finally came Masatsugu… I was getting bored of waiting!”

On the top of the Aegis there was a man riding a dragon like a horseman waiting for us.

He was a dragon rider.

The jet black dragon was petite and different from the other Dragon’s who clashed and became encased in ice.

In addition it’s magical power couldn’t be compared with the others.

I understood that it compressed from it’s bigger size to increase the contraction rate of it’s magical power.

And riding the dragon was a pilot who was carrying an ominous sword in crimson and eerie light was coming from his muscles.

There’s no need to name who it is.

“Hello, Miyamoto. You’ve completely changed from how you looked before. Fun, in the end you’re being manipulated.”

I said so uninterested.

As soon as I said a darkish flame from Miyamoto’s sword came.

Naturally, it’s pretty easy to dodge a flame of that level.

Before I could move Lucia swiped her palm forward.

With just that we defended from the flame.

“Did I touch something I shouldn’t have?”

Miyamoto in a spiteful tone.

“That’s right!”

And yelled at me.

“!? What in the hell are you going on about? Is it wrong to say that when it’s normal?”

“Idiot! I’m completely sane!”

Miyamoto once more attacked us with flames.

An ice shield immediately formed in front of me and the flame got frozen.

It’s Elin’s magic. The magical power in the Aegis freezes everything no matter the affinity.

There was something on my mind when he spoke.

“You said you were sane?”

“Aah, that’s right!”

Miyamoto said that.

“I, I fight you of my own will! I will never forgive you!”


“You’ll never forgive me, have I done something to you?”

“Don’t play dumb with me!”

“Harassing me by putting me in the back! Snatching away the place where I can do great deeds!”

He said that and hurled flaming balls at me.

While dodging I began talking calmly.

“Must be nice to be self-interested. There’s a saying the right person for the right job. You simply had affinity for the recovery role. It’s not that I as the king prohibited you from the front-line on purpose.”

“That’s the weird part! Why are you ordering! Why do I have to follow your orders like I’m your subordinate!?”

“That’s natural because I’m the King…”

Miyamoto interrupted me.

“The one becoming King should’ve been ME!”

… What?

“What are you saying.”

“Shut up! My plan was in ruins because of you! First I was going to protect this country as a successful hero from the Demon King country. And then I was going to take the princess as a wife and be a king with the power of a hero! You brought that to ruin!”

“Is the throne such a thing to be desired that much?”

While being surprised I muttered unknowingly.

In some sense since coming to this world that was actual surprise.

I couldn’t help but think he was just some guy with narcissism or he is being an idiot. Just a guy who wanted to show off.

But, that was wrong.

This guy exceeded all my expectations.

He’s above megalomaniac, but there’s no such thing above it.

Who the hell would plan to come to a different world and to snatch the throne?

He’s irreversibly stupid. But, even if he’s mistaken a bit he’s a hero.

There’s nothing wrong for being a king who’s protected the country and earned the throne through ability and popularity.

“In that case, let’s do that?”

I calmly informed him.


Miyamoto was confused.

“When the battle ends, I’ll relinquish the throne. You can play make-believe ruling all you want. If you want it, I’ll give it to you. Make a good government as much as possible.”

“Don’t screw me!”

Miyamoto refused my proposal.

“There’s no meaning in you giving me the throne! I want to get the throne with my strength! I don’t want you giving it to me!”

“In that case, what should we do?”

I was surprised.

The corner of his lips were raised.

“It’s simple, I’ll take it from you. And then I’ll become Warm’s King! For that sake…”

The jet black dragon began to gain altitude.

And then it thrusted towards me at the same speed of light.


I stepped backwards carrying Lucia in my arms.

The place I moved from the dragon passed through there. The temperature of it passing began to thaw the ice flooring.

You can’t pursue a dragon that can fly tens of thousands of meters in the sky in an instant.

“Hahahahah! How do you like it, Masatsugu!? Insects who crawl on the ground can’t catch me! No matter how strong you are you can’t defeat me if you can’t catch me! Die like insects crawling on the ground!”


A jet dragon passed through with his voice of resentment.

He was aiming for my life with his light of speed magical power and hatred.

It’s possible to evade.

But, after evading he immediately goes back in the sky.

As he said, it’s impossible for a ground insect to catch a butterfly in the air.

“How is it, Masatsugu!? You can’t defeat me who’s flying in the air!”

Miyamoto was yelling while descending.

To those words I instinctively let out a smile.


It seems he didn’t understand for what reason I was smiling.

“What’s so funny! Have you went mad from going to die!?”

My smile intensified.

“It’s the Lunar Fairy.”

I put it up with my right hand.

It had the original Fairy Drop inserted in it.

The fairy princess Palmela said it so before.

‘The fairies are a tribe that live of the power of the moon and so the Fairy Drop is created from condensing the power in our bodies continuously throughout the ages. In other words, the fairy drop is a crystal of the lunar power(Lunar Power).’

“Lunar Drop is a precious stone that holds the power of a star and releasing it’s the same thing as realising a star itself!”

I began converging on it.

I was releasing the power of it the way I was taught by Palmela.

“That’s absurd!”

“Master, what’s that there!?”

“No way, is that what I think it is!?”

It wasn’t just Miyamoto who was surprised, Lucia and Elin were surprised too.

There’s no avoiding it.

Anybody would be surprised.

“Masatsugu-sama, the star… the star…”

“The moon… is close to the sky…”

That’s right, the moon who shouldn’t have been behind Miyamoto was now there.

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