
Chapter 131

Yang Ming saw the guest, but he was stunned. The woman was surprised to see Yang Ming too. Both of them were curious about why they were there.

Yes, the woman was Xiao Qing. Yang Ming saw her underwear in the bookstore, and he met her on the bus again.

“Is CEO Zhang here?” Xiao Qing was doubting, but she still asked for confirmation.

“CEO Zhang? What business do you have with him?” Zhang Bing looked at the woman in a bad mood. He unquestionably thought that Xiao Qing was his father’s mistress.

“I have an appointment with him this afternoon. I didn’t see anyone outside, so I came in on my own.” Xiao Qing explained.

“There is no one outside? It’s not possible. Isn’t my dad meeting a client out there?” Zhang Bing thought the woman was giving excuses.

“So it’s Master Zhang. There truly isn’t anyone out there!” Xiao Qing shook her head and seemed confused. She noticed that Zhang Bing was hostile against her. Is it possible that he knows about the hatred between me and Yang Ming? But it isn’t a hatred anymore. The misunderstanding had been resolved already!

“No one?” Zhang Bing didn’t believe it, but he still walked to the office door and looked outside. Just as Xiao Qing said, there wasn’t anyone in the reception room.

Zhang Bing was curious. He called his father after that. “Dad, where are you? There’s someone here looking for you.”

“Looking for me? Who is it?”

“A woman. Who knows who she is, probably your mistress?” Zhang Bing said lightly. Last time Zhang Jiefang had caused Yang Ming to lose his imperial jade because of a prostitute. Zhang Bing still held a grudge about it. Zhang Bing only had Yang Ming as his best friend from the time they were young, so he didn’t want to hurt their relationship because of this. Yang Ming didn’t say anything about this, but Zhang Bing didn’t feel good about it.

When he saw Xiao Qing, he thought she was his dad’s mistress. He thought his dad didn’t learn from his mistake, and he was p*ssed off.

Although Zhang Bing lowered his voice, Xiao Qing and Yang Ming could still hear him. Xiao Qing was stunned. Yang Ming was stunned too. They looked at each other, and Xiao Qing suddenly blushed.

Xiao Qing was dumbfounded. Do I honestly look like a mistress? But this situation would get more complicated if she tried to explain, so she pretended to hear nothing. It would get cleared up after Zhang Jiefang came.

“Zhang Bing!” Yang Ming knew Xiao Qing was embarrassed, so he reminded Zhang Bing in a lower voice.

“What is it?” Zhang Bing asked.

“She and I know each other. She probably isn’t your dad’s…” Yang Ming explained lightly.

It would have been better if he didn’t try to explain. After Yang Ming explained, Xiao Qing’s face blushed even more. Just now Zhang Bing was talking on the phone, so she could pretend not to hear anything. However, it was only the three of them in the office, and any conversation could be heard clearly. Xiao Qing could no longer pretend to hear nothing!

“Yang Ming, why are you here?” Xiao Qing had to change the topic, so she greeted Yang Ming.

“Sister Qing, Zhang Bing and I are classmates. Oh… He is Uncle Zhang’s son.” Yang Ming said with a smile. “Sister Qing, what are you doing here?”

“Of course, I’m here to buy stuff, hehe.” Xiao Qing stopped for a while when she spoke of this, signaling her purpose for being here wasn’t what Zhang Bing assumed.

“Right, last time you said that you were attending a competition. You came back already?” Yang Ming asked.

“Yeah, I just came back two days ago. My dad is having his birthday, so I’m here to pick his birthday present.” Xiao Qing laughed and said.

“So this was the reason.” Yang Ming nodded his head.

Zhang Bing knew he misunderstood her after he heard their conversation, so he gave an embarrassed smile.

“Miss Xiao!” Zhang Jiefang came in at this time. “It’s you. I’m sorry. I had just taken a customer to the warehouse. I didn’t expect you to come here so soon.”

“CEO Zhang, hi.” Xiao Qing nodded her head generously to him. “How is the thing that I asked about last time?”

“This… Miss Xiao, I’m very sorry. I had an imperial jade that could fulfill your requirement, but…” Zhang Jiefang looked at Yang Ming, then he shook his head. “But there was a little accident.”

“Accident? What happened?” Xiao Qing frowned. “CEO Zhang didn’t bring any good imperial jade from Yunnan this time?”

“I had it originally, but something happened…” Zhang Jiefang sighed. “The imperial jade was stolen.”

“Is that so? Nevermind then.” Xiao Qing was disappointed. “My dad’s hobby is to play with this thing, so I’m just trying to show my regard. My dad has a few imperial jades already.”

“I’m very sorry, Miss Xiao. Oh yeah, I have just gotten a new set of jades. Why don’t you take a look?” Zhang Jiefang didn’t have any other option either. He planned to sell Yang Ming’s imperial jade to Xiao Qing at first, but the accident happened. This wasn’t something that he could predict.

“Nevermind. Maybe next time.” Xiao Qing shook her head. Jade was too common. It wasn’t as rare as imperial jade, so it was meaningless as a birthday present. Her dad went to Yunnan a few days ago, and he didn’t find any rocks that contained imperial jade either. Since Xiao Qing knew about her dad’s hobby, she contacted Zhang Jiefang’s jewelry company and hoped to get an imperial jade from him.

If it was a polished imperial jade, she could buy it in Song Jiang. However, an unpolished imperial jade wasn’t easy to find. Unfortunately, her dad only liked to polish it on his own, and that was why Xiao Qing was disappointed.

Xiao Qing had other things to do. She said goodbye to Yang Ming, then she requested Zhang Jiefang to contact her if he found any imperial jade. Only then did she leave.

“Uncle Zhang, what is Sister Qing’s job? How can she buy such an expensive item?” Yang Ming was curious about it. According to Xiao Qing, she was a teacher, but how could a teacher afford to buy an imperial jade that cost several ten thousand yuan?

“How would I know? Aren’t you calling her Sister Qing? How can I know about it if even you don’t know about it?” Zhang Jiefang gave a bitter smile. “If your imperial jade wasn’t stolen, you could have earned quite a lot by selling it to her.”

“Forget about it, Uncle Zhang. I treat it as though I never had it.” Yang Ming comforted him.

“How could that be? It should belong to you when it’s yours. Wait for a while. If there is no news from Yunnan, I’ll pass the imperial jade’s money to you.” Zhang Jiefang said immediately.

“Okay, we’ll talk about it later.” Yang Ming knew Zhang Jiefang’s character, so he gave a perfunctory reply.

Yang Ming and Xiao Qing weren’t close to each other. If they were good friends, he would have asked Xiao Qing to stay because there was another imperial jade among those rocks that he gambled for.

He didn’t know Xiao Qing well. As a precaution, he didn’t mention it at the time. After all, he needed to learn from his experience in Tengchong.

“Yang Ming, your sack of rocks has arrived. What do you think? I can ask my worker to open it or do you want to have a look on your own?” Zhang Jiefang asked.

After Yang Ming heard Zhang Jiefang, he whispered lightly, “I’m going to have a look. It is exciting to see my rocks being cracked open.” However, Yang Ming wasn’t excited at all. He wanted to go because the rocks were expensive. He believed that Zhang Jiefang wouldn’t cheat on him, but who could guarantee that Zhang Jiefang’s workers wouldn’t play some tricks?

It’s an imperial jade and such a valuable item. If it was stolen by some greedy person, then it was over. So Yang Ming wanted to go on his own. At least he wanted to observe until they opened up the imperial jade!

“You’re right. I love this feeling too! It’s just like the moment before announcing the winner of a lottery! It makes my heart pound surprisingly fast, and I look forward to it!” Zhang Jiefang said with a smile, “Even I would visit the factory when I’m free!”

“Then let’s go now. I have nothing to do here as well!” Zhang Bing interrupted. The misunderstanding just now was embarrassing for Zhang Bing. Although Zhang Jiefang didn’t mention it, Zhang Bing felt uneasy. So he wanted to leave this office to change the environment.

Zhang Jiefang called his assistant and asked him to come out of the warehouse. Then, he drove his car and took Yang Ming and Zhang Bing to his jewelry factory in the outskirts.

The factory was small. It’s just slightly larger than the family workshop, yet there were many workers. They were all busy with their work. It was evident that the guards and security systems weren’t cheap. There were six guards that Zhang Jiefang hired from the security company. As for the factory design, there was a security door that needed to be opened with a security card. Moreover, the door was locked by key at night.

Zhang Jiefang found a worker then he brought them to the vault in the basement of the factory. He pointed at the sack of rock and asked the worker carry it out.

— So Pure, So Flirtatious is a novel translated on Gravity Tales. Please read at the source:

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