
Chapter 1: The new world

Chapter 1: The new world

Hey, it\'s me, and I\'m currently bandaged all over- wait what do you mean you don\'t know who I am I said It\'s me that\'s enough to know me right?

What you still want to know my name? Sheesh okay, I\'m Edward and like I said I\'m currently bandaged all over.

You probably wonder how I got to this state right. Well, I don\'t blame you this isn\'t a state to be envious off, however, on the bright side, I\'m currently on a giant bed that could even be a king\'s hahahahaha It is actually a king\'s bed, a prince\'s bed to be more accurate.

Why am I on a prince\'s bed? Well because it\'s me Di I should stop; I actually don\'t know why I\'m here myself, well I kinda do actually.

This all started when I was spending my time in a certain country to the east; a country known for anime and exquisite cuisine, and while I was on my last day of vacation where I happened to stumble upon the legendary damsel in distress situation, "HELP!" was what the small lady said as I noticed her.

Hahahahah I felt like this was my lucky day if I\'m able to save I might even get her number muhahahahha; why get her number when I\'m leaving? Well because why not?!.

Uhum, as I was saying the lady was surrounded by 3 thug looking dudes, one of them even had a knife; so fearing the lady might get injured I started gathering up my courage to intervene when suddenly

"Hey you 3 there what are you doing" a policeman suddenly appeared stealing the spotlight and the chances of little Mister Edward.

"CHE!" all 3 of thugs suddenly sprinted away from the scene.

The lady went away with the policeman looking shaken, but not stirred jokes aside now I\'m left here stuck with a dumb look on my face.

As I regained my composure I started to walk again toward my destination, the legendary otaku haven of Japan: Akihabara!!

However, reality isn\'t so nice* BEEP BEEP* was all I could hear, and a blinding light was all I could see.

*BUMP* I suddenly felt like a huge boulder fell on my left shoulder.

It didn\'t take me long to figure out what had happened, being an avid anime lover and gamer I understood this was the legendary Truck-kun incident that many people wished they would be victims of as it would always lead to an isekai situation.

However I was never such a person, I mean who would want to leave the current semi-utopia we live in to go to a primitive world where life is at stake at every corner.

Alas such is fate not having mercy on anyone, I mean I was about to hit it off with a girl as I save her but was interrupted by a police officer, even though he was only doing his job, and now I\'m at a situation where I\'m about to head off to another world.

So as you can see this was how I met your mot how I was sent to another world.

Eh? I still didn\'t explain why I\'m in bandages on this world? Well apparently I wasn\'t reincarnated but I took over the body of the prince of this country.

I retained almost all of the prince\'s memories which is a relief I don\'t have to pretend to have amnesia.

This country is only 1 city that is about 100 km in size and 1 million or so citizens, and it is called Avalon, although it is only one city it is still considered a fairly powerful country since it houses the glory sect, that is also the reason why it is considered a country with only 1 city.

Apparently, this world has cultivation in it Should I have mentioned that before? Well, no harm is done anyway.

The king-my father-is the sect head of the glory sect as well as the most powerful and most respected person in this country well with both of those titles who wouldn\'t be?

Again how did I get these bandaged? Well apparently the prince had one hell of a weak body and he slipped and fell on the stairs of the palace how does one have a weak body in a world of cultivators? Well, I\'m still searching in these memories of mine how the hell can that be.


\'Huh what the hell was that\'

As Edward was searching in his, or the previous prince\'s memories, he heard a beeping sound in his head.

[Hello and Welcome, rejoice and be happy for you have been chosen as the host for the most legendary system; the Fantasy system]


Edward was beyond shocked right now but as he was calming down he began to understand what it was, it was the legendary system that is given to those teleporters to help them survive in their respective world.

"So fantasy system huh?"

[That is correct host]

"You said I was chosen, who chose me?"

[ ]

\'Ignoring me huh\'

"Well can you at least tell me how can you help me?"

[I have certain functions that can

*Knock Knock*

The system was interrupted by faint knocks heard on the room of Edward. And suddenly a calm voice was heard.

"Young master it is time to change your bandages"

\'This should be Becky the prince\'s maid. In this case, I should act like this\'

"You may enter"

[Host next time choose wisely when to ask a question so as not to look like a crazy man]

\'Seems like the system is pissed that it got interrupted, however, it does make sense to watch out for the TPO\'

"Excuse me, then young master"

Becky made quick work of the bandages and left but it was still incredibly embarrassing since it was like she was changing my clothes

"Anyway back to business System how can you help me?"

[All the functions the system has can help you but first, you need to bind the System with your soul!].

Author\'s Thoughts


Hello everyone thank you for reading my novel. Please leave your thoughts on how it should be improved upon, and how you want the chapters to be longer or shorted :).

In case of any mistakes your feedback is most welcome.

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