
Chapter 575 Meet the Emperor? Better Do Some Tourism

"It is good that you understand. Facing people at this level, death will just be the best outcome, there are far worse outcomes, and this Great God Yale seems to like using them to punish."

The Smuggler Association knew very well what happened at the Sacred Empire. After all, there was a smuggler involved, and although she wasn’t related to them, they wanted to check if her actions could provoke that someone started to kill all the smugglers, which would be a real problem to them.

Their network learned about the Existence Eraser Bomb before even the members of the Council of Gods excluding Great God Kroh, and they knew that the Council of Gods wouldn’t allow something like that to exist and even less to be spread illegally, so there were high chances that all the smugglers became targets.

Fortunately, they weren’t attacked after the Sacred Empire received its punishment, but they had enough information about the punishment to put Yale directly on the list of people to never be offended.

In fact, even if they knew about Yale’s true power, they would still put him in that list. Just the rumors of Great God Kroh backing him and the fact that so many Great Gods wanted to be his friends was enough to turn him into someone that they couldn’t offend.

In a shady business like the Smuggler Association, they always thought about the worst situation when acting, so they wouldn’t make additional enemies without reason, and even less those with potential to wipe out them.

As for the woman colluding with the Sacred Empire, no one knew her whereabouts after that incident. She went to hiding immediately and didn’t dare to show her face for a while due to the fear that Yale would discover her.

The Emperor cut the communication just after that. He was really scared at that moment because he knew that the Gods could use Existence Eraser, which would make that no one remembered them.

If he needed to die, at least he wanted to be remembered, so being erased would be a real nightmare for him.

Of course, that was the worst situation that the Emperor could imagine because he didn’t know about what happened to the Sacred Empire.

The Smuggler association gifted him with some information about Yale to ensure that they wouldn’t be seen as helping the Emperor to harm Yale but the opposite.

As for what the Emperor would do next, they really didn’t care since they already told him to never offend Yale, so it wouldn’t be their fault if the Emperor did something reckless.

"Interesting, this is better than expected. I can use it at my favor."

Those words were spoken by someone hidden in the same room the Emperor used to contact the Smuggler Association.

That person in the room was Yale, or more exactly, a very weak incarnation of Yale.

He had hidden fragments of incarnations of the ice wolves he sent to attack and then attached them to those attacked. After losing Yale, they all used a portal to return to the palace, which let Yale to gather all the fragments and create an incarnation there, although it only served to collect information.

If the Emperor hadn’t hesitated so much about what to do, Yale’s incarnation wouldn’t have been able to spy that conversation, but the doubts of the Emperor had been long enough to let the survivors of the army return there.

Yale didn’t like smugglers, but he didn’t have a bad impression of that Smuggler Association since they aided him with his plan to trick the Emperor.

"The plan will be smoother now, but I wonder if in the future I can do something to make that Smuggler Association mine, their information network seems great, and if it is true that so many important people want my favor, legalizing them shouldn’t be difficult, but managing everything sounds like a pain. Now I really wish that Julie was here, I bet she would get excited with the chance of controlling such a bit organization, and I wouldn’t need to do anything."

Yale was really tempted to absorb it since it would help him to track down all his enemies no matter where they were. He really lacked an information network at that level.

However, that wasn’t something possible in a short while, so he just forgot it for the moment.

The incarnation remained in the palace as a spy, but since the incarnation was in the same universe as Yale’s main body, they were perfectly synchronized, so Yale knew about everything the incarnation saw.

"You two, go out."

He forced Tofesh and the old man to leave the Storage Space.

"The issue is solved. Let’s do some tourism."

When he spoke, Tofesh and the old man didn’t understand the situation and looked at him with baffled faces.

It was one thing if Yale escaped from the enemies or even if he managed to defeat them, but doing some tourism wasn’t something that they could do since they were wanted criminals in that universe, or at least, the old man was one.

"Stop worrying. No one will harm us, most likely the opposite. Just wait for the Emperor to invite us politely at his palace."

Yale laughed when he spoke, but it just increased the shock the other two felt.

They didn’t understand what Yale did to have such confidence that the selfish Emperor with such a great army would try to speak with them peacefully.

However, they didn’t think that Yale was lying, so they nodded and followed him.

After a few days, they found a planet famous for their dished, so Yale decided to stop there to taste them.

The reactions of the people were like Yale predicted. Everyone was extremely polite with them and even served all the best food for free.

That kind of treatment was something that the old man hadn’t experienced since the times that his father was still the Emperor.

The orders of the Emperor quickly reached all parts of the universe, so everyone knew that the group in front of them couldn’t be offended, or the Emperor would punish them.

They didn’t understand why the most wanted criminal of the universe was together with a person that even the Emperor considered important, but the Emperor said clearly that those traveling together with Yale were also untouchable.

Most people wondered about Yale’s background to have the Emperor think so highly about him, but they knew very well that they were weaklings without power to meddle in those matters.

Of course, they reported Yale’s presence immediately and received orders to give him an invitation to the palace, but they didn’t dare to speak until everyone finished the meal.

"Sirs, our Emperor told us that you all are invited to visit the palace whenever you want. We have a portal if you wish to go now. if not, a lot of planets have, you can use this token to use them."

A token that could activate those portals was extremely valuable, and usually only those very close to the Emperor and the army had it, but the Emperor decided to give one to Yale to show that he didn’t want any conflict with him.

"I will visit him when I feel like doing it. Another round of dishes, the taste isn’t bad."

In fact, the dishes were delicious enough to cry from happiness when eating them, but Yale and Tofesh had eaten even better dished before, so they weren’t especially moved by them. They could even cook better ones themselves.

The old man hadn’t tasted something that good in ages, but he managed to maintain the composure.

The people serving them would have felt angry if someone else told them those words, but the man who spoke seemed to be very important to the Emperor, so they decided that their food being not bad was already a big compliment.

Although Yale received the token, after eating several rounds of dishes, he just left the planned followed by Tofesh and the old man.

He was in a rush, but showing that to the Emperor wouldn’t be good, so he acted as if he didn’t mind meeting the Emperor or not, which just increased the illusion that he was an almighty being that could destroy the universe at any moment if he felt like doing it, so the Emperor wasn’t important to him at all.

Yale’s group visited several planets famous for several things because they were doing tourism just as Yale said.

Although that behavior made the Emperor even more wary of Yale, it also seemed to confirm that Yale hadn’t appeared there to provoke a war, which made him believe that everything could be solved speaking.

Meanwhile, Yale’s incarnation continued looking for information about the palace and everyone close to the Emperor, which was quite easy since the incarnation was inside the palace.

Moreover, Yale’s incarnation was made specifically for spying, so although it didn’t have any battle power, it was extremely difficult to detect.

The news about Yale’s group doing tourism spread, and people weren’t surprised at all when seeing them, but the tourism routine broke when on a certain planet, Yale spoke.

"Guide us to the portal. Now, I feel like visiting your Emperor."

Yale was ready to start his final plan in that universe.

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