
Chapter 609 An Expected Reaction

Before there was time for a reply, Yale had already disappeared, but that was quite typical from him since he obtained the True Dimensional Divinity.

As for what had happened inside the magma pool, Yale wasn’t lying when he said that he wouldn’t say anything while staying inside the multiverse, so Firene was clueless about it.

Yale returned directly to his house, where he discovered that Lina was looking for him.

"Why do you always disappear without notice?"

Although Lina didn’t mind that Yale used the True Dimensional Divinity to travel quickly, she didn’t like that he did it without telling her first. She couldn’t monitor other universes, so she was worried each time he disappeared.

"I received an emergency signal from Aizu, which means mortal danger. I didn’t dare to be late."

Lina just sighed after hearing those words. She understood that Yale didn’t want harm to any of his disciples roaming other universes, so she could understand Yale’s haste.

"Alright, I can’t blame you for this, but I am still feeling that you are hiding something."

She had been feeling that way since Wyba left without notice. Although she returned several times, those were rather quick visits.

Yale suddenly going to help with Shiba’s training was also very suspicious, and Yale’s travels outside made Lina feel that there was some big secret that she didn’t know.

"It isn’t a big secret, it is just that the Council of Gods is holding a competition among disciples, and everyone is pretty excited. Those without disciples are like crazy looking for a disciple they liked. Aizu was chosen by one of them, but the methods used were rather harsh to her level, so I needed to help before she was killed by mistake."

Although he could have lied saying that there wasn’t any secret and it would have probably worked, Yale didn’t like to tell lies to his wife.

"So, this is what is happening. Eini and I were already thinking that there was some kind of huge war and that you and Shiba were trying to leave us out of it or something like that."

If Yale was a mortal, he wouldn’t have been able to avoid sweating by Lina’s guess because she pretty much guessed correctly. Fortunately, he wasn’t a mortal, and there was no way he sweated without wanting to sweat.

"Well, since it is just a competition among disciples, it shouldn’t be dangerous. What is the type of competition? A tournament? Can we go to see?"

Since Shiba would be the one participating, Lina knew that Eini would want to go and see, and she also wanted to see it.

"Well, it is dangerous. It won’t be a tournament but an expedition to a Sealed Universe to gather information. I will create screens to monitor everything, but I don’t know if the others would allow outsiders to come and see. Before you say something, this was decided without me knowing it. I just learned it recently thanks to Barha, who came to take Wyba as her disciple."

At that moment, Yale decided to tell everything to Lina. He didn’t want at the start, but it was better to tell her everything than letting her go to investigate on her own.

"An expedition? Dangerous? Well, I know that you can resurrect everyone later, so it doesn’t mean that much, but I still dislike the idea."

Lina believed that the other members of the Council of Gods thought about Yale’s True Resurrection Divinity and decided that the danger didn’t matter, but Shiba was like a little brother to Lina, so she wasn’t happy seeing that he was being sent to suffer.

"It is worse than you think. I already investigated that Sealed Universe, and I can’t resurrect people that die there."

Yale had yet to tell the other members of the Council of Gods about that detail, but he will need to explain it before sending the disciples. He was delaying it because the others played tricks to give him less time to prepare.

"How can that be? You have the True Resurrection Divinity, there is no way you can’t resurrect someone."

Lina couldn’t believe Yale’s words.

"That is incorrect. I can’t resurrect deceased True Gods, no one can. For some reason, the same is happening to everyone in the Sealed Universe, so if someone dies there, I am powerless."

As for the plans he had with the Time Faction, those needed to remain secret.

"What is a True God? A level ahead of Great God? Anyway, since that place is so dangerous, you should change it for somewhere else. Or that I would want to say, but I bet that there is a reason that won’t allow that to happen, right?"

Lina knew Yale’s personality. There was no way he allowed Shiba to go to such a dangerous place if there wasn’t an important reason, and the same went to Wyba and Aizu that became disciples of other members of the Council of Gods.

"True God is a flawed level. It can’t be really considered a level but reaching it will allow you to train your Divinities to True Divinity, so you can have True Divinities without being the first in obtaining them. However, as I said, death at that level is permanent. If your body reaches death, there is no way to reform the body or reincarnate. Dying is extremely easy as a True God, so you must avoid that breakthrough."

Although Lina was strong as a Great God, she was still far from a True God, so Yale wasn’t worried that she would advance, but it was better being cautious.

"I understand."

Lina knew that Yale hadn’t explained about that level earlier because it was better if she didn’t even know that it existed. The temptation to reach a new level was high, but the huge downside couldn’t be ignored.

"Alright. Anyway, I can’t discard that what is happening to that Sealed Universe will start happening in other places, so don’t count that I can resurrect others. Now, I think I need to tell you the reason for the competition..."

Then, Yale explained about the war that would happen in the future and how the Council of Gods would need to battle.

It was a multiverse level war, so there was no way Lina didn’t notice when it started. As a family member of Yale, there was no doubt that she would be targeted by the enemies.

Of course, Yale only told the official information about the war. He couldn’t tell her the same he told to the Earth God and the Water Goddess.

"I see, the situation is unavoidable. I need to agree to you letting Shiba joining given the situation, but you must let me join too."

That was the point that Yale feared the most to happen, but also one that he knew that it would happen once Lina learned about the matter.

"You aren’t a disciple of a member of the Council of Gods, and you are too strong to become one now. Well, I guess that with the fragment of legacy you obtained back then, you count as Alrein’s disciple, but it is only one disciple per member, and he is already taking someone else to the competition."

Lina might want to join, but she wasn’t qualified, so she was quite sad. Yale knew that it would happen, but once she started to be suspicious, it was better being honest with her.

"Then, let me become a member of the Council of Gods, and Eini will go as my disciple. Don’t tell me she doesn’t count because I am the one who taught her almost everything she knows. In fact, I helped Shiba far more than you back then."

Lina knew that Eini wouldn’t let Shiba go on his own once she learned about it, and Lina wasn’t planning to keep that mater secret from her.

Although Lina was also worried about sending Eini, she knew that Eini would suffer too much if Shiba died while she didn’t do anything to prevent it.

Yale could only let a hollow laugh when he heard those words. He was reincarnating back then. There was no way he could have taken care of Shiba. He had left a legacy to help him because he wouldn’t be able to be there.

"Eini counts, but if you are expecting me to call the other members to give you a membership, it is too late. In the current situation, they won’t be accepting others easily. It just means more people to compete for a higher position on the hierarchy."

If it was before the Council of Gods noticed that there would be a war when Lina asked to be a member, it would be easy for Yale to make her a member, but it was already too late, and Yale didn’t plan to travel through time to change it. There were too many variables implied in doing that, and he didn’t want to mess up the things when he couldn’t make a single misstep.

"Then, I will look for one of those rebels and steal the membership. No problems with that, right?"

Even without help, she had decided to join, and no one would stop her.

"Wait. I have another way."

Having Lina going to face the rebels on her own was too dangerous, Yale wouldn’t allow it.

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