
Chapter 219

Chapter 219

This multi-faculty disciplinary committee had been convened because of the students involved, and the Temple’s Vice-Chancellor was present. If this had been an internal disciplinary committee made up of faculty from the Orbis Class, Lilka Aaron’s words would have been futile, since the Orbis Class teachers did not want to break this structure. They were not keen to intervene directly, but let seniors use their own methods to ensure that the junior students worked hard. They did not want to abolish this structure, and even subtly encouraged it.

Oscar de Gradias wore a peculiar expression. His face seemed rigid but he wore a strange smile, as if he found the situation amusing. Vice-Chancellor Assyria Wolken looked at the teachers of the Orbis Class, whose faces had turned white. New culprits had now been discovered.

“Is what Lilka Aaron said true?”


“It appears to be true.”

The silence that met her question seemed to be all that Assyria Wolken needed. Excessive violence among students, encouraged by their own teachers, had become a new issue.

“I knew the atmosphere in the Orbis Class was oppressive and rigid, but I didn’t realize it was this bad.”

Assyria Wolken was the Vice-Chancellor of the Temple and had some inkling of the culture of the Orbis Class, but she hadn’t anticipated the severity of the violence inflicted by the seniors on their juniors. Mr. Effenhauser didn’t look particularly surprised, but Mustang looked shocked and worried, and was almost on the verge of tears.

‘No way, is she actually sniffling?’

One of the Orbis Class teachers spoke into the tense silence.

“I don’t think this is the appropriate place for this discussion. Let’s stick to the agenda of this disciplinary committee and discuss this matter elsewhere...”

Assyria Wolken nodded. “Yes, that would usually be the correct decision. This isn’t the place to discuss this. However, it’s clear what will be communicated to that student, Lilka Aaron, and the Orbis Class students before the next disciplinary or adjustment committee meeting. Or rather, no words will be exchanged.”

The only thing that would occur would be violence. Lilka Aaron, if she returned to the Orbis Class dormitory like this, might face a fate worse than death.

“Immediate measures concerning the Orbis Class seem necessary.” Assyria Wolken neatly organized the reports and placed them to the side. “The current disciplinary committee is on hold.”

‘How decisive of her.’

“Urgent measures need to be taken regarding the Orbis Class.”

Assyria Wolken had decided to focus on an immediate issue at hand, rather than the original hearing.

“All first-year students of the Orbis Class are to be summoned to the main hall immediately.”

She clearly believed that any delay might allow the Orbis Class faculty to manipulate the situation internally.

The crazy war I was waging with the Orbis Class seemed to be snowballing into an unforeseen catastrophe that might bring the entire Orbis Class into ruin. With matters going in this direction, it was obvious what would happen.

[Special Achievement Unlocked - Turning Point In History (Orbis Class)]

[Your actions have significantly altered history.]

[You have received 1,000 achievement points.]

The number of achievement points I had, which had fallen to around 2,000, were now back up in the 4,000 range.

‘This is exactly why I can’t stop causing trouble.’


The result of the disciplinary committee hearing was inconclusive, and the hearing itself was now postponed.

Even though I knew a little about the future—or perhaps because I knew about the future—seeing this sort of butterfly effect always felt quite peculiar. At the time I first saw Erhi de Raffaeli in the dormitory after being beaten up by Lilka Aaron, I never imagined it would come to this.

I went to pick a fight with Lilka Aaron partly to earn achievement points and partly to have a look at the notable figures in the Orbis Class. That led to my fight with Oscar de Gradias, that arrogant prick.

I had demonstrated in that encounter that standing up to seniors would not result in them beating you to death. Lilka Aaron had lost by passing out, but in the end, she was still beaten mercilessly.

‘Since you’ll get hit either way, why aren’t you screaming?’

It had been a needless interference, but it had resonated with them. They had endured so much pent-up suffering and had just been waiting for someone to break the dam. The irony was that the dam-breaker was someone from the Royal Class, not the Orbis Class.

Anyway, since the disciplinary committee was postponed, all of us, including the teachers, left the main hall.

The Orbis Class teachers looked at Lilka Aaron as if she were a traitor, not a student.

I hadn’t had a proper conversation with Lilka Aaron. Honestly, there was no reason for things between us to be amicable, but something had been exchanged in the midst of those flying fists.

She had wanted to be knocked unconscious, and I had granted her wish.

It was laughable to think that such an incident would earn me something resembling goodwill. The world really was unpredictable.

“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” I asked, facing the back of Lilka Aaron, who was standing rigidly in front of the main hall.

“... I don’t want to hear that from someone in your state.”

Lilka Aaron was battered, but I was the one hobbling around on crutches. She seemed to think it incredulous that I would ask if she was okay.

“If nothing changes even after this, I’ll have to drop out. Or maybe transfer to the General Class,” she said.

She seemed to have come to several conclusions in her own mind. As an Orbis student, she seemed to have recognized that she was being forced to bear too many obligations and sacrifices for the privileges she received, and had come to the realization that it was better to give up than to carry such burdens any longer.

“It’s not just me who’s thinking about dropping out. Everyone thinks the same.”

It wasn’t just Lilka Aaron. All of them had been enduring the suffering because they didn’t want to be labeled as failures or expelled from a special class. Now, though, they had decided not to endure it any longer.

Lilka Aaron wasn’t acting as a lone wolf; she had decided to take the lead. I was starting to understand why this event marked a turning point in history. This incident had the potential to escalate into a mass dropout of first-year students from the Orbis Class.

“Anyway, it’s not really my place to say this after being thoroughly beaten up, but...” The small-framed Lilka Aaron looked up at me. “I’m grateful to you.”

A lot would change because of the fight with me.

All of them had decided to band together to change things, and I hoped that this would also resolve the future issue with Ender Wilton. If this incident was settled properly, the possibility of him resorting to dark magic or becoming a monster due to his hunger for power, fueled by the constant violence and coercion of his seniors, would vanish.

However, if Ender Wilton’s inclination towards dark magic was driven by personal ambition and sense of inferiority, the issue might still exist.

For now, decisive measures had to be taken. Whether it involved meeting him directly or dealing with the dark magic he might get involved with, it had to be addressed somehow.

And then...


Oscar de Gradias, who had left the main hall slightly later than us, glanced at the two of us. He passed us without saying a word, but with a strange smile on his face.

At that moment, the Orbis Class teachers and seniors were, quite literally, in deep trouble.

So why was he smiling?

A chill ran down my spine.


After parting ways with Lilka Aaron, I rode the tram back to the Royal Class dormitory with the Royal Class teachers who had attended the disciplinary committee.

“Really, how could that happen? It’s one thing for the seniors to take part, but the teachers condoning such behavior...” Ms. Mustang said with a deep sigh, clearly both angry and saddened by the harsh and violent environment that the Orbis Class students were facing.

“Reinhart, even though the disciplinary committee has been postponed without coming to a proper conclusion, don’t get into any more trouble, okay?” she warned me sternly.

“Yes, yes.”

She was a kind and considerate teacher, who deeply cares for her students and is the Class B advisor. She truly fit the atmosphere of the Class B well.

Most of the Class A students and their teacher were arrogant and cold, which reflected their class atmosphere.

However, I had just seen another side of Mr. Effenhauser that I did not know of before. Despite his cold and strict tone, he had thoroughly defended me.

My behavior had certainly been bad, but I had good interpersonal relationships.

“The Temple’s goal is to nurture excellent talents, and Reinhart is the best talent in the Temple. There is no reason to abandon him.”

It was a very Effenhauser-like form of support.

Mr. Effenhauser was quietly staring out of the tram window while Ms. Mustang murmured something next to him as if nothing had happened.

Still, I had to give credit where it was due.

“Mr. Effenhauser, thank you for today.”

I never expected that Mr. Effenhauser would defend me to such an extent, and some parts of his defense had been excessive. Saying that I was the best talent in the Temple while leaving Ellen Artorius out of the picture wasn’t exactly keeping to the truth.

“What do you mean?”

“... Sorry?”

“You have no reason to thank me,” Mr. Effenhauser said simply, still quietly looking out the window.

He didn’t seem to think there was any reason for him to be thanked.

No self-praise, no words of encouragement, nothing.

It was as if protecting one’s student is simply the job of a teacher, and that was all he’d done.

Effenhauser didn’t even want gratitude.

The more I saw of him, the more peculiar he seemed. Was he perhaps embarrassed?

“B-But still, calling me the best talent in the Temple, isn’t that an exaggeration?” I asked, wanting to know why he’d given me such undue praise, since even I didn’t believe it.

Effenhauser finally looked me in the eye.

“Opinions may vary, but I genuinely believe that.”

“... Sorry?”

So... He was serious?

Seeing my confusion, Mr. Effenhauser said quietly, “Number 2 was already complete when she enrolled, but you are being completed here.”

Unlike Ellen, who had been able to do many things right from the start, I had enrolled while unable to do anything, but was growing at an astounding rate. Mr. Effenhauser was assessing the speed of my progress rather than the actual level I had attained so far.

All this was genuinely a bit overwhelming, though.

What was I supposed to say? It felt really weird to receive such praise from someone with that expression.

“Ellen knows how to use Mana Reinforcement, though.”

“You did that this time too.”

‘But still, the side effects we experienced were on completely different levels, weren’t they?’

It was clear that this man genuinely considered me the best genius in the Temple.

But hearing him say it so earnestly...

It felt a bit strange...


Even though my dealings with the Orbis Class had been wrapped up, it was just the beginning for them.

The Temple headquarters had now realized that the chain of violence that was being spread within the class would never be resolved internally, and seemed genuine in their desire to take appropriate and immediate actions concerning it.

If left alone, an internal cover-up was inevitable, and so they decided to keep all the first-year students, who were still primarily the victims, at the Temple Headquarters for their own protection.

Following that, an emergency announcement was made that the Orbis Class would be suspended.

The suspension might not be lifted until the internal issues within the class were completely resolved. Many students might get expelled, and several teachers could even be dismissed.

The special classes were offered special status both within the Temple and the imperial capital.

However, given the severity of the internal issues, some of the perpetrators might face actual imprisonment.

Honestly, the bruises that marked Lilka Aaron’s body had seemed horrendous, even to me.

Did they really beat someone like that just because they lost a fight? It was shocking.

Now that I could move around with crutches, I could attend classes again.

On Friday, after the Demonic Ecology class ended, we were on our way back.

Those attending the Demonic Ecology class included Ellen, Riana, Harriet and myself.

“You managed to shake up the entire Orbis Class with just one fight,” Harriet said.

“That was because of the disciplinary committee. I didn’t even say anything in there,” I muttered irritably in response to Harriet’s teasing.

Honestly, I never expected things to escalate this much. I hadn’t said a word at the disciplinary committee hearing. It was Lilka Aaron who had orchestrated the whole plan with the others in her class to bring down the seniors. Of course, my actions had some influence, though...

Ultimately, it was true that my slight push had triggered the first domino to fall. If left alone, the Orbis Class would have continued operating in its usual way.

Harriet seemed amused by my slightly annoyed state and asked with a grin, “Your troublemaking is getting more and more grand. Seriously, what’s next? Are you going to destroy the entire Temple?”

Harriet, having grown accustomed to teasing me, was trying not to lose in this exchange.

She’d developed a thicker skin from all the banter she’d gotten from me.

Her thick skull had evolved...

“Harriet! Now I’m actually worried he might really do that,” said Riana, looking a bit apprehensive. “I knew he was a complete lunatic, but I didn’t expect him to charge solo into the Orbis Class, pick a fight, and even go after a senior in his fourth year...”

Even Riana, who was usually quite laid-back, seemed genuinely shocked this time. Her internal assessment of my lunacy seemed to have gone up a few notches.

Ellen, who was walking with us, remained quiet, walking beside me regardless of what we were talking about.

Suddenly, Ellen spoke up. “Slower.”

“... What?”

“Let’s walk slower.”

Ellen pointed to me. It was only then that everyone else seemed to realize they were walking too fast for someone on crutches, and they slowed their pace.

Harriet’s face turned slightly red, while Riana scratched her cheek awkwardly.

“Did you only just realize that you’re complaining in front of a patient, you spawns of Satan?” I remarked.

Well, technically, the demons were the real spawns of Satan. That was me.

Both of them fell silent, seemingly feeling a little bad.

‘Ellen is the only one on my side!’

I looked at Ellen.

“While you’re at it, could you carry me?”

‘Carry me! You even fed me last time! Take care of me, Ellen!’

“... That’s too much, I’m not doing that.”

Ellen seemed slightly put off by my blatant whining and stepped away from me. Riana and Harriet both looked at me in shock.

“Wow, you’ve completely regressed into a child.”

Riana’s sharp remark left me at a loss for words.

‘Hey, it’s normal for people to regress a bit when they’re in pain!’

Of course, in my case, I seemed to have suffered full-on dementia-level regression.

Crutches... They were such a pain. My body hadn’t fully healed yet and was still aching all over.



While I was walking well enough, my crutch caught on something, and I almost fell. Ellen appeared swiftly like a flash of lightning and supported me .

As she held me up she asked worriedly, “Are you okay?”

‘Hmm? What’s this?’

She had caught me with such lightning-fast reflexes that I’d nearly had a heart attack.

‘Is this what they call heart-fluttering? I’m so nervous. What do I do?’

“Do you want me to carry you on my back?”

That really caught me off guard.

Ellen really seemed to believe that I was struggling and was ready to carry me.

Both Harriet, Riana, and I looked startled by Ellen’s earnest offer.

“J-Jeez, I-I was just kidding... I can walk fine...” I replied, stunned.

What Riana had said at the mansion in Edina Archipelago was so true...

I talked a big game, but if someone got serious, I got scared and ran away.

In the end, I was just like Olivia Lanche.

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