
Chapter 355 - Drawing Down the Moon


Lin Xuefeng lifted his hand, flashed near Lin Xun and knocked out with his misty palm angrily.

In an instant, with a thunderclap, the ground paved with fine steel stones was broken into cracks.

Lin Xun was shaken back again as before.

“Next, let me show you the real power of Sea Spirit Realm!”

In his indifferent words, Lin Xuefeng rose in the sky and overlooked Lin Xun as his body was surrounded with bright light.

“Brother Xuefeng starts to make a big move!”

“It’s long overdue.”

Everyone around was excited. They wished that Lin Xuefeng could immediately suppress Lin Xun.

“Lin Xun could be regarded as a talent practitioner since Xuefeng need to make a big blow to suppress him. However, the situation will change from now on.”

In the distance, Lin Huaiyuan murmured in his heart.

“Walk in the air and hurt people with telekinesis!Young master has fallen into a disadvantage as Xuefeng made this big move.”

Lin Zhong’s heart was tightened. He really worried about Lin Xun.

The most unique ability of Sea Spirit Realm was that one could fly to the sky and hurt people across the air. Lin Xun couldn’t achieve this in Heaven-gang Realm.

It was obvious that Lin Xuefeng could suppress Lin Xun in movements.


In the middle of the sky, Lin Xuefeng looked down at Lin Xun like a god. He interlaced his arms and made a free stroke, when misty spiritual light poured down in the whole arena.

Bang bang bang!

A series of blasts sounded.

The ethereal spirit light seemed gentle, but as soon as it fell, it broke the void and produced a deafening roar.

It was obviously a unique terrible method!

Lin Xun’s black eyes kept calm, but his body shifted immediately like a flash of lightning, flickering in the arena.

Whoosh ~ ~

For a while, there were full of shadows in the arena left by Lin Xun when he moved. His movement skills was really shocking.

Lin Xun narrowly defused Lin Xuefeng’s attack only by dodging!

“F**k! How was this possible? ”

“This blow could hurt people across the sky. Brother Xuefeng’s attack has covered all directions. It’s hard for anyone in Heaven-gang Realm to dodge, but how Lin Xun...”

“How on earth did he do it?”

“Sea Spirit Realm’s terrifying power could suppress others like a net from the sky, how could Lin Xun dodge such a blow?”

People on the scene were full of astonishment. They didn’t expect that Lin Xun, who was at a disadvantage, could completely rely on his quick movement to avoid Lin Xuefeng’s attack.


In the void, Lin Xuefeng snorted coldly. He exerted all his strength in this unique method this time and dreamy misty rain poured down again.

Every attack of the raindrop was able to kill any man of Heaven-gang Realm, which could even threaten the man of Sea Spirit Realm.

The power released made the arena fall into a chaotic turbulence. The void whined, the air flow collapsed, sounding harsh.

People looked at it open-mouthed.

This was the power of Sea Spirit Realm, standing in the void, killing enemies across the air. Every single movement could release power of crashing mountain and sea!

Under such violent and terrible attacks, Lin Xun was obviously in a mess like a lonely boat on the turbulence sea, which would be capsized at any time.

Lin Zhong was frightened and nervous to the extreme when he saw such dangerous scene.

Many people in the field couldn’t help cheering. They thought that Lin Xun could not escape under such repression!

But as time passed, Lin Xun, who was supposed to be suppressed under the eyes of the public, avoided successfully from severe attack and saved himself at every very moment.

Although he was in a mess and suffered many injuries in the process of dodging, bleeding.

But he didn’t fall down yet!

“Let me see how long could you hold on!”

Lin Xuefeng’s face was full of gloom. His arms were moving continuously, interweaving waves of misty light.

The whole arena vibrated and roared. It could be seen how terrible Lin Xuefeng’s attack was.

Observing Lin Xuefeng carefully, his complexion went up red and his body was full of spirit light. Obviously, he had used all his strength.

Lin Xun was in danger under such attacks. He was covered with blood and had numerous wounds.

But his deep dark eyes still kept extremely calm.

He seemingly had difficulties in dodging, but he had not been crushed to the ground.

“How could Lin Xun still be unbeaten? It was so strange!”

“Xuefeng had successfully passed the Nation Test with Sea Spirit Realm. How could Lin Xun hold on till now in Heaven-gang Realm.”

“I can’t understand. This duel is very strange.”

Everyone around was shocked. They didn’t know how Lin Xun achieved this.

Even Lin Huaiyuan in the distance was shocked. In his eyes, Lin Xun seemed to have some predictability that enabled him to avoid a killing move every time when he was at risk.

It was also incredible.

“Young master, his understanding of general trend of nature had reached the perfect, which was superior to Xuefeng in Sea Spirit Realm”

Lin Zhong seemed aware of something and was shocked.

Lin Xun was unable to fight back under such attacks. But when he dodged, he was able to observe the power trend caused by Lin Xuefeng!

He dodged like a prophet in this way and avoided several risky hurts.

Before long, something which was more unexpected happened. Lin Xuefeng, who exerted his divine power in the void, flew down to the ground!

Lin Xuefeng was also suffering in his heart. Although he took advantage in the air, he consumed a lot of power as he attacked with all his strength.

In particular, he had just been promoted to Sea Spirit Realm and had not perfectly adopted the power of Sea Spirit, which made him dare not fight like this in a long time.

Otherwise, if he ran out of his energy, he might give Lin Xun a chance to turn over the situation!

Of course, Lin Xuefeng had another plan in mind. As soon as he fell to the ground, he suddenly flashed to kill Lin Xun.

If he couldn’t hurt Lin Xun in the air, he could fight with Lin Xun at close range!

Depending on his power, no matter how slippery Lin Xun was, he would ravage Lin Xun easily!

However, Lin Xun seemed to have been waiting for this moment for a long time. When Lin Xuefeng came, he suddenly stopped dodging.


Lin Xuefeng’s eyes narrowed. It was beyond his expectation.


At this moment, Flowing-light Saber appeared. Reaching for the Star, which he had fully mastered, was shown at the same time!

In a blink of an eye, people saw the eternal night coming and all stars falling with destroying momentum.


Lin Xuefeng was directly split by this knife. He stepped out more than 30 meters away. If he didn’t defend himself by a bronze sword at the critical moment, this blow could split him into two parts.


Lin Xuefeng was so angry that he couldn’t believe that Lin Xun, who was just a Heaven-gang Realm practitioner, could beat him back!

Lin Xun didn’t give Xuefeng time to react. He jumped forward and cut again!

This blow, borrowing the power of the moon, gave people a feeling that a bright moon was rising over the azure sea!

It contained the anger that Lin Xun had endured for a long time.

This blow was also the most decisive and tough counterattack against the ridicule and sarcasm around him since this battle started!

Who could bear such humiliation?

Who could be indifferent to these provocations?

Since he entered Northlight Lin, he didn’t get any respect besides rejection and ridicule!

How could he not be angry?

He had been waiting for this moment for so long. Now he finally seized the opportunity to put his most powerful blow out desperately.

This blow was one of three styles of Tianyuan Saberplay, Drawing Down the Moon!

It seemed this arena lapsed into an eternal night, where only a streak of blade light and the chill moon hanging high in the sky could be seen. As the chill moonlight dumped down, its power gradually converged on the blade.

An indescribable atmosphere of despair spread among the people around. They all looked dull with insignificance rising from the bottom of their heart.


Lin Xuefeng roared and tried his best to resist. But he still failed to stop the terrible blow. The bronze sword in his hand was directly broken and smashed into powder.

And his whole body was thrown away by this severe blow, and then flopped to the ground. His handsome face suddenly turned pale and he could not help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

There was a deadly silent in the field.

Everyone widened their eyes and looked at the scene with disbelief and astonishment.

A blow!

Hurt Xuefeng seriously!

Who could believe it?

At this time, even Lin Huaiyuan and other big wigs were shocked. The sabreplay L in Xun had just used was really amazing and unimaginable.

It couldn’t be the power belonging to Heaven-gang Realm practitioner!

It was too strong!

They couldn’t imagine that there was such a mysterious Saberplay in the world, which could allow a young man of Heaven-gang-realm hurt his opponent of Sea Spirit Realm!

“It turns out that young master also had a trump card......”

Lin Zhong murmured. He suddenly turned around and asked, “Zhu Laosan, can you see the mystery of that blow?”

Zhu Laosan didn’t reply.

Lin Zhong laughed at himself and knew that it was difficult to let Zhu Laosan, a quiet guy, talk.

“It looked like the rare Will-Insight Power.”

To Lin Zhong’s surprise, before long, Zhu Laosan sent him a message, which shocked him slightly and made him nod immediately.

He felt the same way.

Lin Xun’s blow had broken the line of realm power. It was just like a magic skill in the legend which contained the mysteries from the heaven and earth.

In the arena, Lin Xun stood there alone, with his body soaked in blood. Under the daylight, his handsome face was full of bravery and pride.

At this moment, many clansmen of Northlight Lin were speechless as if they had been slapped in the face. No one dared to make fun of Lin Xun.

They felt chilled just by looking at Lin Xun, wondering what a freak Lin Xun was!

How... how could he, a person in Heaven-gang Realm, counter attack and hurt Lin Xuefeng!

He was terrible!

“It not impossible –”

In the distance, Lin Xuefeng, who slumped on the ground, also blacked out for a moment. He couldn’t believe what had happened to him. His face turned extremely dark. With a roar, he turned up.

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